27. lis 2014.

Bookish Problems #12 - Reading Lists

      I believe that every bookworm at least once a week has problem called "What will I read next?" no matter that she or he has five books on nightstand, two somewhere in the kitchen, maybe even one in the bathroom. And don't even let me start with those we have on our e-readers.

How do you chose what to read next? 

      This is what I like to do - I make lists. A lot of them. Yes, I may have a problem, but I just love sorting trough the books I own. Sometimes I even find a book I forgot I had bought.
At the moment I have several lists, but here are the most urgent ones.

Next ARC list. As much as I love NetGalley and Edelweiss, there are days that I despise them. I click on "request" too many times and next morning I have so many new books on my Kindle, that next two years wouldn't be enough to read them all. So I made folder with advanced readers copies that will be published in next two months. When I decide that it's time to read one of the books I got, I just open thisfolder and pick something.

Next NA list. I love new adult novels and there is nothing surprising that I have this list. Older release that I plan to read or a latest Colleen Hoover novel - they are all here.

Sandra Brown / Linda Howard / Kristen Ashley list. I can never make mistake (or at least not a big one) with this three ladies. They are my safe picks that get me out even out of the worst reading slumps. And, I am completely addicted to their writing.

MC romance list. Bikers are just so.... badass! My favorite kind of antiheroes. I am anxiously waiting for the next Madeline Sheehan novel, but I will probably read Signal Bend series by Susan Fanetti before December.

Romance (adult) list. Megan Hart, Tiffany Reisz, Tarryn Fisher, Elle Aycart, Cherise Sinclair, Ella Frank... Everything from sweet love stories to erotica.

Trashy drama list. You know of those ranty reviews I post on Goodreads? Yeah... This is where they come from.

Our dear, fellow bookworms, 
please share with us how do you decide what to read next.


Broj komentara: 37:

  1. Wow, you have a great way to pick what to read Glass! I love how you have go to authors that won't let you down. That can always pick you up. I do have my eARC and physical ARC list as well, which I usually pick from.

    1. Thank you. Unfortunately, my "system" doesn't always work out and I end up dnfing bunch of books.

  2. I like lists too, but holy geez girl, you put me to shame with all of yours. I have three: ARC reviews, my someday pile, and of course all things werewolf. If a title on the latter shows up on one of the earlier two, then that's the one I am reading next. LOL

    Carmel @ Rabid Reads.

    1. Lol, I told you guys that I might have a problem with it. :)
      I used to do same as you, but I figured out that this way is much better and it's easier to find books on my Kindle.

  3. I honestly just chose some book completely randomly. I have no pattern that I follow. Sometimes, it may not even be something I'm in the mood for, but I'll pick it up anyway just because. I'm useless when it comes to solving bookish problems! But I can totally see how picking a book is difficult. Sometimes I end up spending more time picking a book than I spend actually reading it. Great post, Glass!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. Oh, I have days like that, too - when nothing seems appealing enough. It is easiest to binge read series (especially if it has a lot of sequels). That way you don't have to think about next book for a while. :)

  4. I definitely have an ARC and review list. I would be lost without it!! Lists are so important when blogging. They really do help you keep organized.

    1. I agree. I did everything randomly in the beginning, but things get messy that way.

  5. Oooo yes, I love lists too Glass!!!! I need them in my life to keep track of everything, and there's just something satisfying about marking something off. I have to make lists of books as well, if I didn't I don't think any reviews would actually make it up on the blog:)

    1. So true! Tanja and I noticed that after we started to participate in Sunday Post, organizing blog posts has become much easier.

  6. I only have a list for ARCs, so it helps me keep track of when books are being released and when I should review them, but wow! You sure are organized. For non-ARC books, I just randomly pick anything that I'm in the mood for.

    1. I have a lot of books on Kindle and even if I do pick my next read randomly, sometimes it's hard to find anything if books aren't sorted somehow.

  7. You have so many lists! I just use my Goodreads lists haha. Sometimes what I read is just based on what I'm feeling like at the moment :)

    Eileen @ BookCatPin

    1. Goodreads is evil - I end up adding 10 new books instead finding what to read next. :)

  8. I make a shitload of lists, but I never follow them through. If I make one, you can be 87% sure I won't follow it lol. I just go by mood, but sometimes pick something from my tbr jar :) I like your folder system though! Haaaaaaaaaa yes COHO OMG SHE'S THE BEST!! HAHAHAHA. Well, we all need some trashy drama every now and then :D I like your system, Gladd ;) I'm such a mood whore though, so whatever my mood is, I'm going with that :P

    1. Oh, Siiri, I am master of epic fail lists. I have dozens of those.
      I realized that I should never read more than two (sometimes three) books in a row from the same list. I start to get annoyed and soon end up in reading slump. I try to mix them up more lately. And it works like magic. ;)

  9. I do the same thing. I always have like multiple list going on. The first is ARCs and I have it sorted by date when it's coming out, and that's the usual list I mostly read from. But some of the other lists are: YA contemporary, NA contemporary, dystopia, sci-fi, paranormal and a few others.

    1. I mark them by date in this awesome planner that my sister brought me from one of the project she worked on. It helps to schedule ARC reading.

  10. Tarryn Fisher is always a must read for me. When I don't need to read a review book, I just scroll through the hundreds of books on my kindle and see what calls to me. What's sad is, even with all those books, I sometimes still don't find anything I want to read. So then I move to my wishlist. If that fails, then I start looking through my to-read list on GR. After all that, I still haven't found anything and end up watching a movie. lol.

    1. I know, Christy. I usually end up watching TV shows.

  11. LOL this system is pretty good Glass! I must confess that I don't really have a system for picking me next reads. I'm always just constantly thinking about what my next read could be I confess so I somehow always have one in mind lol! Nevertheless great system! I really love it!

  12. I started doing that sometime around beginning of summer and it was suc a bad move. Not only did I end up in reading slump, but I also lost interest in blogging because it started to feel like obligation and work.
    Since then, I try to put less pressure on myself. I realized that I function best when I am somewhere in between spontaneous and planed.

  13. Wow, you are very organized! As much as I love to make lists, I have never thought about making one for books to read next (and I'm pretty sure that even if I made one, I wouldn't even respect it :D ). So, when I don't know what to read next, I just stand in front of my bookshelves and skim through my books until I find THE ONE. It can take reaaaaally long :D

    1. I like to stand in front of my bookshelf a d pretend that I am looking for the next read, but I am actually like that little guy from Lord of the Rings screaming"My precious" inside my head. :D

  14. i love your lists. I am anal too and so I must have some kind of a plan. I use Google Calendar and when I request a book I place it in the calendar on release date. As I take on more books I fill them in until I have 3 or 4 a week and then don't accept any more for that month. Since I review 4-5 books a week this leaves me room for random reads, TBR pile, purchases, surprise books etc. This works for me simply because I read and schedule 4 weeks out. So When I began reading November reviews, books etc I started the second week of October, and I simply pick from the month November based on my mood. I like to read review books during the week and books from my piles on the weekends.

    1. I'd say that you are queen bee of organization, Kimberly. That is awesome.

  15. I keep a calendar of arc's and then I have a list of books from the library and others I want to buy or already own

    1. I have calendar as well, it's really helpful.

  16. I used to be an absolute failure at this....still am, to some extent! XD Nowadays tho, I write a schedule on my iPad of books I have to read from Netgalley or for blog tours or release day blasts with reviews, and then just fit any other books around that......new releases, books I've wanted to read for months (years *sigh*) and books that just catch my eye!
    The setup is a bit shabby, but it works :p
    –B @Fangirling Misses

    1. It is important that you find a way that works for you. It's not shabby at all - I used to do that last year, too.
      I don't always do things same way, it gets boring, so every time I feel as if my schedule gets repetitive and uninspiring, I try to find something new.

  17. I love these ideas! I am not quite as lucky to get so many ARCs, so it is a bit easier for me to choose (I simply pick which will be out soonest!) but as for my own books, UGH! I have tried everything- lists, calendars, a TBR jar, random.org, but seriously, I can never pick! I will just NOT read the book I picked (almost out of spite?) and I end up just staring at my bookcase for a long time! Such a great topic!

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

  18. Thank you, Shannon. :) I hope you will get more arcs in the future.

  19. I have a TBR spreadsheet for the upcoming months- it has ARCS and review copies I requested and if I get through those books I go to my TBR jar and pull a book or two of the ones that have been sitting on my shelf for way too long.

  20. Ugh I have folders on my kindle, but it wasn't working so what I did the other day is make a huge list and randomized. So I picked 6 books to read next to help clear some of the Netgalley/Edelweiss ARCS that I have horded and need love, on top of reading what's coming out now :|

  21. I have a lot of unread books on my bookshelves. If I need something to read, I just pick up a book from there. But usually, I have a few books in my head that I really, really wanna read now! And so I take one of them, provided I can get it home somehow. When I'm being poor, I go to the library xD

  22. Lists are awesome! Being organized when you have a lot of books and arcs to read is a must, but I'm hopeless with them. I'm so unpredictable and such a moody reader. I look at my lists and I'm like, "I don't want to read any of this." and then proceed with something that I bought a millenia ago. Haha. I do need to change this though because my review backlog is getting longer by the minute!

    Faye at The Social Potato



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