Hello darlings. We didn't do a bookish problems post in a while and today while emailing with Glass I realized that I actually have a problem we should discuss. This "little" issue is something you are at some point faced with - organization.
I know that we're all different and that some of us work better in complete chaos while others, like me, need things neat and organized. Therefore I'll share some things I do and how I organize myself and what helps me to keep everything up to date.1. Planner

2. The Sunday Post
Now this leads us to the source of my title. So The Sunday Post is something that helped us organize even better. It is pretty chaotic every Saturday when we're constantly emailing each other to see what should we post and when we have posts due, but it also helps you get rid of all the headaches during the week. We already have everything planned and scheduled so we can take care of books and other things.
3. Use inspiration while you have it
Basically don't be lazy and leave everything for later, as you'll regret it. I have done this many times and regretted it every single time. There are days when I feel like writing reviews and words are just coming and sentences creating in your brain - USE THAT TIME. Sit down and write as many reviews or post as can or feel like. There will be moments when you have post to publish tomorrow and your brain is tabula rasa. It's stressful and we don't want blogging to be that.
So a post a day, keeps headaches away.
How do you organize your readings and posts? Share your tips and who knows maybe I'll start using them. :)
Yes, organisation is a big thing for me. Generally I'm pretty organised especially when it comes to work and study but my blog can be tricky sometimes. I've recently got myself a big planner and it really help out, I think the only thing I'm bad at is keeping to dates of ARCs as sometimes I feel I don't enjoy it as much so I keep it quite loose if that makes sense. Lovely post, Tanja! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiI definitely have a calendar I can't live without. I love the Sunday Post but lately it seems I don't have time on Saturday nights to get it ready. Hopefully once we get our groove back with school being in, it won't be such a challenge.
OdgovoriIzbrišiI agree it's important if you receive ARCs to keep a calendar or planner like you. That way you don't let them slip through the cracks. If you share a blog like you and Glass and Jasprit and I, it's a must as well. We usually sort the whole month out ahead of time, instead of once a week, and I have a printed calendar with all the posts listed in it for the month. On the back of that page I have a list of books I want to read and review for the month and I usually write those in before I settle on dates. Great post, Tanja! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuch a great ideas! I keep a master list of books I need to read, and then a month by month calendar so I can pencil in reviews, tours, etc. And I also do #3 -- if I can get into the mindset, I can crank out a few days worth of posts in one sitting, which is so helpful.
OdgovoriIzbrišiI'm freakishly organized too Tanja! I have a blog calendar I live by, it helps me keep track of all the reviews and the tours I'm scheduled for and I don't know what I'd do without it:) I need to be able to put everything in writing, my mind is the opposite of a steel trap, so if it's not on the calendar, it's not on my radar. O.o
OdgovoriIzbrišiThat's all great advice. I really like that you said to write those reviews when you feel inspired. And keep a planner. I use Evernote, which syncs between my iPad, iPhone and computer. I keep track of books and blog posts. And I use your advice of writing reviews on it when inspiration hits.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for the great post!
I wish I could be as organized as you guys! I used to have a blog calendar and I would basically schedule book reviews as soon as I got them and then read them all in order, but that turned out to be really upsetting to me because I felt like I was being forced to read the books, you know? I ended up DNFing a ton of books. Now, I'm more sporadic in my reads. I do have a list on Excel with all my ARCs and review copies that I have organized into their months and release dates and I try to schedule my posts a week or two earlier, which is a lot better for me.
OdgovoriIzbrišiI keep a color-coded Google calendar that's synced with my phone as well. It's absolutely essential for keeping my sanity more or less intact. When I get a new arc, I select a date, enter it on my calendar and mark it read. When I read it, but don't review I make it yellow, and finally green when the post is scheduled. So a simple glance is enough to tell me all I need to know.
OdgovoriIzbrišiMy planner is my saving grace! That is what keeps me sane and reminds me when I have to get ARCs read and what not. I also have to write my reviews immediately after finishing a book, otherwise it doesnt get done-- usually my reviews end up typed up on my iphone because of this haha. Great post!
OdgovoriIzbrišiTeresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives
I use Wordpress which actually has a plugin where there's a calender you can put in your dashboard and that syncs to your email as well, and I absolutely love it. Its' so helpful for organization and I absolutely adore it.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for sharing these tips Tanja, and great post!
~ Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf
I definitely think a planner and taking advantage of the times when you are struck by inspiration are key. I haven't found much time to review recently but whenever I have been inspired or in the mood to write in the past, I always managed to get the bulk of my review-writing done in that period. Great post, Tanja! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiUse that time is totally a great point. I use a planner too - there is no other way to stay organized!
OdgovoriIzbrišiMissie @ A Flurry of Ponderings
Omg I have been so lagging with creating posts lately because of lack of time. But I do keep a list of my requested books and arcs. Great post!
OdgovoriIzbrišiMy posts all always written the day after their publication---such such such a bad habit!!! And well I review a book after I finish reading it because then if I wait longer I won't have the motivation anymore. I know some of mine are not necessary professional or interesting and those are usually when I don't have inspiration but most write the review anyway. :P
OdgovoriIzbrišiI think this is my main problem. I procrastinate... And then I panic day before my post should go live because I still haven't written it, and then mostly happens that I don't have time to deal with it or no inspiration, and then I get frustrated.
OdgovoriIzbrišiwow, I love that the Sunday Post helps you be organized and plan your week..that is awesome. I need everything sorted and work better when I have a plan.
OdgovoriIzbrišiI don't organize...at all. It's a real problem. =) Also, I'm bad at the whole using inspiration while you have it thing... I tend to do my reviews right away when I still have all my thoughts and feelings ready to be organized into a halfway coherent review. BUT when it comes to things like discussion posts I'll get an idea, write the idea down and then I never actually get around to writing the full post. Basically, I think I should make use of your tips, because I'm also constantly failing at reading my ARCs on time...oops. =)
OdgovoriIzbrišiI've been going back and forth between 3 organizing tools--a paper calendar, a Google Spreadsheet and my Google Calendar. It's getting quite confusing for me. I need to settle on one thing and just stick with it.
OdgovoriIzbrišiTerri M.
Second Run Reviews
I agree with you completely on number three. Whenever you get the time, it's best to plan some posts and have them drafted so you don't have to strain your brain at the last minute. Janhvi and I always have reviews in drafts and seeing as I'm a slow reader, I even make sure to do random posts or keep taking part in book promotion posts, to fill up my posting days.
OdgovoriIzbrišiAs for agendas, just the other day, my French teacher aksed if we maintain agendas in India. And I found myself saying no, and that is so true. I do store all the dates on my calendar, and once Janhvi and I meet, we go through the weekly posts or we simply text each other and fix it.
I love how your organize yourself. Keep it up, and great post!
Sarika @ The Readdicts