11. srp 2013.

Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi

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Book summary: 




it's almost
time for war.

Juliette has escaped to Omega Point. It is a place for people like her—people with gifts—and it is also the headquarters of the rebel resistance.

She's finally free from The Reestablishment, free from their plan to use her as a weapon, and free to love Adam. But Juliette will never be free from her lethal touch.

Or from Warner, who wants Juliette more than she ever thought possible.

In this exhilarating sequel to Shatter Me, Juliette has to make life-changing decisions between what she wants and what she thinks is right. Decisions that might involve choosing between her heart—and Adam's life.
      I'm still trying to find a reason for not writing this review earlier. I left it for later after reading this book as I need to get my thoughts sorted out. It was a while ago and all my thoughts are now at the right place when it comes to this book.

      Shatter Me was on my to-read for long even though other girls and readers told me that it was a must read I somehow always picked another book to read instead of this one. It turned out to be a good decision as after reading it Destroy Me came out and I didn't have to wait for this book as now I have to wait for the next book in this series.

      Destroy Me helped me a lot to understand Warren's character and some of his decisions but Adam was still my little sweetheart. He still is don't get me wrong but with Unravel Me and that famous scene with a puppy helped me and Warren somehow got under my skin while reading this book.

      Unravel Me also helped me to understand the world that Tehereh Mafi created. I was able to see the whole picture and understand the Omega Ponit but by that I also get to see the real picture of The Reestablishment. The author created this book in some order that really fits me. First book helped me understand Juliette and her life which will later help me understand her actions and ideas. It also showed Adam to some points, later with Destroy Me it was Warren's turn to show his character but he mostly opened up here in this novel. But mostly this novel served me to see the whole picture and most of all to show some action, but this time it was a much bigger fight than those in Shatter Me.

      I won't even mention that also well-known chapter 62 that melted so many hearts including mine. But for one thing Shatter Me was a really great read and I haven't enjoyed some dystopian novel that much in a long time, but boy Unravel Me got whole this to the new level. I run away from any sorts of love triangles but her I didn't mind any moment of it 'cause there is another thing I didn't give up on Adam and it would be hard to do so but I believe that with every book it'll get harder and harder to decide which side I'll pick. It only tells you how much I enjoyed this book and honestly I'm dying to read more.

Rating: 5 stars. 

Until the next time,

24 komentara:

  1. Chapter 62! Ah! I LOVE that one too. And you're so right (as always) Tanja. There was a lot we got to see in Destroy Me and it really was Warner's book. Adam is still a sweetheart and Kenji is dashing, but that boy Warner is something else entirely. I love your review, girl.

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. Yes he is something else :) I'm not allowed to say more about him as he is already taken :) Thanks Sarika ;)

  2. I still need to read this. *hides* Which is sad b/c I read Shatter Me and LOVED it and was dying for this sequel. But then I just didn't get to it and because I loved Adam so much, it stopped being priority. I definitely do plan to pick it up soon though. I need to read this chapter 62. :)

    1. You should really read it soon! I loved it more than Shatter Me :) You'll enjoy that chapter ;)

  3. I love that you loved this! I can't get enough of Tahereh and her magical writing, and I love how her style changes with her characters. As Juliette grows, her narrative becomes more and more composed. It's a thing of beauty.
    Fantastic review. :)

  4. I'm so nervous to read this one Tanja! Mainly because I'm solidly Team Adam after Shatter Me and I don't want to fall in love with Warner. I DON'T WANT TO. But I feel like that's going to be hard after I'll I've heard about him in this book. *sigh* The infamy of chapter 62 is calling me:)

    1. Yes I was too but some things changed! :) Oh you must read it Jenny ;)

  5. I'm so glad you liked this, though this didn't work for me. I couldn't get into the writing style, but I'm so glad to see this made you a fan. I'm curious to see what you'll think of the sequel now! :)

  6. I can't pick between Warner and Adam!!! I was solidly team Adam but now I don't know!! I loved this one, too, Tanja. I still need to read Destroy Me, though. Wonderful review!

    1. Me too! I have no idea where I stand! :) Thanks Rachel :)

  7. Its seems like a tough choice between Adam and Warner and I still have yet to read this series, that's how bad my TBR are is... LOL! I think from some of the reviews, I'm always hesitant to read such a hyped book but I may read it soon, I think I NEED too. Lovely review Tanja, as always! :)

    1. Yes it's a bit tricky to read some hyped book. You always have a feeling like you won't like it but this one is really good. Thanks Emma :)

  8. I still need to read this book :) Maybe soon. I haven't figured out why Warner is so special. I read Destroy Me and still didn't like him, but maybe that'll change when I read this book. Great review :)

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

    1. You'll see after you read this book. I was thinking the same before :) Thanks Janina :)

  9. Dying to read more as well, I don't mind the triangle in this one because it is so well written, and I can't make up my moind

    1. Me too! This is one of the rare moments that I didn't mind it :)

  10. Probably! They mostly annoy the hell out of me but this one is really well written :)

  11. I'm so happy you loved this! I was definitely one of the many who melted at chapter 62 and also at Destroy Me. I agree, this is one of those love triangles that somehow doesn't bother me because I think it was so well developed and well-written. Amazing review!

  12. Oh my gosh, I completely agree with everything you said :) The love triangle is so incredible in this book. Great review!

  13. Yes me to! :) LOL that chapter will remind in our memories for long. Thanks Aman :)



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