Hello. Yes I've got tagged again. Like I said to Lola she has started something. I haven't gotten tagged before, so this is really new for me. I love doing these posts. So let's focus on the TBR Tag. I've got tagged by Montana @The Book Bells. Thanks, hon! I'm supper excited to do this. So let's go!
1. How do you keep track of your TBR pile?
God bless Goodreads and whoever invented it. I still claim it's the best invention since Internet came to life. I would be lost without it.
2. Is your TBR mostly print or e-books?
It's mostly e-books, and a lot of them are ARCs actually. I have got plenty of print books that are still sadly on my shelf unread but I shall change that.
3. How do you determine which book from your TBR pile to read next?
It really depends. Sometimes I like organize it by publication date if I have got a lot of ARCs, but I usually just start reading whatever I feel like reading.

5. A Book you recently added to your TBR pile.
Golden Son by Pierce Brown. I added this on as soon as I finished Red Rising. I really want to read more and go back to that world soon!
6. A book you never plan on reading
Ghost House by Alexandra Adornetto. Or any by this author really. I don't like people who cannot understand critics and well I don't want to have anything with them.
7. An unpublished book on your TBR that you're excited for

Winterkill by Kate A. Boorman. I sadly haven't got approved for this one and I usually get over that easily as I'm lucky enough to get approved for lots of books. But this one!! I want it badly.

Across the Universe by Beth Revis. Yes I know! I'll get to this series one day. I will. Really! It's just I somehow always skip it. I have no idea why.
9. A book on your TBR that everyone recommends to you
The Bronze Horseman series by Paullina Simons. I don't think I know anyone who didn't like this book. I heard so much about it and I really cannot wait to read it.

10. A book on your TBR that you're dying to read
I take it we're talking about already published books. So Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secret of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz. I really want to discover that secret too.
11. How many book are on your Gooreads TBR shelf?
114. I'm really trying to keep this under control but I'll probably lose it sooner or later. I'm happy for now, but there is that old saying - for every read book I add 2 more on my TBR shelf.
So I won't tag anyone specific this time. I always feel bad that I left someone out of this and he/she really wanted to do it. So you all consider yourself tagged! :)
I just bought the Cro version of Across the Universe on sale for next to nothing, so I'll probably be reading it again, just to see how the translation was handled. I'm curious about these things. And you NEED to read Aristotle and Dante! OMG the gorgeousness of that book.
OdgovoriIzbrišiAristotle is SO GOOD--get to it soon, Tanja! But, in all seriousness, thank god for Goodreads. Otherwise I'd forget every book I ever wanted to read and would be a sad mess. But it is so true, though, that for every book I read I wind up adding two more to my TBR--the struggle is too read. #bibliophileproblems ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiOoo yes I really want to read WINTERKILL too Tanja!!! And I feel like everyone but me has read The Fault in our Stars and If I Stay. I swear I'll get to those one day soon! I don't know why I keep skipping them either, but like you, I just do. Fail:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiAcross the universe was amazing, I hope you decide to read it soon.
OdgovoriIzbrišiI really want to read Aristotle as well. It sounds amazing, and I've heard great things! I have my post for this scheduled for next week (I was tagged by Montana as well!!)
OdgovoriIzbrišiLove these questions and answers!
OdgovoriIzbrišiWinterkill sounds like a really exciting book. I must read it soon. I also need to read Aristotle and Dante. I've heard so many exciting things about that book and how good it is.
OdgovoriIzbrišiMy TBR is never ending. I'm not sure if it will ever end! :P
I love these sort of post and I'm working on the one you tagged me in at the mo. Hehe. I haven't read Across the Universe, so I can always read it with you!? Goodreads, as much as I love it, I sort of just base it on what I feel reading. Its true I have more ebooks than print though. But hey we are always going to have a TBR, wheres the fun without one. LOL. Great post, Tanja! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiMy TBR is mostly print, although ebooks are steadily catching up. Love that cover for Golden Son, so gorgeous. I still have yet to read Red Rising though, I'll have to get to that soon. And yes, Goodreads is such a blessing for keeping track of things!
OdgovoriIzbrišiI love the idea behind this TBR post! I still haven't read Dante and Artistole Discover the Secrets of the Universe but i'm imagining it's a pleasnt read!
OdgovoriIzbrišiI'd be soo lost without Goodreads, so ofc, I agree with you! It IS the best thing invented since Internet came to life!
OdgovoriIzbrišiI also still have to read Across the Universe. I don't know why I still haven't because I LOVE books that are set in space, so I'll really have to get to that one!
Goodreads yessss! I mean, it's suck sometimes and drama too, but I love it still *shrugs* I have more ebooks, but I love print books more :) I TAKE IT YOU LOVED RED RISING? :D Heh. I've heard praise. It's not for me, but I'm glad you liked it ;) LAWL!!!!!! GHOST HOUSE. Seriously though. That's an author I'm avoiding for obvious reasons >.< Across the Universe was good, but I still haven't read the sequel in full. I've reached halfway 2 times though -.- Ooooh! Dante is good, I've heard :D HAHAHAHA. Tanja. Old saying. Haha. You joker, you! x
OdgovoriIzbrišiLol at Ghost House. You're so good at keeping your TBR shelf manageable, Tanja. Mine is teetering on..I don't know..eggshells? *shudders* Are we still up for a Winterkill buddy read? I'm glad I didn't request it because I might get rejected as well. But I think I'm only saying this because I didn't know it was up for request! *wails* Maybe we could buddy read Aristotle and Dante, too? I would love to read that book.
OdgovoriIzbrišiAhh thanks so much for for doing the tag it is awesome that several people have tagged you! Across The Universe is really great!!
OdgovoriIzbrišinumber 10? yes, yes! rad it read it read it!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiFun Post!
Aww, Tanja, you're cute. ^^ Oh, don't worry about not getting approved for Winterkill. I have, started reading it and then felt so bored. It is boring and not captivating and I feel like skipping it but then bad because I got a copy. Ugh.
OdgovoriIzbrišiooh great choices!! I really want to read Aristotle and Dante and Across the Universe. I hope you had fun doing the tag :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiRachel @ A Perfection Called Books
I haven't read Across the Universe either! You are not the only one. :) I do own a copy, but I just haven't dived in yet.
OdgovoriIzbrišiTerri M.
Second Run Reviews
I got a copy of Winterkill from the ALA so I guess I should look more into it now that you're dying for it. I just quickly read the blurb and thought it sounded good. There was so much going on that was about all you could do with books. I read Across the Universe a long time ago and then never picked up the rest of the series. It was good, though. :) I want to read The Bronze Horseman as well and Outlander! I hear great things about both. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiGoodreads is really a gift for all of us book lovers and avid readers. I write down the books I read anyway, but having Goodreads is a blessing. And wow girl, Winterfall and Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe sound so interesting. I'll be keeping an eye out for them myself. I love reading your answers to such stuff, Tanja, because it helps me get to know my stalker better. Great stuff!
OdgovoriIzbrišiSarika @ The Readdicts
Haha love this tag! I definitely should read Across the Universe myself as well! I use Shelfari to track my TBR, which is much like Goodreads actually :P My list is sooo long though, I hope to get through it but I don't know how I ever could. I can guess yours is much like this!