28. sij 2012.

Želite li Stefan's Diaries serijal?

Svi fanovi Vampirskih dnevnika - pažljivo čitajte ostatak teksta!!!
Ako želite osvojiti četiri knjige serijala Vampire Diaries: Stefan's Diaries koje su zasnovane na televizijskoj seriji, a koje vam donose priču o Stefanu, Damonu i Katehrine, obavezno pogledajte blog Pen to Paper. Prijava je jednostavna - morate pratiti blog, a za dodatne bodove, proširite vijest. 

25. sij 2012.

Fifty Shades Freed by E. L. James

   Last year was pretty exciting when it comes to the books. Lots of awsome new releases, sequels, lazy summer days spent in the company of even hotter "imaginary" characters. One of the probably most discussed titles was Fifty Shades of Gray written by american author E. L. James. It was on the top of the to-swoon-list among my friends standing side by side with Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire, Summer series by Jenny Han, irresistible Fuentes brothers from Perfect Chemistry trilogy and, of course, rock god with his girlfriend's name tattooed over his heart, Kellan Kayle from Toughtless by C.S. Stephens.
   Thanks to the publishing house The Writer's Coffee Shop, I am happy to be part of the Fifty Shades Freed Blog Tour. So, let's get started!

TWCS book description:

When unworldly student Ana Steele first encountered the driven, damaged young entrepreneur Christian Grey, it sparked a sensual affair that changed both their lives irrevocably. Shocked, intrigued, and ultimately repelled by Christian’s singular sexual tastes, Ana demanded a deeper commitment; determined to keep her, Christian agreed.
Now, together, they have more—love, passion, intimacy, wealth, and a world of infinite possibilities. But Ana always knew that loving her Fifty Shades would not be easy and being together poses challenges neither of them ever anticipated. Ana must somehow learn to share Christian’s opulent lifestyle without sacrificing her own integrity, identity, or independence; Christian must somehow overcome his compulsion to control and lay to rest the horrors that blighted his past and haunt his present.
Just when it seems that together their love can conquer any obstacle, tragedy, malice and fate combine to make Ana’s worst nightmares come true. Alone and desperate, she must face down the poisoned legacy of Christian’s past.
Seductive, shocking, sad, and funny, Fifty Shades Freed is the compelling final volume in the Fifty Shades trilogy.

   Fifty Shades Freed is final book in Fifty Shades trilogy. The series originally started as Twilight fan fiction and those who followed the story on FanFiction.Net knew it by the name Master of the Universe. (Little spoiler, there's tiny reference to the original title in the book. Nice move.) I didn't read it while the novel was in that stage, but I've heard a lot about it from some of my friends. At first, I wasn't so keen on reading it, to be honest. I was never a big fan of retellings and fan fiction is retelling of some kind. So, one day I picked it up nudged only by curiosity - I wanted to see what a big fuss was about. After an hour I was hooked. I never before gave five stars to the book with erotic twist. That says something, at least when it comes to me. Second book, Fifty Shades Darker, was a bit disappointing - I guess I had too high expectations. I've just hoped that author would make all better in the last book. And, boy, she did!

   When you start to read it, you'll be confused and left wondering did you miss something in the previous book. Don't worry! E. L. James smartly chose to tell the story retrospectively in the first fourth of the book and it's okay - but here's the deal -  sometimes it could drive your readers mad when you use same narrative mode too much on small number of pages, especially when nothing really happens and main character is reminiscing about same things she is doing or thinking about in the present. Other than that, perfect!

   Speaking about characters, I have to say that they developed and matured when you look back at the beginning of the series (nicely done, Ms. James!), everything is explained so that some things you might found irritating about Ana or Christian (especially him) are put in the right light. At the end you'll find yourself wondering who is the Dom in the relationship. It turned out to be one of those girl power things after all (big fan over here).

   One thing that will stay with me for a while is "inner goddess and subconscious" rants. We, girls, are complicated creatures and big part of the reason why male population finds our mood swings or inconsistency confusing is due to these two parts of female personality. Our inner goddess and our subconscious don't like each other very much and we are tiptoeing around those two all the time.

   Finally, thank you, E. L. James, for teaching me the art of driving my man crazy with lascivious e-mails. My intimate life got the whole new meaning.

   Fifty Shades Freed is available in paperback and e-book format. It's up to you guys to choose which one you prefer. This is one of must-read-series.

   Until next time,
    Laters baby! ;)

23. sij 2012.

Fifty Shades Freed Blog Tour

   Ako ste imali priliku da već pročitate prve dvije knjige Fifty Shades trilogije, pretpostavljam da sa nestrpljenjem očekujete treću knjigu, Fifty Shades Freed. U međuvremenu vas pozivam da posjetite blogove koji učestvuju u Fifty Shades  Freed Blog Tour od 23. januara do 3. februara. Moći ćete pročitati intervjue i osvrte, ali  i osvojiti besplatan primjerak knjige.


Jan 23rd: PA Lupton – Review, Interview, Paperback giveaway

24th: Fiction Vixen – Review and giveaway http://www.fictionvixen.com/

25th: Bookish Temptations – Review and giveaway http://bookishtemptations.com/

      Ja čitam, a ti? – Review (In Bosnian and English)

26th: My secret romance – Interview  and giveaway

27th: Claire’s Book Corner – Review and giveaway

28th: Under The Covers – Review, Character Interview and Giveaway

29th: The Book Pushers – Review and giveaway http://thebookpushers.com/

30th: Reading Lark – Review, Interview and giveaway

31st My Life One Story At A Time – Review and giveaway

      ALPHA reader – Review and giveaway http://alphareader.blogspot.com/

Feb 1st: SER’s Awesomeness – Review , Guest post and giveaway

2nd:  Bonafide Reflections – Review and giveaway

3rd: Endlessly Bookish – Review  and giveaway http://www.endlesslybookish.com

21. sij 2012.

Čitate li fan fikciju?

   Da li se iko sjeća onih slikovnica u kojima ste imali opciju da izaberete kako će se priča razvijati tako što ćete okrenuti neku od dvije ponuđene stranice? Ili ste nekada poželjeli drukčije završiti knjigu koju ste upravo pročitali? Neki ljudi su ovu dilemu shvatili kao ličnu obavezu da isprave krive Drine, pa danas imamo fenomen koji se zove fan fikcija.

   Fan fikcija je pojava u literarnoj zajednici gdje čitalac više nije samo onaj ko čita i i u tom procesu daje značenja tekstu, već postaje i onaj koji aktivno učestvuje u oblikovanju izmišljenog "knjiškog" svijeta. U ovu grupu spadaju sva djela koja su napisali čitaoci/fanovi, a koja su zasnovana na romanima koji su ušli u širu sferu popularne književnosti. Oni koji pišu fan fikciju to rade zbog ličnog zadovoljstva, a ne zarade, to nisu djela koja kao primarni cilj imaju to da budu objavljena - sve se radi u svrhu zabave.

   Vjerujem da možete pretpostaviti koje su to knjige koje su najčešće na meti ovih fanova - Sumrak i Harry Pottter. Sve je zapravo počelo dosta ranije, još šezdesetih godina XX vijeka kada su u raznim SF časopisima  objavljivane fan fiction pričice zasnovane na popularnoj televizijskoj seriji Zvjezdane staze (Star Trek). Sve je na novi nivo podigao internet. Godine 1998. pokrenuta je internetska sranica FanFiction.Net koja je danas, zapravo, najveća baza ovakvih priča. Osim ovdje fan fikciju autori objavljuju i na blogovima. Ovo je postala česta praksa nakon što su neki autori zabranili objavljivanje fan fikcije zasnovane na njihovim djelima na stranicama poput FanFiction.Net (George R.R. Martin, Anne Rice, J.R. Ward).
   Moram priznati da nisam dublje "proučavala" ovu temu (bar ne sa teorijskog stajališta), ali ono što sam primjetila jeste da se cijela stvar razvila do te mjere da čak imate prilično razrađenu terminologiju - koga zanima, može više pročitati na Wikipediji

   Nisu sve priče jednakog kvaliteta - što je logično - ali neke su postale do te mjere popularne da su ih čak primjetili i izdavači. Najpoznatiji fan fiction serijal zasnovan na Sumraku (pričat ću samo ovom tipu jer ostale nisam čitala) je trilogila Fifty Shades koju je napisala E.L. James. Priča se originalno zvala Master of the Universe, ali nakon što je dospijela u ruke izdavača TWCS, napravljene su neke izmjene i prve dvije knjige, Fify Shades of Gray i Fifty Shades Darker, objavljene su prošle godine. Zadnja knjiga Fifty Shades Freed objavljena je 19. januara.  

   Prijateljica me je dugo nagovarala da pročitam prvu knjigu, ali u početku me i nije pretjerano privlačio ovakav tip literature. Ali, Bože, kako sam pogriješila! Fifty Shades of Gray me je oborila sa nogu! Glavni razlog je vjerovatno to što nisam baš očekivala da originalana priča bude obrađena na takav način. 
   Prvo, jedino po čemu ćete prepoznati da je riječ o fan fikciji jeste neka "osnovna atmosfera", glavni lik sa stalkery navikama i cura koja stalno grize usnu. Ostalo je... kinky fuckery, da upotrijebim istu riječ kojom je Christian Gray opisao svoj neuobičajen način života.
   Ana Steele, dvadesetjednogodišnja studentica književnosti, da bi pomogla prijateljici koja radi kao novinarka u jednom časopisu, odlazi u kancelariju uspješnog Christiana Greya. Uvjerena da je intervju bio užasan i da ga nikada više neće vidjeti, Ana se vraća svakodnevnim obavezama. Međutim, sve se promijeni nakon što se Christian pojavi u prodavnici u kojoj Ana radi pola radnog vremena.

   Da vas odmah upozorim: knjiga je puna vrlo eksplicitnih scena BDSM karaktera, pa ako imate ikakvih "moralnih", "religijskih" ili sličnih intelektualnih barijera - nemojte kazati kako niste znali. 
   Druga knjiga me je malo razočarala, ali može se čitati. Ovaj serijal je dobar početak za one koje zanima BDSM literatura.

   Osim ove trilogije objavljene su još dvije TFF knjige: Gabriel's Inferno i Trust in Advertising.

   Ugodno vam čitanje želim!


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