20. lis 2014.

The Scent of Legacy (Arkona Purpur, #1) by Drina Steinberg

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My rating: 3.5 stars

Book summary:

"Have you ever wondered if a dream is not just a dream? If a memory is more than a memory?
Whether everyone is the master of their own fate, or everyone’s destiny is written in the stars?
Have you ever had the feeling that there are no coincidences and that losing one’s mind is just a way of hiding the truth?
Would you dare to explore the secrets the origin of our blood holds?

The Scent of Legacy opens the doors to a whole new world. The world of a man with a secret larger than life and a woman whose madness can help her reveal it. Their inevitable encounter will spark forbidden flames, precipitate the clash of old enemies, and rediscover the long-forgotten idols.
In the first part of the Arkona Purpure trilogy, the author Drina Steinberg begins her story of the chosen legacy of the Slavic gods and sets out on a search for answers that will make you go on an adventure filled with twists, secrets, passion, and prohibitions. An adventure that will take you to the borders of contemporary world and Slavic mythology.
This is the story of the ancient origins of our blood.
The story after which nothing will ever be the same."


      The Scent of Legacy is a first novel in Arkona Purpur, paranormal series written by a new author, Drina Steinberg. I am especially happy to talk about this book today because she is our "neighbor", Drina is Serbian author. That is a main reason why I wish I liked The Scent of Legacy more then I did. It was a good book,  some parts I really enjoyed and others were... not so good.

  • Interesting idea. This is the first book I have read so far that is based on Slavic mythology. I don't even have to say that it's the part of the story that excited me the most considering that I am part of that (really big) group (read more about Slavs on Wikipedia). It was interesting to see how author managed to put together modern world and ancient beliefs. I've listened stories about  Rügen and last pagan Slavic temples my whole life. It was like going back to the childhood and listening my father's voice lulling me to a sleep with tales about god that sleeps and dreams about the world we live in.
  • But... For those who never before heard about Slavic mythology, it could be a little bit confusing. I know those tales and at the times I felt lost because some of the names or details were mentioned and not explained.
  • This is not YA. I do not know I thought it was. Main character, Purpur, is 39 and Lirai is even older. Yes, there are a few steamier scenes, but don't let that small detail push you away.
  • Characters? Story? I have no idea how to explain this and not spoil the story for you, but I will try. I hated and loved Purpur at the same time. At first, she won me over with how kick-ass she is, but then she turned into Bella Swan. And she is 39. If you know me and my reading preferences, you're well aware of my lack of patience for middle aged women who act like teenage girls. And there is this whole issue I had with a lack of chemistry between Lirai and Purpur. It should have been lust at first sight, but I just didn't buy it. That whole part made me so confused because everything happened fast and a lot of different characters were introduced into the story. Actually, first 30% book was confusing (and everyone using word "darling" three times on one page was a bit to much). Things did get better after that, we finally get some answers and everything starts unraveling faster. Ending kept me biting my nails and cheering for a good guys, but... I wish that few things were told differently, that timeline of the events wasn't so slow in the beginning and a little bit hectic in the end. 

      Final judgement?  I believe that The Scent of Legacy will find its fans among readers who love fantasy novels and who would love to read something a little bit different from their usual picks. Fantasy is not a genre that prefer and love (well, Melina Marchetta and Lumatere Chronicles are exception), so maybe that is why this book is not five star read for me. I would love to hear your thoughts about Arkona Purpur, so if you decide to read it, make sure to stop by and share your review links with us.

Happy reading,

*Copy of this book was provided by author in exchange for an honest review.*

Broj komentara: 19:

  1. Not YA?! LOL, isn't it funny how we are drawn to them and it is odd when we are out of the genre!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

    1. I know. I actually don't mind adult books - my reading taste includes everything from coloring books to erotica. But I really thought that this one is YA. :)

  2. I'm surprised it's not YA. And I confess I don't know about Slavic mythology but it's intriguing. I want to learn about it.

    1. If you like Greek mythology, you'll like Slavic, too.

  3. Svakako zanimljiva recenzija i dugo očekivana. Svakako ću je pročitati.

    1. Voljela bih da mi se svidjela vise (izmedju ostalog zato sto si mi je ti preporucio), ali... :(

    2. Cenim to što su ti prikazi iskreni. Uostalom, ocena je sasvim solidna :)

  4. First off, Arkona Purpur has such a nice ring to it when you say it a number of times. I've never heard of this book before, but hey, it's always good to check out books by neighbours. I do that too, once in a while. I think our fantasy fan Tanja will like this book more. I don't know anything about Slavic mythology and this doesn't seem like it's a book for me, but I'm glad you gave it a try and liked it just enough, Glass. Great review!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. I loved that title, too. And there is this really cool explanation later in the book.
      You know me well, Sarika. :) I believe Tanja would love this more than me.
      Thank you.

  5. Slavic mythology is totally new to me so I would probably be a little lost with this but I am glad you enjoyed it and that cover really is pretty! I love the colors used for it.

  6. I was definitely intrigued by the mention of Slavic mythology, I'm not familiar with it at all but am a huge fan of mythology in general. I don't like being confused though, and I definitely don't care for grown women who act like teenagers, so those two things are a touch off putting. I'm glad there were some things that worked well for you though!

  7. Aaww, it sucks when you FINALLY find a local author, and really want to support 'em, only to discover that their book is only so-so. I've never read a story that revolved around Slavic mythology either, but the other aspects kinda leave me lukewarm.

  8. I really liked the cover and the idea of Slavic mythology is awesome, but I don't think I would be able to handle the middle-aged woman acting like a teenager. I struggle with childish characters, so I don't think this would be for me. I'm glad this was a decent read for you though, Glass. :)
    Lovely review!

  9. My computer is so F*** up, it copies and pastes random things, adds letters and reloads the page whenever it feels like, that its impossible for me to post a comment. i actually wrote two separate comments and then had to erased them just for that reason. sorry.
    All i wanted to say is that i loved your review. Its critical and yet it doesn't diverts the reader away from the book. it might just makes me more curious to read this just so i can see what bothered you and will it bother me two... that's all i wanted to say!
    Boyanna The Bookmaidens

  10. Not sure it is for me but the slavic aspect sounds interesting

  11. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my book and write this review on your blog. Hope you’ll enjoy my future work!

  12. Oh my, I really thought this was YA. And, no, never heard of Slavic mythology. I guess I should skip this one, doesn't sound exciting to my eyes anyway but VERY informative review!!



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