18. srp 2013.

Blog Tour: Identified: The Maya Price Story by Faith A. Rice-Mills

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Book summary:

Maya Price is a typical eighteen-year-old girl without much going on in her life. Her biggest problems include getting ready to leave her hometown for college, figuring out how to avoid her ever-so-strange stepmother, and trying to muddle through her feelings for her best friend, Pete. Yet, on one of her last nights in her hometown, she and Pete are in a car accident. A stranger pulls Maya from the accident, leaving Pete behind, and takes her out of this world and into another dimension. 

 Maya soon discovers that she has been taken to a dimension called Leets by a group of people that call themselves shifters. Shifters are of mixed human and onyx blood and have various abilities.  These shifters are able to travel between dimensions and control the four elements (fire, earth, wind, water) and the five senses (sight, sound, smell, touch and taste). Their leader, Victoria, informs Maya that she, too, is a shifter and that she must choose to join them or risk being sought out by their greatest enemy, a shifter named Leonas. 

Maya joins Victoria and her ragtag group of rebel shifters in Leets, where she is teamed up with a group of seven other shifters. Her new "teammates" include a street-smart girl named Luz, who is especially adept at controlling fire, her twin sister Espy, and a nervous boy named Lamar, who can manipulate sound better than any other shifter. Together, Maya’s team trains for the battle that will soon be  inevitable. 

However, Maya soon learns that her purpose is not to just move the earth or send water flying into the air. There are rumors of a hidden prophecy and that the prophecy mentions Maya by name. Supposedly, the prophecy says that Maya will one day have to choose a side and will be essential in bringing her chosen ally to power...

          How did this book manage to surprise me on so many levels reminds a mystery. Yes, I've read the blurb before reading the book (yes, I do that when it comes to the blog tours) but still I guess I wasn't expecting non of this.

         What started as some sort of contemporary story about a girl, named Maya turned into something totally unexpected. I managed to get into new world, or better said another dimension. Like I said we start with Maya Price a normal girl who likes running and she turns into such a great leading character, where we connected right away it was only a matter or hours that will take me to read this story. She is a eighteen-year-old girl that looks forward to the future and hoping to spend as much time as can with her best friend Pete stops at the night of the car accident in which the two of them are involved. Soon enough Maya gets transported to another dimension where the picture of her life collapses and she manages to meet the new world and new self. With the prophecy that states another truth about her, Maya has a lot to learn. Not only is Maya a great character but with the whole spectra of characters you start to turn the pages rapidly just to see what happens next.

        Maybe at the start the writing will be a bit unusual as it's starts with first person narrative and the switches to the third, soon it becomes irrelevant as you connect the dots. The same thing is with the story line. At some points the story gets interrupted with another characters, and in general with something that at first you won't be able to understand, as it goes you catch the answers on all your 'why's and 'how's.

Rating: 5 stars.

About the author

Faith A. Rice-Mills is the author of Identified: The Maya Price Story and a handful of short stories.  She moonlights as a Spanish teacher,  but has wanted to be a writer since she wrote the poem “The Jackowhipp’s Wail” as an eight-year-old.  Her writer’s spirit resides somewhere between Narnia and Mount Doom, but her physical body lives in Texas with her family.  Besides writing, she loves reading (and will take recommendations!), yoga, coloring with her daughter, and watching Parks and Recreation with her husband.  She dislikes snakes, the word “literally,” and teaching double object pronouns in Spanish.  She is currently working on Burdened, the second book in The Maya Price Story series and is writing whatever short story she has to get out of her brain.


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Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 19:

  1. Oh wow this sounds interesting. The whole prophecy thing has me intrigued :) Great review!

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

    1. It's really interesting and unexpected. Thanks Janina :)

  2. I haven't heard of this, but I'm impressed by how much you enjoyed it. I'll have to check it out for sure. Fantastic review!

    1. I hope you'll get to read it Keertana :) Thanks :)

  3. The premise and prophecy sound interesting. Glad you enjoyed

  4. It's a bit unusual but you get the point of it while reading it. Thanks Heidi :)

  5. I'm curious about this one Tanja. Normally the things you mention - the switching from first person to third person and flipping back and forth between various characters - would really be things that bother me, but they obviously work in this case. Love when a book surprises me with how much I love it! Fabulous review:)

    1. Especially with some elements that I didn't even dream of :) Here it's done for a reason. Thanks Jenny :)

  6. Ok Tanja, this is new to me and your review has really piqued my interest with prophecies and other worlds. I am so glad this worked despite the change in pov's, new characters and WTH moments. Lovely review!

  7. This does sound interesting and it's new to me! Thanks for sharing. :)

  8. Well well well... Someone read the summary and was still up for a surprise and I'm so glad it was a good surprise! She meets a new self and a new life? Fantastic! I'm liking the sound of this and how it seems like one thing but turns into another. Those are my fave type of reads. Although that whole first/ second/ third POV thing goes above my head most of the time. Thanks for putting this up on my radar, Tanja. I'll keep this book in mind! Awesome review!

  9. I am really curious about the concept of this story. I am totally intrigued by it and I LOVE it when books surprise you! I can't wait to meet Maya! Glad you enjoyed this, Tanja! :D

    Awesome review! :)

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

    1. I hope you'll get to read this one girl ;) Thanks Maida :)

  10. I love when a book surprises you by how good it is. This sounds like a good read. Great review!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives



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