26. lis 2014.

The Sunday Post (#30)

Hello all. Well, as some of you know Sundays are always reserved for Sunday Post which is a meme created by lovely Kim @Caffeinated Book Reviews!

As we promised last week, you could notice that we've got better at interacting with you this week. So we can say that finally both Glass and Tanja are getting used to their routines and that now they know how to organize their time. Glass has been reading some interesting books this week, and you'll be happy to see her reviews for Grave Mercy and Dark Triumph. They are amazing and Tanja can confirm that. Sadly Tanja's been busy and couldn't read that much. She did read but books for her lit classes, there were interesting though.There are some other posts that you'll get to see. So here is the plan. 
  • Bookish Problems #12 - Reading Lists 
  • Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers (Review)
  • Waiting on Wednesday (#119)
  • Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers (Review) 
  • Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover (Review)
Tanja's haul 
Thank you S.M. Boyce 
Until the next time, 

Broj komentara: 38:

  1. I don't know about the book but I hope you'll like it. Happy reading!

  2. I haven't head of that book but it sounds interesting. I might have to check it out.
    Hope you have a good week.

  3. Glad to hear you guys seem to be working out your routine together! I haven't read many books this week either, but I hope to get into a bit more. Enjoy your book Tanja!

    1. I hope you'll get more time for reading next week too. Thanks, Jeann :)

  4. Looks like an exciting week coming up!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  5. I'm glad that you enjoyed Grave Mercy and Dark Triumph Glass! I loved Grave Mercy too, but just haven't had time to read Dark Triumph, I look forward to reading your reviews! I hope you both have a fantastic week! :)

    1. I cannot wait for you to see them, either ;) Thanks, Jasprit :)

  6. Enjoy your new book! I am curious about your read Get Happy....checking out the review.

    Thanks for visiting my blog, and have a great week.

  7. Hi guys -- thanks so much to both of you for stopping by. I'm about ¼ way through Mortal Heart. A lot of people told me it was their favorite of the three. So far it's really good :)
    Jen @ YA Romantics

  8. Working, reading and blogging is difficult. You do what you can and don;t stress on it. My Sun Po is here: http://fangswandsandfairydust.com/2014/10/rainy-days-giveaways-sunday-post.html

    1. Exactly! :) We're lucky to have each other when tough periods come :)

  9. Illusions looks perfect for Fall. Glad to see you are settling into a routine once again. Yes Grave Mercy and Dark Triumph rocked! Have a lovely week!

  10. Looking forward to your reviews of Robin LaFevers' books- I liked the first one, didn't read the second yet. And nice review of Love and Other Unknown Variables- that one wouldn't have been on my radar but it looks great from your review!

    1. I hope you'll get to read it soon. Thanks, Greg :)

  11. Looking forward to your Grave Mercy and Dark Triumph reviews. That series has been on my TBR list for awhile!!

    Terri M.
    Second Run Reviews

  12. Happy Glass loved Grave Mercy and Dark Triumph. Looking to read those reviews. Haven't heard about Illusion, hope you'll love it. Happy Reading :)

    and do check mine too here

  13. I really dropped the ball on commenting this week. My computer was in the repair shop for a few days and I just couldn't catch up, especially on my memes. I hope that doesn't happen again anytime soon. I love blog hopping and seeing what's shakin everywhere!
    here is my Sunday Post - http://fuonlyknew.com/2014/10/26/whats-new-on-my-bookshelf-84-and-the-sunday-post/

    1. Oh, I'm really sad to hear that! I know how hard it is to be without your computer. Glad to see you back :)

  14. Yes! I loved Grave Mercy and Dark Triumph and I look forward to your review, Glass! Illusion was your Waiting on Wednesday, right, Tanja? Yay for you then. I hope you enjoy it. :)

  15. I'm so happy to hear that, Heidi. Cannot wait to see your review :)

  16. That is a spooky cover on that book! I hope the story lives up to the cover.

  17. I've been behind on a lot of stuff on my blog recently(though I'm slowly catching up!), however I don't have a good excuse...beside laziness. =)

    Can't wait to see your reviews of Grave Mercy and Dark Triumph, Glass! I just finished Grave Mercy(and loved it) and am dying to read Dark Triumph!

    Hope you guys have a good week! =)

  18. Illusion sounds great, hope you enjoy and have a great week.

  19. Glad you were able to hop around the blog world a bit this past week. I did okay with that as well. School and work get in the way. hah

  20. So happy you both have read His Fair Assassin series now! You just need to read the last book, it is fabulous!!

  21. You have some good reviews coming up. I ope you enjoyed them. Glad you ladies are getting in a routine.

  22. Grave Mercies looks really good. Definitely sounds like you too have been busy but you've gotten a lot of posts out! Great job!

  23. That book looks really good. Hope you enjoy it :)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  24. Illusion has a freakishly creepy cover! Woah! I hope you like it. XD
    Thanks for stopping by @ Notebook Sisters!

  25. Congrats on getting into a routine, that seems to be my biggest challenge. If I'm doing good with one thing, I'm behind on another! I need to check out Illusion, that cover has me intrigued! Have a great week y'all :)



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