23. lis 2014.

Love and Other Unknown Variables by Shannon Lee Alexander

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My rating: 5 stars

Book summary:
Charlie Hanson has a clear vision of his future. A senior at Brighton School of Mathematics and Science, he knows he’ll graduate, go to MIT, and inevitably discover solutions to the universe’s greatest unanswered questions. He’s that smart. But Charlie’s future blurs the moment he reaches out to touch the tattoo on a beautiful girl’s neck.

The future has never seemed very kind to Charlotte Finch, so she’s counting on the present. She’s not impressed by the strange boy at the donut shop—until she learns he’s a student at Brighton where her sister has just taken a job as the English teacher. With her encouragement, Charlie orchestrates the most effective prank campaign in Brighton history. But, in doing so, he puts his own future in jeopardy.

By the time he learns she's ill—and that the pranks were a way to distract Ms. Finch from Charlotte’s illness—Charlotte’s gravitational pull is too great to overcome. Soon he must choose between the familiar formulas he’s always relied on or the girl he’s falling for (at far more than 32 feet per second squared).

Read what Tanja thought about this book here.

Love and Other Unknown Variables or That Feeling When You 

Laugh and Cry at the Same Time

      Every once in a while you find a book that manages to surprise you. Just when you think how you've read every possible plot twist out there, bam! -  there goes your heart and soul, whisked away in that latest book you have read and that should have been called The Biggest Emotional Roller Coaster Ever.
      Yes, Shannon Lee Alexander, that is the sound of my heart breaking into million pieces. And I blame you for it! You and your brilliant novel.

If you liked TFIOS, you will love this book even more. 

      I know I did! Unlike many other readers, I wasn't that much impressed with John Green's novel (you can read my review here). I did like a general idea of the story, there were few really awesome parts - but I could not get over his writing style. 

      What does this have with Love and Other Unknown Variables? First, writing is absolutely amazing. (I'm favoring female authors, so what?) It is funny and thought provoking without that nagging feeling that author is trying too hard. Story flows so naturally and  keeps you on your toes all the time. Tanja made a great list of things that LAOUV makes you do - read her review as soon as you finish with mine - you feel everything, you cry and laugh, it makes you think about everything (even some of the things that never crossed your mind before). In the end, you are so grateful for the things you have, for every person that is important in your life, you will hug your sister or brother and tell them how much you appreciate them. You will remember that teacher from high school that opened your eyes to new things or you will remember that class full of pranksters who challenged you and made you  a better teacher because, by the end of the day, we all learn from each other.


I really need to read To Kill a Mockingbird!

     I have never read a book that made me  want to read Harper Lee. I usually end up rolling my eyes and thinking: "Not again!" It would be awesome if I could find used and loved copy like the one Charlotte gave to Charlie. 

In the end...

      I would love to recommend Love and Other Unknown Variables to everyone. If you are fan of The Fault in Our Stars, you will love this book. If you did not like it - I am absolutely sure that Shannon Lee Alexander will win over your heart just like she did mine. Fans of sweet love stories and young adult authors like Melina Marchetta and Jandy Nelson, must read this book. And if you are math geek - well, what are you waiting for?

Happy reading,

Broj komentara: 26:

  1. I had no interest in reading this but your review has me wanting to pick it up now and give it a try!

    1. I am so happy to hear that. I hope you will like it as much as I did.

  2. I don't think I've read a review of this - your enthusiasm has made me want to try it!
    Jen @ YA Romantics

    1. Tanja also posted her review on blog.
      I've read few mixed reviews, but I believe in Tanja's opinion more so when she told me to read it - I read it. :)
      It's a great story, Jen. I hope you'll give it a chance.

  3. Wow, this sounds amazing. I didn't know what this was about before, but I'm super curious now.

    1. Happy reading! :) And let us know what you thought about it.

  4. It sounds wonderfully done, I heard about this one but I confess that I love your enthousiasm and I'm so glad it touched you like that. Great review!

  5. I was actually one of the black sheep when it came to The Fault in our Stars, so I'm hoping that I will enjoy this book even more. I love books which bring out all the feels. Gorgeous review as always!

    1. Thank you, Jasprit.
      I hope you will love this book and I can't wait to read your review.

  6. Oooh, this is so promising. I liked TFiOS but it was a bit too pretentious for me to appreciate entirely, so I think I'll settle for this one ;) I just need to finish what I need to finish right now and I'll get to this for sure! Lovely review, Glass!

    Faye at The Social Potato

    1. Oh, I can't wait to hear your thoughts. :) Thank you!

  7. This speaks to my geeky side, and ooh I love when a book gets you with a plot twist. This sounds wonderful!

    1. It is! I think that the best thing about this book is that it appeals to all readers and not just teenagers. You will see. ;)

  8. You had me at the Melina Marchetta comparison! I love it when a book moves me as much as this one did you. Wonderful review, Glass!

    1. Thank you, Rachel. I know that you are going to love it. :)

  9. Jeeej. Pročitao sam je sinoć, savršena je.

  10. I hope you will change your mind and give it a chance someday.
    Thank you!

  11. Thank you for this review. If you do find a beautiful copy of To Kill a Mockingbird, like Charlotte and Jo's, I'd LOVE to see it! And I hope you do read and enjoy Lee's work. It certainly changed my life by inspiring me to want to tell my own stories.

  12. So totally adding this to my TBR list. Great review.

    Terri M.
    Second Run Reviews

  13. Woah, what a huge endorsement! So glad you fell in love with this one, Glass--will have to check it out for sure.

  14. WOW! I need this book! I'd heard of it around of course, but I hadn't really taken a good look at its synopsis and such until now, and with your amazing recommendation and review, well, this is definitely a book I can't miss! GREAT review!

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

  15. I have been really curious about this one. I think i will now have to add it to my list. I am glad to hear the writing is really good.

  16. So clearly I need to read this book. I love super emotional reads and with the TFIOS comparison, I know I'll love it. Great review!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  17. I have seen some very positive reviews for this book just like this one of yours! I really want to read this and it has been added to my TBR. I didn't like TFiOS too much, so I am counting on this one being even better. You really have got me excited for this! I have read To Kill A Mockingbird and found it to be an alright read, but maybe this book will put a new light on it for me.



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