22. srp 2013.

Blitz: Nomad by J.L. Bryan

Expected publication: July 26th, 2013

Author's novel Jenny Pox is currently free on Amazon /Smashwords / Barnes & Noble

Book summary: 

They took everything: her family, her home, her childhood.

By the age of nineteen, Raven has spent most of her life in the sprawling slums of America, fighting as a rebel against the dictatorship. When the rebellion steals an experimental time-travel device, she travels back five decades to the year 2013. Her plan: assassinate the future dictator when he is still young and vulnerable, long before he comes to power. She must move fast to reshape history, because agents from her own time are on her trail, ready to execute her on sight.

Guest post 

Diagnose Your Dystopia! by J.L. Bryan

Something’s not right with the world.  You know it, you can feel it, and you’re probably going to die because of it.  Congratulations, you’ve just discovered that you live in a nightmarish dystopian future!
The next question: what kind of dystopia?  If you’re going to live, you’ll need to know this stuff.  Fortunately, we’ve assembled a handy checklist to help you diagnose your dystopia.

Total Surveillance State: If they’re watching your every move, including your facial expressions and body language so they can read your thoughts, and eavesdropping on all your conversations...hey, you’re not paranoid, you just live in an Orwellian total surveillance state! Odds are, they’re trying to control all media and information, including changing past records to suit their ever-changing lies. There may be no escape, so your best bet is try and hook up with that hottie from work before the oppressors destroy your mind and soul.  Good luck!

Game Show-ocracy: If you find yourself cast into a game-show-to-the-death with a name like “The Running Man” or “The Hunger Games,” then you’ve entered a world where game shows keep the public complacent.  If you play the game right, you might just topple the evil rulers of your society, but you’ll have to break a few rules to succeed.  If you’re trapped in a game show-ocracy, my best advice is to contact Alex Trebek from Jeopardy!  That guy has all the answers.

Happy Dystopia: Hey, maybe things aren’t so bad.  Maybe in this Brave New World society, the rulers encourage sex, drugs, and other completely harmless entertainments to keep the population busy and content.  You can try to whip up a rebellion if you want, right after you take your happy pills, eat your chocolate, get a pedicure and a massage...maybe have a nap...is this really a dystopia?

The State of Weird Ideas:  Is everyone forced to wear pink bunny hats at all times?  Or perhaps the letter “Q” is forbidden by law?  Sounds like you live in a world where a completely loopy-fruits dictator has come to power!  Your best bet is to play along while it lasts, but if you really want to shake things up, try being even weirder than the law requires.

We hope that this short pamphlet has somewhat enhanced your chances of surviving through this unfortunate dystopian period, and living onto into the even more miserable dark age to come! 

In the comments below, you could tell us what kind of dystopia you would prefer, or which kind you would most want to avoid.

About the author

J.L. Bryan studied English literature at the University of Georgia and at Oxford, with a focus on English Renaissance and Romantic literature. He also studied screenwriting at UCLA. He lives in the metro Atlanta sprawl with his wife Christina, where he spends most of his day servings the toddler and animal community inside his house. He is the author of the Paranormals series and the Songs of Magic series.

Author's Website / Facebook / Twitter


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Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 19:

  1. "If you’re trapped in a game show-ocracy, my best advice is to contact Alex Trebek from Jeopardy! That guy has all the answers." <-- This made me laugh so hard. lol Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yeah great post right! :) I was laughing so hard after I read it :) Thanks Sara :)

  2. I definitely do NOT want to be in the game show-ocracy type of dystopian world. I would die so quickly. Katniss I am not. I might have a fighting chance in the Happy Dystopia or the State of Weird Ideas. I could just go with the flow and see what happens:) Love this guest post!

    1. LOL You see I would try! But still I would dye first :D Thanks Jenny. I'm glad you like it :)

  3. I can't wait to read what you think of it. As I have the book I might save it for then :) Thanks Heidi :)

  4. I'd definitely die in a dystopian world, but this is such a great post! Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. You just need to find enough food and hide! ;) Thanks Keertana :)

  5. This sounds so unique! I don't usually read dystopians but this sounds really intriguing. Plus, HILARIOUS guest post! I loved it! I'd totally wing out if we were forced to wear pink bunny hats all the time! lol ;p

    Thanks for sharing, Tanja! :D

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

    1. With that I agree! No pink bunny hats! :D Thanks Maida :)

  6. Hmm...I'm wondering if she falls for this dictator while he's young in 2013. That would put a wrench in the works. Great post! :)

    1. I have got the feeling about that. Thanks Rachel :)

  7. and read books! that would equal heaven in my mind ;)

  8. I read the first book of the Fairy series by the author... Song of Magic series! Yes, that one and gave up on the series. The first book is Fairy Metal Thunder! Nomad has a nice cover and thank you for sharing, Tanja!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. I haven't heard of that other series but Nomad seems great! :) Thanks :)

    2. Ah, I have a weak memory... I got both the post details and the series name wrong. *facepalm* But great post that was!

  9. Awesome guest post, I'm super excited to read this book! I keep hearing fantastic things about it. I think I'd most want to avoid the surveillance state type of dystopian world, because that Big Brother stuff would make it really hard to ever relax! :-)

    1. Yes I keep seeing great reviews and that means I must read it :) I agree. Thanks :)



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