28. lis 2014.

Grave Mercy (His Fair Assassin, #1) by Robin LaFevers

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My rating: 5 stars
Book summary:
" Why be the sheep, when you can be the wolf?

Seventeen-year-old Ismae escapes from the brutality of an arranged marriage into the sanctuary of the convent of St. Mortain, where the sisters still serve the gods of old. Here she learns that the god of Death Himself has blessed her with dangerous gifts—and a violent destiny. If she chooses to stay at the convent, she will be trained as an assassin and serve as a handmaiden to Death. To claim her new life, she must destroy the lives of others.

Ismae’s most important assignment takes her straight into the high court of Brittany—where she finds herself woefully under prepared—not only for the deadly games of intrigue and treason, but for the impossible choices she must make. For how can she deliver Death’s vengeance upon a target who, against her will, has stolen her heart?"
 Read what Tanja thought about Grave Mercy here.

      Don't you love when by some weird luck you discover a book that manages to surprise you? And it is not even kind of a book you would usually read? That is exactly what happened to me - first two books of His Fair Assassin trilogy were available on NetGalley, I saw both countless times on my friend's blogs or social network's  profiles and I just couldn't miss an opportunity to read them myself. 

      The story. Young girl escapes from unwanted marriage just so she would become professional assassin trained by nuns. Seriously, how can you resist reading something with premise like this? It screams "girl power". But there is something that, in my opinion, skyrockets Grave Mercy into "epic-ness". Although, it is labeled as young adult, you have a feeling as if this book is "ageless". I didn't have usual issues when it comes to young adult fantasy. World building was believable which is a big deal considering that this is a historical fiction. Author herself points out that she had done extensive research and that many of characters are historical figures (including thirteen years old Anne). Fourteenth century is so different from our own time and being a child was a privilege not a basic human right and - as I used to remind my students in many occasions - back then, being teenager meant that you are adult with all responsibilities  that come with that.

      Characters. Ismae, Sybella, Annith, Anne and even those who are supposedly negative characters, are the most amazing women I fantasy I have read about. Strong and opinionated, with enough strength to fight for their believes and, at the same time,  like any other human being flawed and tempered. Duval reminded me of Barrons from Fever series by Karen Marie Moning. Man who knows what he needs to do protect those he love, reluctant to let anyone in and, when he finally does, loyal and honest. 

       Saint Mortain. The most intriguing part of the story. I have so many things to say about this, but I won't because that would spoil Grave Mercy for you. I will just say that I was impressed how author put together ancient believes and  character development giving us convent full of nuns and young girls who serve Death.
Happy reading,
*Copy of this book was provided by publisher, HMH Books, via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*

Broj komentara: 30:

  1. Great review! I've only seen good things about this lately, and who doesn't love an assassin story?

    Kristen @ One Chapter Ahead

    1. This is such a great novel - it really did surprise me.

  2. I love this series. It was really hard saying goodbye to it and they just get better and better as they go too.

    1. I agree. I've just read your review for Mortal Heart - it will be hard to say goodbye, but I believe that it's better if it finishes before story starts to get repetitive.

  3. Yay, I'm so glad you enjoyed this one. His Fair Assassin is one of my favorite series.

  4. I loved this book too! it definitely lived up to the fantastic plot. Saint Mortian is definitely very interesting!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

    1. Juhina, I didn't think I would enjoy it as much as I did. It was amazing.

  5. I really enjoyed this one, although I haven't gotten around to reading the second book yet! The history aspect was so well done in this! I'm glad you enjoyed this one too - it will be interesting to read your thoughts on the second one!

    1. You have to read it, Charlene. In my opinion, it is even better than Grave Mercy.

  6. Oh yes I'm curious about this one since I saw it on many blogs. I'm glad to see you had such a great time with it. I haven't read it but I need to! I want to discover the workd and the characters! great review!

    1. Thank you, Mellianne. I hope you will read it soon.

  7. Yes, girl power, Glass! Duval was just lovely as well! It's so pleasantly surprising when you pick up something unexpected and love it! Wonderful review! :)

    1. You know me and girl power books. :) Thank you, Rachel.

  8. Oh I absolutely loved this one, Glass! Though I haven't read Dark Triumph just yet. Nuns assassins, for the win!

  9. Oh awesome review Glass. Welcome to the fandom. If you enjoyed this..wait till you read Dark Triumph. It is one of the only books I can six cups of coffee too. LOL

  10. *Jumps up and down*
    I am so happy you loved this first book, Glass! This is one of my all-time favorite series because of how completely amazing it is, and while book 2 might be my favorite yet, Ismae and Duval will always be at the top of my OTP list. Love them so much and their chemistry? *SWOON*
    Beautiful review, Glass!

  11. "Duval reminded me of Barrons from Fever series by Karen Marie Moning."

    Annnnnnnnnnd I'm sold Glass!!!! Anyone that garners a comparison to Barrons is someone I need to meet immediately! I've been wanting to read this book for a long time since it's gotten such rave reviews from practically everyone, but for some reason I kept putting it off. Now that all the books are out though, I have no excuse and I can't wait to dive into this world!

  12. I have seen this book around so much Glass, but like you this isn't the sort of book I usually read. Historical fiction like this sort of puts me off as I never really hit off with them. This sort of reminds me of the Throne of Glass series, which I love. I think I'm going to need to read this series soon. Great review, Glass! :)

  13. I have this book and really want to read this series. I just need to find the time.

  14. I wasn't a huge fan of Grave Mercy but I did loove Dark Triumph and am so excited for Mortal Heart next week. Glad this worked for you, Glass! :)

  15. I'm been looking forward to your review since I saw you reading these on Goodreads, SO glad you enjoyed it! They only keep getting better! I finished Mortal Heart today and WOW. There's so much I want to say but I must restrain ;)

  16. I have this, I just really need to read this. The series does look really good.

  17. Yeah, I love how strong these girls are. So glad you enjoyed these. I can't wait to read Mortal Heart.

  18. I too just read this and feel the same way! Historical fiction is probably one of my least favorite genres but I really enjoyed this book.

    Saint Mortain was definitely the most intriguing part, I can't wait to read the second!

    Great review. =)

  19. I am glad to see you enjoyed this novel so much! I am going to go check out what Tanja thought right now as well. I have seen some reviews for it, making me consider reading it. Awesome review!


  20. So glad you liked this one. I thought it was great!

  21. I haven't read this one yet, but I own it, so I'm thrilled to see that you enjoyed it so much!! I need to bump it up the list looks like! Great review :)

  22. I need to add all three of these books to my Christmas wish list!

    Terri M.
    Second Run Reviews



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