5. srp 2013.

Blog Tour: Arrow of the Mist by Christina Mercer

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Book summary: 

Terror strikes the Celtic inspired kingdom of Nemetona when barbed roots breach the veil of a forbidden land and poison woodsmen, including 15-year-old Lia’s beloved father. Lia and three others embark on a quest to the forbidden land of Brume to gather ingredients for the cure. But after her elder kinsman is attacked and poisoned, she and her cousin, Wynn, are forced to finish the quest on their own.

Lia relies on her powerful herbal wisdom and the memorized pages of her late grandmother’s Grimoire for guidance through a land of soul-hungry shades, trickster creatures, and uncovered truths about the origin of Brume and her family’s unexpected ties to it. The deeper they trek into the land, the stronger Lia’s untapped gift as a tree mage unfolds. When she discovers the enchanted root’s maker, it forces her to question everything about who she is and what is her destiny. Ultimately she must make a terrible choice: keep fighting to save her father and the people of the lands or join with the power behind the deadly roots to help nature start anew.

      I strongly believe that many, like I, were taken aback after seeing this book. It showed out of nowhere and suddenly I was in desperate need for this book. Look at the cover it literary talks to you and then you read the blurb and you stare at it in awe! At least I was. It sounded like everything one might need to have a bloody great fantasy novel.

      Honestly I'm like super close to posting a meme at the start of this review, but I shall resist. I'm sure though that you all remember the old fantasy TV shows for kids and fairy tales which had magic and good old riddles (you remember them?). Well this book has it all. Now I came to the hardest part and that would be explaining my emotions and awesomeness of this book to you with my words. It's basically impossible as this book is magical. Every aspect of it - from Lia who is a girl every kid wish to be. She is a girl who is brave and not thinking twice when everyone are in danger and she must cross to Burme, the magical land from which no one came back, in order to find a cure. She is ready to do that and much more to save her father and her land as shadows are getting closer and closer. On this magical quest she will also find a great friend in her cousin and also first affection and something that might turn into love (not in cousin but someone else). But most of all she will find herself and discover that magic is great part of her life and that it'll always be.

      You can find some basic elements of fantasy here and this, for sure, would be a book that I'd read under my tent in the bed as a little kid with a flashlight and staying awake longer than I should. Even though my age tells you something else I still do that, only I don't need flashlight with the new technology.

      This book fed the child in me the one that grew up on books about magic and the one that dreamed about magical lands and creatures. This book fed my soul at the same time as I discovered the whole new world and that world full of possibilities.

Rating: 5 stars.

Until the next time,

22 komentara:

  1. I have been seeing this one around lately and i've been curious. It does sounds like a book you would read as a child! Makes me want to read it just because of that ;) Great review Tanja!

    vJanina @ Synchronized Reading

    1. I hope you'll get a chance to read it :) Thanks Janina :)

  2. I haven't heard of this one but I'm so glad you loved it. I'll have to look into this one for sure. Wonderful review, Tanja!

    1. It was amazing for me! Nice step from YA for a little while :) Thanks :)

  3. Glad this one really spoke to you and the emotions were well done.

  4. I've been seeing this around but didn't think much of it until now! It doesn't sound like anything i've read before, but it sounds like I need to read it ASAP too!

    - Ellie at The Selkie Reads Stories

    1. It is quite different with the new world and all that :) I hope you'll get a chance :)

  5. Great review, Tanja! This sounds like a really fun read. And I do remember those shows! haha. Glad you enjoyed it! :)

    1. Well I feel sorry for the younger generations, they missed that. Anyhow thanks Giselle :)

  6. Wow Tanja, this definitely sounds like I book I need to pick up immediately! Love those books that have you wanting to stay up way later than you should, and who doesn't want to have a book bring out the childish glee in them over finding a fantastic new world to explore? Must. Read.

    1. Yes that's exactly what this book is :) I hope you'll get to read this Jenny :)

  7. I'm a fantasy lover so fantasy feds my soul! :)) Good one of course. Thanks Heidi :)

  8. You had me at magic! Wow. I have this book (thanks to you) but I never thought it'd be that great. Now you have me tempted to make this my next read, Tanja. I will get to it soon. It really does sound nice and yes, lovely review!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. I hope you'll get to read it then :) Thanks darling ;)

  9. Oh this sounds awesome! I love magic and fantasy and everything that comes with it. Great review!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

    1. Then you'll probably enjoy this book too! :) Thanks Teresa :)

  10. This is the first time I myself am seeing it, but like you, I will surely fall prey to it, lol. The cover is stunning, and those 5 stars from you only confirm that I need to get a copy all of my own. It seems a bit youngish, but who cares?!
    Wonderful review, Tanja!

    1. Well it is a MG book but I really enjoyed it :) Thanks Maja :)

  11. Well, Tanja
    I saw this one on Netgalley and I was immediately intrigued
    It looks really good and the cover is amazing
    I love books that have magic in them, every single one
    GREAT review
    Your reader,

    1. I hope you'll get to read it then, I mean if you love fantasy :) Thanks Soma :)

  12. Yes that's all this about. Thanks Aman :)



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