30. srp 2013.

Tanja's Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Favorite Beginnings/Endings In Books

Hello. It's another Tuesday and it basically means it's time for another Top Ten Tuesday. It's a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish were we picks top ten picks on certain tasks. I missed this meme the previous past weeks but something always pops out so I'm glad to continue today.


1.'My father took one hundred and thirty-two minutes to die. 

I counted.

It happened on the Jellicoe Road.

I don't think there was any other choice to start this list but Jellicoe. I knew from the prologue that I'll love this book. Simply unusual and magical.

2. 'London, April 1878.

The demon exploded in a shower of ichor and guts.
William Herondale jerked back a dagger he was holding, but it was too late.'

First of the year. I was eager to see what happened in London at the time and then we have demon and of course bad-ass Will. Who would want for more.

3. 'Lily, 

I woke up and the last piece of my heart disappeared.
I opened my eyes and I felt it go.'

Who wouldn't want to know more about this. I actually haven't read the blurb before reading this book and though that this was a contemporary.

4. 'I should probably start with the blood.'

I actually still haven't read this book, but I have started it once and had to stop after the first chapter. The thing is this line is still in my memory and I can't wait to see what's going to happen next.

5. 'The string slices into the skin of his fingers and no matter how tough the calluses, it tears. 
But this beat is fast and even though his joints are aching, his arm's out of control like it has a mind of its own and the sweat that drenches his hair and face seems to smother him, but nothing's going to stop Tom. He's aiming for oblivion.'

I don't know for you but after this sentence I knew that Tom was someone I had to meet. I did and I was right.

Endings....(aka cry-fests)

1.'Nothing was perfect, but everything was all right. The light was never just blue. And the snow that fell onto the roof in winter... it fell softly... softly... and it covered the house, the armchair, the books, the children's voices. It covered Anna and Abel, covered their parallel worlds, and everything was, finally, very, very quiet.'

I probably had to reread this ending multiple times because I couldn't see it from my tears. I mean I have tears in my eyes now and I just looked at the end. This book is really something I'll never forget.

2. 'No, the last thing she cared about was whether people were staring
at the boy and girl kissing by the river, as London, its cities and towers and churches and bridges and streets, circled all about them like the memory of a dream. And if the Thames that run beside them. sure and silver in the afternoon light, recalled a night long ago when the moon shone so brightly as a shilling on the same boy and girl, or if the stones of ... knew the tread of their feet and thought to themselves: At last, the wheel comes the full circle, they kept their silence.'

There are no words for this epilogue. I couldn't ask for the better ending and this series is really one of the best there is. PS. Three dots there mean that I omitted some words because I don't want to spoil things.

3. 'I like to think that nothing's final, and that everyone gets to be together even when it looks like they don't, that it all works out even when all the evidence seems to say something else, that you and I are always young in the woods, and that I'll see you sometime again, even if it's not with any kind of eyes I know of or understand. I wouldn't be surprised if that is the way things go after all - that all things end happy.'

This is actually not the ending-ending but a bit before that. I couldn't post you the ending-ending because of spoilers. Anyhow these are some of the most beautiful words I have ever read. I'll just say that I managed to read them even my eyes were full of tears. That tells you something.

4. 'We are creatures of loss; we have left everything behind. I have no home, no path, and no certainty. I am no longer Tris,..., or Tris,...
I suppose that now, I must become more than either.'

Somewhere in the process I became Tris and I guess that after this moment I connected with her fully. It is a cliffhanger but every second of waiting was worth.

5.' Where they would all belong or long to be.
A place on the Jellicoe Road.'

There is no better way to end this list but with the book I started it. Like I said this was unforgettable, magical journey which I'll take again and again and again.

I'd love to see your picks so feel free to link them up in comments.

Until the next time,

33 komentara:

  1. One of these days I must read Jellicoe Road. How can that book be anything less than wonderful with such a great start and such a great ending?

    Here's my list of favorite first lines.

  2. I really need to get to Tiger Lily! Everyone says it is an emotional ambush that rips your feelings to shreds, which intrigues me.

    1. Yes it really is and it's magical. I mean how can Petar Pan not be :)

  3. Great list! I definitely should stop postponing & finally read Jellicoe Road.

    By the way, no Zafon? ;) How is that possible? ;)

    1. I can't wait to see that! :) LOL Actually I don't have his book in English and that stopped me. ;))

    2. Yeah, I should've guessed that :) All of my Zafon's copies aren't in English, too :)

  4. CP2 is on my list as well because that is the best ending ever! Love your list!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  5. I've heard mixed things on the epilogue for Clockwork Princess Tanja, I've been so scared to read it! I'm glad you thought it was perfect though:) I definitely need to read Jellicoe Road, I have no idea why I haven't yet. Melina Marchetta is amazing:)

    1. Jenny but you must read it, please? *puppy eyes*. I hope you'll soon :)

  6. Jellicoe Road is a perfect one for this week's topic! Such a beautiful beginning and ending. Clockwork Princess ended wonderfully too. I cried buckets! :)

    1. I agree! :) Yes I think the measurement should be ocean :D

  7. I love the start and end of Jellicoe Road too! I'm glad to see The Storyteller made it onto your list as well! I actually really enjoyed The Book of Blood and Shadow, and that first line had me instantly hooked. Thanks for reminding me! :)

    1. Yes it's a great read really! :) I need to finish that one soon. Thanks Sam :)

  8. Seriously! I'll have to talk with you and Jenny. But you must to read it! The Storyteller as well :)

  9. I've only read Divergent that's on your list :)! I have a thing for books and series that have a happy ending.

    1. It depends sometimes I love unhappy endings too :)

  10. I love this list, Tanja! Jellicoe Road, The Piper's Son, Tiger Lily, and This is Not a Test are my favorites! :)

    1. Now you just must read The Storyteller! ;) Thanks Keertana :)

  11. Love your list Tanja! I know how much you LOVE Jellicoe Road. I'm so happy CP made it to your list. And I haven't read Divergent or Tiger Lilly or The Storyteller, but I have heard amazing things about them! I can't wait to pick them up! :D

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

    1. But you still haven't read it :P I really hope you'll read them all. ;) Thanks Maida :)

  12. On the Jellicoe Road!! Yes! The Storyteller destroyed me but surprisingly, I loved it! I had issues with Clockwork Princess and I'll leave it at that. The Piper's Son is one of my all-time favorite reads, ever. Great list here, Tanja!! :)

    1. I'm so happy you love them all ;) I remember your review for CP so I understand :) Thanks Rachel :)

  13. I loved some of these books and actually have the Storyteller and need to read it! Wonderful list!

    1. I can't wait to see your review for it :) Thanks :)

  14. Ah If I were a millioner I'd buy everyone a copy of Jellicoe Road! I can't wait to see what you think of Clockwork Princess! :)

  15. I love that Jellicoe is in both categories, it is for me too. For beginnings, the first books that come to mind are The Scorpio Races and The Reapers Are the Angels. For endings, it's Feed and then Deadline by Mira Grant. Both are totally shocking AND cryfests.

    The beginning of Feed is very cool, too: "Our story opens where countless stories have ended in the last 26 years: with an idiot. In this case, my brother Shaun deciding it would be a good idea to go out there and poke a zombie with a stick to see what happens." :))

    1. I can't remember the beginning of The Scorpio Races *goes and finds it* :) Haven't read the others.

      That sounds great! I need to check that book out. Thanks Maja :))

  16. I read this post in my mail and Tanja, I have a task for you. After Me Before You, please, my friend, make me read On Jellicoe Road. I know I'll give in eventually! Actually make me read all these books. Lovely post!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  17. Yay! Jellicoe Road is on here twice! :-) Love your choices for beginnings and ends, so many of my favorites are here. It's making me want to reread!



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