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Book summary:
Abbot and Ryan Matthews have been inseparable best friends since the moment
they met. Each of them fight an internal battle, unwilling to risk their
incredible friendship, but unable to quell their deep longing for the other. On
the verge of Ryan’s departure to Harvard Medical School and Julia’s for her new
job on the opposite coast, they are forced to face the undeniable truth of
their deeper feelings and find themselves enthralled in a passion like neither
has ever known.
lovers are faced with forced separation, great distances and others who try to
sabotage their relationship as both of them work to build the shared future
they both dream of. When their lives begin to finally gel, Julia is offered a
promotion that will jettison her career to new heights. Ryan is left angry and
bereft as it will only postpone their reunion yet again. In light of the
sacrifices she has made for him, he can hardly deny her, and Julia is faced
with the most difficult decision of her life. Will she choose the chance of a
lifetime or the love of her life?
Future of Our Past is the first book in The Remembrance Trilogy, a truly
transcendent love story of a powerful and passionate connection, like we all
dream of.
What I thought about it...
Well... I don't want to sound rude, but I didn't really like this book. Plot sounded interesting, so when my friend Tanja asked me if I wanted to review it for blog tour - I said yes. You have two best friends who are in love since the day they met, but neiter of them says anything. He had his share of hook ups and she's a good girl waiting for her right guy. Annnd... that's about it. Not even sexy scenes could save it for me. On the other hand I believe this is type of the book that will enjoy fans of Shelly Crane (I didn't like her books) or Kailin Gow. Luckly, we are bringing you excerpt from The Future of Our Past - read it and make your own decision.
The one topic we avoided was our
feelings for each other. It hung over us
like an unspoken storm, but I was enjoying the day and didn't want to ruin it
by forcing the topic, even though I ached to tell her I was in love with her.
Our time together made it clear that I
could not contemplate the future without her in it. The most immediate future consisted of her
getting on a plane and flying away from me.
I gave up trying to sleep and pushed out
of bed. I went into the hallway and stopped to listen for signs of Julia
I heard her soft voice calling out. "Ryan? Is that you?"
I walked the short distance into the
living room. I stopped in front of where she sat and took in her shorts and
t-shirt, her wild bed hair and the sparkling eyes looking up at me.
"Yeah. I can't sleep."
She smiled. "Well at least it's not your hormones
this time."
"Isn't it?" I asked softly as
I touched a finger to her chin.
"Maybe it wasn't such a good idea
for me to come here."
"Yes, it was..." I said
quietly, took her hand and pulled her up from the couch and down the hall, back
to my room.
"Ryan...I.." she whispered as
I took her in my room and shut the door behind us and I could feel her tremble
beside me.
Still holding her hand, the mattress
gave beneath my weight and I pulled her down beside me. She sat, cross legged facing me and I took
both of her hands in one of mine, cupping her cheek with the other. She felt so soft...
"Julia...these last four
years..." I began to speak but she pulled one hand from mine and pressed
two fingers to my lips.
"Don't say something you'll regret,
Ryan. I'm...scared. So scared of losing your friendship."
I sucked in my breath. "I'm scared of losing more than your
friendship, Julia."
"I don't understand..."
"Will you listen without stopping
me? Take the risk of hearing what I have to say." I whispered impatiently
and rubbed my hand up and down her arm.
"Okay," she said quietly.
"I'm scared of not having what
we're supposed to have if we don't take the risk. These last four years have meant
so much. Knowing you and having you near
me has literally changed the course of my life. You're my very best friend
but... I feel so much closer to you than that. This thing with us... I can't
shake it.”
She nodded, almost imperceptibly and
looked down at her lap. "I know.
Me, too."
I felt a little ray of hope surge within
my chest and my heart sped up. This is
Julia, I reminded myself. She knew me
better than anyone else so I should just say what I needed to say.
"Since the day we met, I've been fascinated
by you, honey. It's getting harder and
harder to be around you and try to deny my feelings."
"Are you trying to say you're
attracted to me, Ryan? Because...I'm
attracted to you, too. On many levels." She dropped her eyes to our hands
"In the club, the night I got my
acceptance letter, I wanted to kiss you.
Holding you drove me crazy, but, it was like we talked about then. I'm not willing to lose your friendship."
"If we cross that line, then
what? Will we feel weird with each other
or lose...this? Will it make being apart
even worse?"
"Can it get any worse?" I
asked quietly as my fingers threaded through hers.
"I don't have that answer, but it's
something I've asked myself," she whispered.
"What I do know, is that I'm not
capable of fighting it anymore, and that no matter what happens, I will always
want you in my life." I searched her face as uncertainty flashed across
her beautiful features.
"Ryan, do you promise? Promise me," she begged as she leaned
her forehead on mine. Her breath rushed
over my face and I could literally taste how sweet she would be in her scent.
"I promise." I lowered my
mouth and ghosted it over hers. My heart
was thumping in my chest so fast I thought it would explode. This was the
moment I'd waited for, for over three and a half years.
Her tongue came out to lick my upper lip
and my breath left me in a rush, my body tightening in response.
I held her head with gentle hands as my
mouth finally settled over hers. Our
open mouths were soft and searching. It
felt new and exciting, but also so right. Our lips knew exactly how to mirror
each other and move in perfect unison.
She sucked on my upper lip and then I sucked on her lower one. I thought I'd died and gone to heaven.
"Julia, my God," I groaned
against her mouth as I gathered her close to me and lay her down on the bed. I
moved over her and kissed her again and again.
The nearness of her, what I'd been dreaming of for so long was finally
within reach, but I wanted to take it slow, to savor every touch. "Kissing
you is every bit as incredible as I've imagined it would be."
Her arms moved around my shoulders and
into my hair as she pulled me closer.
Knowing she wanted me, made me insane.
I could feel the urgency in her body, as she surged against me, and I
parted her legs with one of mine. This was a fantasy that I'd had a million
times, and it was finally being fulfilled.
She felt so good, her body molding
perfectly to mine. I ground my hardness against her and she moaned against my
mouth. "Ryan, uhh..."
“Uhhh, say it again," I begged
against her mouth.
"Ryan..." she gasped before my
mouth devoured hers again and again, and the friction of our bodies making us
both breathless. I cupped her breast and
my body swelled even more as I teased the peak until it strained in my
hand. I had to taste her, and urgently
pushed her shirt up to expose her bare breasts. She was perfect. Round and firm
with erect pink nipples.
"You're so beautiful. I can't tell you how long I've wanted
this." I groaned as I dragged my
open mouth from hers, down over her neck and chest until it finally closed over
one of her luscious nipples. Her back
arched toward me and her hands wound in my hair as I pulled it into my mouth,
suckling and flicking it with my tongue.
I thrust against her hip, seeking the contact that I so desperately
I had her writhing beneath me and desire
for her drove me insane.
I moaned softly as her nipple popped
from between my lips and I brushed her hair back off of her face. "Do you want me to stop? I don't want to do anything you don't want,
She searched my face and reached up to
flutter her finger tips across my jaw.
"Ryan, I...I want you, but I'm scared of what will happen to
I kissed her nose and then her eyelids
and cheeks before moving back to her mouth to tease it back into another deep
kiss. I loved how she responded to
me. It felt like she couldn't help
herself and it was the sexiest thing I'd ever experienced.
Hearing her say she wanted me turned me
on, beyond comprehension.
"I know; me too...but you feel so
good, we fit so perfectly...I can feel your heart beating against mine. I can
tell how amazing we'll be together."
Her hands moved up my chest and one of
mine moved down between her legs never taking my eyes from her face. Her mouth fell open and her eyes closed as my
hand rubbed her over her clothes.
"God, Julia, you're so hot, you drive me crazy." Her body
arched against my hand and my dick literally ached as it twitched against her
hip. "I've wanted you, to touch you
like this since the day we met."
"Why didn't you, then?" she
moaned before she raised her head toward mine, clearly seeking my kiss. I was only too willing to oblige her as my
mouth took hers again in a series of hot, wet kisses, our tongues laving and
playing with each other.
Yes, why the fuck didn't I?
About the author

Kahlen Aymes grew up in the Mid-Western United States and
was educated at a private university. She is divorced with one daughter, has a
B.S.B.A. degree in business/marketing and began writing as a way to network a
business venture. Soon, writing turned into her passion and morphed all other
career goals. Her readers have told her they want to read angsty,
passionate love stories that put them into the pages. She does her best
to deliver! Her work was described by her publisher as "...a female
fantasy - the intersection of perfect love, tragedy and raging intimacy."
Nominated for numerous writing awards in the second largest
derivative fiction community in the world, she has won several, including Best
Author, Best Angst, Best Love Scene, Best Indie Fiction & Best
Series. Kahlen enjoys communicating with her readers far and near,
and encourages them to contact her personally!
Kahlen Aymes grew up in the Mid-Western United States and
was educated at a private university. She is divorced with one daughter, has a
B.S.B.A. degree in business/marketing and began writing as a way to network a
business venture. Soon, writing turned into her passion and morphed all other
career goals. Her readers have told her they want to read angsty,
passionate love stories that put them into the pages. She does her best
to deliver! Her work was described by her publisher as "...a female
fantasy - the intersection of perfect love, tragedy and raging intimacy."
Nominated for numerous writing awards in the second largest
derivative fiction community in the world, she has won several, including Best
Author, Best Angst, Best Love Scene, Best Indie Fiction & Best
Series. Kahlen enjoys communicating with her readers far and near,
and encourages them to contact her personally!
Until next time,