25. srp 2013.

Book tour: Solstice High by Ardash Vartparonian

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Book summary: 
It's the first day of school at prestigious Solstice High. Seniors Matt, Rochelle, Daphne and Jonas each have a big surprise waiting for them. When the four friends undergo a freak accident, they begin to develop superhuman abilities and come to realize that all is not as it seems within the bleak walls of their high school. While dealing with the day-to-day challenges of being teenagers, they must also confront their sinister principal, Mr. Devlin, who seems to have more than just education on his agenda.
       Honestly I didn't know what to expect of this book. I was afraid that I won't like it because of the age of the characters but then again this is urban fantasy, so I decided to give it a try. I'm glad for that.

       This started like some of typical stories from my childhood. Kids find something strange at school and they decide to go and see what's that without calling for help and all that leads to something bigger and more dangerous. After discovering something they weren't supposed to something strange starts to happen. They develop superhuman abilities and they don't know how to control them. They have two options or to stick together and try to find the lab or to go and ask the villain. They know that they must stop this as lives of their peers are in danger so they go into a mission. For many teenagers being one is a everyday mission but these kids have to grow up and fight for themselves.

       All our main characters Matt, Rochelle, Daphne and Jonas were different but combined together they created a great group. They were connected more than they though and they strength was when they were together. But some things were a bit confusing for me, like switching from one character to another. I think it started too early because I didn't know the characters well enough to make difference between them and to catch all the connections. It took me some time to get used to them and follow the story easier. But all in all it was an interesting read.

Rating: 3,5/4 stars

About the author

Ardash Vartparonian was born in London but raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina. At the age of 18 he began his debut novel, Solstice High, and continued writing throughout his last year of school and first year of university, where he moved back to the UK to study English Literature at Edinburgh University. Now a fourth year student, Ardash enjoys going out with his friends, watching horror movies and reading fantasy book while trying to keep up with his university work. Find out more at website.



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Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 16:

  1. I do like superhuman powers occasionally in a read. This sounds interesting so thank you for sharing! Glad you liked it. :)

  2. I haven't read a book like this in a loooong time, so maybe it's time for me to give it a shot. I'm glad you enjoyed it, Tanja! Great review!

  3. I usually struggle a bit with stories with alternating POVs unless it's just two people. Like you said, you don't always know them well enough to tell them apart and the story gets muddied as a result. Glad you enjoyed it for the most part thought Tanja!

    1. Same is for me, they have to have strong personality so I could connect everything. Thanks :)

  4. I reading this now and the pov switching is confusing me as well! The story is interesting though. Great review Tanja :)

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

    1. Yeah story is quite interesting. I hope you'll enjoy it :) Thanks :)

  5. Thanks for taking part in the tour. I'm glad you ended up enjoying Solstice High.

  6. It is a gamble but I try to guess from the blurb where I stand. Thanks Heidi :)

  7. This sounds like an interesting premise, and I'm encourage to hear you enjoyed it overall. It seems to have a lot of promise. Thanks for sharing! :-)

  8. Great review I like that the characters each had their own voice and that they worked well as a team.

  9. You seem to be loving Urban Fantasy a lot these days and it's a good thing. I'll make sure to explore the genre sometime. Glad you enjoyed this one, Tanja. Awesome review!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. I discovered something new and I feel like kid on Christmas :D Thanks Sarika ;)



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