12. srp 2013.

Blog Tour: Addicted to You by Krista and Becca Ritchie

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Book summary: 

No one would suspect shy Lily Calloway’s biggest secret. While everyone is dancing at college bars, Lily stays in the bathroom. To get laid. Her compulsion leads her to one-night stands, steamy hookups and events she shamefully regrets. The only person who knows her secret happens to have one of his own.

Loren Hale’s best friend is his bottle of bourbon. Lily comes at a close second. For three years, they’ve pretended to be in a real relationship, hiding their addictions from their families. They’ve mastered the art of concealing flasks and random guys that filter in and out of their apartment.

But when they go on a family boat trip, surrounded by open seas and limited male bodies in sight, Lily’s confronted with a big fear. Only one guy onboard can fill her addiction, and she’s sworn off going there with Loren Hale ever again.

Now the only person who can truly help her can barely help himself.

        With NA books jumping from every corner I got tired of reading them. They all started to sound alike and with that the whole concept lost its magic. This one sounded different and luckily for me it was different. It wasn't NA just because you had some drinking and sex here and there. It dealt with bigger issues.

        It'll be hard to talk about this one and not to compare some things with other typical NA stories. Here, as always, you have a boy and a girl, but the difference is they're far from being angels. Not only that their lives are so screwed up but also there is no easy way out. Love is not enough to change things here, because this people dealt with real problems and they had to keep appearance.

        Lily and Loren, the two people how know each other well, where no one else knew the real image just the blurred one they presented, had some serious problems. Lily is a sex-addict while Loren can't go through the day without alcohol. They both knew that they had problems but they had to carry a lot of things on their shoulders. Honestly after starting this book I was afraid of continuing it. I like it when main characters have messed up lives and they need each other as they're a safe harbor for the other person. That can work if the two of them are different. Yes still messed up but in a different way so that one of them has something that other person lacks but at the same time it can support him/her in some other ways and vice versa. They basically complement each other and that makes a book work out and that's when a happy ending is necessary, as they both deserve it. I was scared here, because both of the main characters were messed up on so many levels that I was scared of reading some forced happy and soppy love story as they couldn't work out, because their relationship was destructive. I should know better I guess.

        I'd probably enjoy this book fully if I could connect with main characters but I simply couldn't. They both allowed some things that I'd never allow. Another thing is that I'd go even further with the ending and closing it completely, but it was left for me to decide and I did.

Rating: 3.5 stars.

About the authors

Becca Ritchie is a carnivore of pop culture, television, film and of course YA and NA books. While in college, she worked at The CW television network and put her vampiric knowledge to good use, blogging about hit series and swooning over actors’ abs. When she’s not blogging, she writes novels and has teamed up with her twin sister for their New Adult novel ADDICTED TO YOU. Available July of 2013.
You can follow Becca at Twitter.

Krista Ritchie is the mind behind popular trading website YA Book Exchange and created Nawanda Files, a book blog that also features books into movies news. When not pouring over entertainment news and the newest releases, she spends her time conducting research in a genetics lab. She’s happy to join forces with her sister, harnessing their twin powers to produce the first in a New Adult series. You can follow her at Twitter

Be sure to follow them at their blog.


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Until the next time,

22 komentara:

  1. I still do not think I have read a New Adult book yet. But this sounds really interesting and it does sounds different from other NA books I've run across. Sorry the connection to the main characters weren't there for you, but great review Tanja :)

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

    1. Well you'll read one sooner or later :)) Thanks Janina :)

  2. I've seen this book around and I was always curious about it because the plot sounded so.. strange xD I've been getting tired of all the NA books too but maybe i'll give in to temptation someday and read this one. Great honest review, Tanja!

    - Ellie at The Selkie Reads Stories

    1. It is strange and quite unusual :) I hope you'll get to read it Ellie :) Thanks :)

  3. I liked that it was different than some of the other NA themes. I'm dying to see how they turn around in the sequel! :)

    1. I'm actually afraid of reading the sequel and I maybe never will. :)

  4. Glad that it was different and dealt with deeper issues!

  5. I'm glad you enjoyed this for the most part. I'm not sure it's for me, but great review!

  6. It has some connections but still it's different. Thanks Heidi :)

  7. hmmm..not sure about this, I need to connect and why are both so damaged..sorry this one was just ok.

    1. Because of their past as usual :) It'll get better. Thanks :)

  8. I'm really curious about this one Tanja, but like you, I'm just not sure I could really connect to either of these two. I like that the authors attacked an issue like sex addiction, something that's really not discussed much in books at all, but I have a feeling I'll really struggle with the decisions these two make as they succumb to and try and fight their respective addictions. Really enjoyed reading your thoughts though!

    1. Yes they really lost control, and I like some sort of control freak couldn't imagine that. Thanks Jenny :)

  9. I remember seeing this book as your WoW pick once and I had added it to my TBR as well. I'm glad you got ti read it. And what? It's about these two friends who're addicts. Woah! That's something different and worth giving a try to (I mean worth giving a try to reading it, not the addiction part). :P I loved messed up characters and stories as well, so this one is right up my alley! Awesome review, Tanja!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. LOL Yes these bring messed up to totally new level :) I hope you'll get a chance to read it Sarika :)

  10. This deff sounds like it has a bit of a different twist even if it does have some typical NA stuff. Too bad you couldnt connect to the characters. Great review.

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  11. This looks excellent and I want to give it a try. Thanks!

  12. I'll admit that I'm afraid of this one. I think I'll skip it. But I am intrigued by the fact that these characters deal with real life issues that are not easily fixed. That is true to life. But I agree that I'm scared of these two will ALL there issues combined. Glad you liked it overall tho!

  13. Wonderful review, Tanja. This sounds like a tough read with the self destructive nature of the characters. I find when I read something like this I just want them to shape up and get better. I don't like open endings either so I don't know if this would work for me. It does sound like a powerful read though. :)



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