16. sij 2015.

Never Never by Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher

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Book summary:

Best friends since they could walk. In love since the age of fourteen. Complete strangers since this morning.He'll do anything to remember. She'll do anything to forget.

         We all have certain expectations of all books, you want some to be fun, some to have amazing characters, etc., but my main request for any book is to make sense. Not for me to be familiar with everything (I mean I'm reading fantasy most of the time), but just to have an idea which makes sense, no matter what way it's been told. Well, this book failed even in that department. Go figure!

         Before I Fall, anybody? For me this book seems like something I could say been there, done that story. I have read Lauren's book 4 years ago and at that time it was a really unique idea and the story. This certainly is not unique as the idea is basically the same, so there goes that. I'm not saying that that idea should be exclusive for one story, it's just if you're using it, well don't use it in the same way! There are some other things, as for characters who while being well developed (but let's face it CoHo and Fisher cannot fail in that department), still utterly annoying. I dunno for you but I never swore that much in my life, and suddenly all teenagers are swearing all the time! Then there is drama and more drama and even more drama, as you know it's all about drama.

         What's there to read? Well this book starts with never and ends with never and there is little in between. Our main characters are high school students, and no this is not NA, but very YA! Their whole journey is to discover what's happening to them, when I knew what's going on from the page one, leaving little space for surprises. Don't get me started about cheating part, just DON'T!
         Here is more? And you get all that within (only...barely) 100 pages of this book, not nearly enough space to give a full story. Bonus is a cliffy you get at the end which killed it. But then again as this in not a full book - more like a number in a serial which will get its next number but probably without me to experience it, I was not surprised.

Rating: 1 star.

Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 13:

  1. Yours is the second negative review that I've read for this book today. I know that Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher's writing is usually good on their own, perhaps teaming up wasn't the best idea.

    Carmel @ Rabid Reads

  2. I am so sad there are so many negative reviews for this. I love both these authors and have high hopes for this series.

  3. Well, this definitely sounds like something I should stay away from! I agree that the most important thing is for a book to make some kind of sense, you can't just do whatever you want and call it good, and that drives me insane! Also, I get that a book like this needs a certain amount of drama, but I can't stand books that go overboard with it.

    Sorry, this one was such a flop for you! Great review. =)

  4. Ack, I rarely see you 1-star books so this must be a really bad one for you to feel strongly against it. I tried Fisher's book once and didn't really think much of it (I hated the writing) so I wasn't planning to pick this up at all. Glad to see I made the right choice! >.< And only 100 pages?! That's not enough. Not many authors can pull it off sadly.

    Faye at The Social Potato

  5. I saw another review like yours and I confess that I'm not sure about this one, I should try something else by the author. Sorry it wasn't for you.

  6. I have this but was holding off for book two's release. YA..no, no, no I thought it was NA. Grrr

  7. This seems like a love it or hate it type of book from the reviews I have seen
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  8. Well well well, I have already seen this review, but love looking at it ;D It's nice to see people sharing your thoughts, you know? Now I'm curious about Before I Fall. It does sound better. Great review, girl!!

  9. Sorry this didn't work for you...and on so many levels. I've never read anything by these authors to be honest, but I'll have to start elsewhere.

  10. While I did end up enjoying this one more than you I wasn't at all impressed by it. I was pretty annoyed at the cliffhanger and this one being a Part one of Two. Why wasn't that advertised anywhere BEFORE us readers read it? Plus this ones barely more than 100 pages and it was four bucks. That set me on edge, especially since I found out the whole PART 2 thing after I read it *sigh*
    This one didn't bring back any BEFORE I FALL nostalgic feelings or Groundhog day ones for me but I can see how it might have for you. All in all I feel like the story had a lot of potential, had it's not been split into two short parts that felt rushed *sigh*


    But anyway, I'm so sorry to hear you didn't like Never, Never since I've been looking forward to it. I'll let you know what I feel.

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  12. I haven't been a fan of Colleen Hoover for awhile now so I'm sorry, but not surprised, that this wasn't your cup of tea. Thanks for taking one for the team, Tanja, and warning us away from this train wreck. I hope your next read is FAR better, dear!

  13. Oh, it's a shame this one fell flat for you. I haven't seen any positive reviews for this book at all, so I don't think you are the only one who shares these thoughts. If a book is sharing the same idea as another one it is already a huge turn off for me.



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