26. srp 2013.

Finnikin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta

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Book summary: 
Finnikin was only a child during the five days of the unspeakable, when the royal family of Lumatere were brutally murdered, and an imposter seized the throne. Now a curse binds all who remain inside Lumatere’s walls, and those who escaped roam the surrounding lands as exiles, persecuted and despairing, dying by the thousands in fever camps. In a narrative crackling with the tension of an imminent storm, Finnikin, now on the cusp of manhood, is compelled to join forces with an arrogant and enigmatic young novice named Evanjalin, who claims that her dark dreams will lead the exiles to a surviving royal child and a way to pierce the cursed barrier and regain the land of Lumatere. But Evanjalin’s unpredictable behavior suggests that she is not what she seems — and the startling truth will test Finnikin’s faith not only in her, but in all he knows to be true about himself and his destiny.
Tanja: We have decided to do this review together. Even though, Glass said that she had no idea how to do this review and I couldn't agree more. I say we just start and go with the flow.
First of all, I need to point out that I hardly believe Melina Marchetta can write a bad book.
Glass: There is no way you can put Melina Marchetta and bad book in the same sentence. That woman is brilliant. I thought that I couldn't love her more after her realistic novels and, shame on me, I did have doubts about her fantasy series - how delusional I was. Pft..
Tanja: I was afraid for another reason. I mean Melina is, by far, my favorite author and I really love fantasy, so I thought I had high expectations. Well, you can get them as high as you want and you won't end up disappointed here. So shall we say something about Finnikin? I mean he is already in our harem and he is going to stay there.
Glass: He is disgusting creature, girls. You do not want to meet him. (Keep it quiet, Tanja! Do you want them to steal him from us?! We barely managed to agree about sharing him between us!)
Tanja: (Oh, I'm an idiot!) I mean he is awful. How could he act like that?
Glass: He walks across whole kingdom following this weird girl who have strange dreams, he saves her sorry ass no matter how many times she makes him mad or annoys him, he is loyal and brave, and he holds her hand whenever she needs him. Yes, why would you want him? Run while you still can.
Tanja: Yes and then he is such a sweetheart cause he doesn't want to be in power as his best childhood friend was supposed to be that. I can't count how many times I wanted to hug him. But not just him, I could totally relate with Evanjalin, too. I understand her actions and supported them. Same is for Froi. I will hardly forget that scene from the book (you know which one) but now while reading the second book I can't help but cheer for him. Like you said that Melina always makes her characters somewhere in the middle. Non of them is perfect nor flawless, but for me that makes them more real and easier to love.
Glass: Oh, Froi. Well, considering that we are reading second novel in the series, I am little bit  moon-eyed when it comes to Froi, but I have to admit that I had my doubts about him in the first half of the book. Oh, the scene! And don't forget about her female characters - they are not weak girls, they do not need someone to take care of them constantly because if there are no men in their life, they could lay down and die, there is no hope. Evanjalin is one of my favorites characters in this book, well in any book I've read so far. And don't let me start fangirling about Beatrice.
Tanja: I was skeptical, because of that scene. But then again we all make mistakes and luckily Froi is fixing everything with his actions now. Of course, remember the scene when Evanjalin started to kick some guys. I was cheering for her aloud (luckily I was home alone). Yes Beatrice too. I'm still to find out what really happened, but I admire her and the way she walks with her head raised no matter what happened! It's a perfect combination here as you have great characters and an amazing story. Another thing I really like is the way the story goes. I love it that we first meet characters out of their comfort zone. Because we first meet all the people in exile and Finn too and then we got to see Lumatere, as the picture of new beginnings.
Okay, I was thinking we could share some quotes for the end?
Glass:  Do I have to? I want to quote whole book. Let me try...
Never underestimate the value of knowing another's language. It can be far more powerful than swords and arrows.
Tanja: I know honey, I'd too. I love that one and we can totally relate to it. Here is mine:
Then I choose to drown, Finnikin said. In hope. Rather than float into nothing.
Because I'd choose that too.

We, Glass and Tanja, full-heartedly agree that this book is a must read.

Rating: 5 stars is not enough, infinite is a right term.

Until the next time,

32 komentara:

  1. Oh I loved your review, I felt like I was in a coffee shop eavesdropping on you as you chatted up the book. So glad you both loved it, adding to my list!

    1. I'm so happy you'll read this one day! You'll love it. Thank you :)

  2. Ahh, I'm so glad you two loved this (and I loved your review - so creative and amusing)! Just to make things clear, Finn is mine. You meet a lot of other characters in the next two books and they will likely steal your heart, but mine has been with Finn since this book. :P (I secretly hope yours are too since we can all fangirl over him!) I can't wait to see what you think of the sequel now! :D

    1. Thanks Keertana! We'll try to do this more often :) LOL We'll have to make some sort of a deal ;) But I really like Luci-en too ;)

  3. Fun joint review and so glad that you both enjoyed

  4. I've been wanting to read this book for a while because I've heard nothing but good things about it. And this was a really fun review!

    1. You'll enjoy it because it's amazing. Thank you :)

  5. Great review, you two. I never gave much thought to this series until all the buzz about the latest book came up and knew I had to see what the fuss was about.

    Alise @ Readers in Wonderland

    1. I really hope you'll read it soon :) Thanks Alise :)

  6. Oh ladies, I'm totally in love with this review! :-) You're so right, I don't believe it is possible for Marchetta to write a bad book. I'm so glad you love Finnikin too (though I agree, we should have kept our love quiet so we don't have to share him with everyone!) I'm a huge fan of Evanjalin and Beatrice too. Excited to hear what you think of the next two books, and of Quintana in comparison to those two ladies. Fabulously entertaining review! :-)

    1. Thank you! ;) We'll do the same for the next two books in this series ;) I'm afraid to finish this series, I'm so going to miss it! :(

  7. Melina is definitely one of my favourite authors, I tried reading this book last year, but really struggled with it, I think I will have to give it another go soon! Great review ladies! :)

    1. Maybe you weren't in the mood then, but try again ;) Thanks Jasprit :)

  8. Hahaha somehow I just don't believe you two when you say Finnikin is disgusting and awful. But you wouldn't lie to your readers about him would you? Of course not ;-) Can't wait to read this one ladies, and I absolutely love the quotes you both picked. I would definitely be one to drown in hope too Tanja!

    1. We lie? C'mon you can't put that in the same sentence ;) I can't wait for you to read it! I'm even planing how to make people read this ;)

  9. I really like the double review! I've not even heard of this book or series.

    1. You haven't? WOW. I'm really surprised. I hope you'll get to read it! :)

  10. I'm cheering for August just so you know and I'll be stalking you :D Well, we warned you, didn't we? :)

  11. LOVED YOUR REVIEW! I haven't heard of this one, but after your review I am totally intrigued by it! Adding it to my TBR! :D I'm glad you both enjoyed this!

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

    1. I really hope you'll read it soon, because you know how much I can talk about Melina :) Thanks girl ;)

  12. I loved this review! So much fun! I am deff interested in this one now since you guys loved it so much.

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  13. Oh, I just LOVED this series to pieces!! ALL of the characters are so well-fleshed out and perfectly flawed! I can't wait to see what you two think of the next books. Love this discussion/review and it makes me want to read the books all over again!! I loved this quote as well, Tanja:

    Then I choose to drown, Finnikin said. In hope. Rather than float into nothing.

    1. Me too Rachel! I don't why it took me so long to read it! :) Thanks! :)

  14. Oh Oh oh! This book sounds amazing! I have yet to read anything by Melina Marchetta, yes, I know, shame on me but I will hopefully be getting my hands on On Jellicoe Road soon. I want to read that and Saving Franchesca and Piper's Son too :) Thanks for you lovely review Glass and Tanja!

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

    1. Seriously you miss a lot! But you'll see after you read it :) Thanks :)

  15. LOL I loved this review! I also enjoyed this book. The characters are so well done. I was a little confused at times but it still was amazing!

    1. I'm usually confused in fantasy novels with the names of characters and kingdoms and what not xD Thanks Sara :)

  16. I'm thinking I must read this 'must read' and meet the "disgusting creature" you speak of... :-D I've only read a few of Melina Marchetta's contemporary YA books, but I'm definitely interested in trying this one. I've been reading more sci-fi/fantasty lately anyway. Yey! Exciting! Love your review girls, thanks.

    1. You should, I guess :D You'll love it really :) Thanks :)

  17. Oh you must read it Aman! You'll love it :)



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