10. ruj 2014.

Waiting on Wednesday (#112)

You know the story. This is a meme created by Breaking the Spine and every week we pick books we're waiting for. Here are our picks for this week.

Glass' pick

The sound of the ocean, the crash of the waves as they kick up against the sand and rocks—these are the only sounds Megan Greene wants to hear. She wants to leave the rest of the world behind, and find some peace.

The offer of a private house on the beach, set in a small town in Maine, is perfect. Time to think—to be by herself. It’s all she wants. It’s the escape she needs.

Until she stumbles across the painting that seems to echo her own chaotic mindset.

Until she meets the unfriendly artist behind the stormy painting and discovers his secrets.

All Zachary Adams wants is to be left alone. His canvases, and the unending scope of the ocean and sand, are his life. They direct him—fill his hours. Bring him focus.

Until she enters his life.

She dredges up memories of the past—the haunting images he has hidden for years; the fears he has never shared.

A story he keeps buried below the surface.

Can she make him see what he is missing? Can he trust her enough to believe?

Together they embark on a journey where their pasts collide and threaten to tear them apart.

Will their fragile bond hold or wash away with the ebbing tide?

Expected publication: October 14th, 2014

Tanja's pick

It's an oppressively hot and sticky morning in June when Sterling and her brother, Phin, have an argument that compels him to run into the town swamp -- the one that strikes fear in all the residents of Sticks, Louisiana. Phin doesn't return. Instead, a girl named Lenora May climbs out, and now Sterling is the only person in Sticks who remembers her brother ever existed.

Sterling needs to figure out what the swamp's done with her beloved brother and how Lenora May is connected to his disappearance -- and loner boy Heath Durham might be the only one who can help her.

This debut novel is full of atmosphere, twists and turns, and a swoon-worthy romance.

Expected publication: October 21st, 2014

We'd love to see your picks so feel free to link them up.

Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 13:

  1. I can't wait to read Beware the Wild, it just sounds so creepy. And Beneath the Scars seems pretty great too. Thanks for sharing! :)
    Here's my WoW

  2. Great picks. I'm curious about Beneath the Scars and what's causing the characters pain.

    Happy Hump Day!

    Shane @ItchingforBooks

  3. Interesting, they're new to me I confess.

  4. I got Beware the Wild for review a while back and I am planning on reading it next month. I hope it is as good as it looks!

  5. Great picks this week ladies! I just finished Beware the Wild and I really liked it. Very strange and unusual in a good way. ;)

  6. Both sounds good. Hope that you get a chance to read it soon.

  7. Great picks girls! Beneath the Scars has such an amazing cover, I really love it! And I heard great things about Beware the Wild, so I'm really excited to read that one as well!

  8. Great choices, both seem interesting, I will check them out.

  9. Beneath The Scars is new to me. I want to read Beware The Wild. I hope you both enjoy your picks this week.
    My WoW

  10. Thank you so much for sharing. Both sound good, and I've added both on my wishlist :)

  11. Beneath the Scars sounds very interesting and I love that cover for Beware the Wild :)

    Eileen @ BookCatPin

  12. Both of these sound good. I hadn't heard of either one, so thanks!

  13. Ooh both of these sound awesome! I had heard of Beware the Wild but not Beneath the Scars - super excited to read both of these!



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