15. srp 2013.

The Dark Divine by Bree Despain

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Book summary:

Grace Divine, daughter of the local pastor, always knew something terrible happened the night Daniel Kalbi disappeared--the night she found her brother Jude collapsed on the porch, covered in his own blood--but she has no idea what a truly monstrous secret that night held.

The memories her family has tried to bury resurface when Daniel returns, three years later, and enrolls in Grace and Jude's high school. Despite promising Jude she'll stay away, Grace cannot deny her attraction to Daniel's shocking artistic abilities, his way of getting her to look at the world from new angles, and the strange, hungry glint in his eyes.

The closer Grace gets to Daniel, the more she jeopardizes her life, as her actions stir resentment in Jude and drive him to embrace the ancient evil Daniel unleashed that horrific night. Grace must discover the truth behind the boy's dark secret...and the cure that can save the ones she loves. But she may have to lay down the ultimate sacrifice to do it--her soul.

        My dear friends, please let me present you the book that's been on my to-read shelf the longest. I added this book on my list at the times when paranormal was dominant genre and the genre I enjoyed the most. As time passed I changed so did my reading preferences. Now after almost three years it's not a surprise that I didn't enjoy this one as much.

        I strongly believe that if I had read this book earlier I'd have enjoyed it much more. But I can't turn back time. So starting here with the Divine family. As their name says it they're divine. But really. The father is a priest and committed to helping community, the mother is perfect housewife (if I remember correctly, but we'll get to my memory) and two angels. Yes literary, they are teenagers but they listen to their parents, are always helping others and my personal favorite - don't swear, as in never. I get that really, I rarely swear as I don't like to hear other females swearing, but if the things that happened to them happened to me, my vocabulary would get out of my hand. From that point this book was everything but not realistic nor I could connect with the characters.

        Then we get to the supposed bad-boy of this story Daniel. He used to be next-door neighbor with the Divine family but some things changed in his life and he ended up in different homes which changed him. He isn't the sweet and caring young boy he used to be and that made him real, and actually the reason for my 2 stars is he. I could understand him at the beginning, but later not so much.

        With that we get to the main point of this story - wolves. It requires a lot of turning pages until you get to that part but I was waiting for the big beast to show up. And it did, show up, but then everything turned into something that made me roll my eyes. Remember in Twilight when Edward carries Bella on his back and they climb the tree and so on, well I got that here. Needless to say once was enough.

       I know I sound like a hypocrite because I'm the person who rated Twilight with 5 stars, but in my defense I was young and naive. If I had read this one when I was 15 this review would have ended with 5 stars.

Rating: 2 stars.

Until the next time,

22 komentara:

  1. I've seen this cover around a lot but never read the book itself. I'm glad I've kept away, though, as I know I wouldn't enjoy it from what you described. I hope your next read is more rewarding, Tanja! Thanks for the honest review.

    1. Thanks Keertana :) Well I'll leave this one to younger generations.

  2. This cover still freaks me out for some reason. lol I'm glad you finally were able to get to a book you've meant to read for so long but sorry you didn't love it. :( Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  3. Right you are! We were young and naive when we read Twilight and so we loved it so much. But The Dark Divine has been on my TBR as well and now i'm seriously doubting reading it. Bella and Jake really were enough once itself. Anyhow, this book has a super pretty cover (which is why it is- was?- on my pile). I'm glad that you're now able to differentiate between what you like and don't like (I still stand confused there at times), it's a fab thing and fab review, Tanja!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. Yes there is no other excuse. Oh we all go for pretty covers and easily get disappointed. Thanks Sarika :)

  4. I haven't read this one either, and don't know that I will. I remember liking the first, but I also liked stuff easier, I am bit harder to please these days. Thanks for honest review

    1. Yeah everything seemed easier back at the time. Thanks Brandi :)

  5. Well this doesn't sound very promising. I definitely agree with rating books differently as you age. Thinks I liked as a teen seem quite silly now. Great review though :)

  6. I do think our ratings change, and I am sorry this one didn't work for you..there are a lot of elements in this, and I am not sure it would be my cup of tea either and I like paranormal elements.

    1. Well yeah maybe if this book was written now it'd change some things. Thanks :)

  7. Yeah, I read this book a long time ago and didn't really care for it either. I'll probably never finish the series. Great review and thanks for the honest opinion.

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

  8. Yeah, I wasn't sure about this one either, and now I think I may skip it completely. Daniel sounds like he has too many issues in his personality to like xD Thanks for the honest review!

    1. Well yes he has some issues that he has to deal with. Thanks Alise :)

  9. Maybe you should never read it as you're probably different reader today :)

  10. LOL Yeah well it's about werewolves and perfect teenagers. As neither exists you can easy forget them :D

  11. Ahhh man. Well at least the cover is pretty lol. It always tough when you look forward to a book forever and then it disappoints. Great review

    1. It's awful but I don't have time to read all the books as soon as they're out. Thanks Teresa :)

  12. Oddly enough, I enjoyed this first book, but I think most of it is due to the audio narrator. She is really great. The second book, however, almost made me suicidal and I dropped it not even halfway through. The first one was probably a fluke.
    Sorry you wasted your time.

    1. LOL I won't even think about the second then. Thanks for the that Maja ;) *hugs*



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