24. srp 2014.

Reclaiming the Sand by A. Meredith Walters

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My rating: 4 stars

Book summary:

"Ellie McCallum was a bully. No connection to anyone or anything. A sad and lonely existence for a young woman who had come to expect nothing more for herself. Her only happiness coming from making others miserable. Particularly Freaky Flynn. Flynn Hendrick lived a life completely disconnected even as he struggled to become something more than that boy with Asperger's. He was taunted and teased, bearing the brunt of systematic and calculated cruelty, ultimately culminating in a catastrophic turn of events that brought Ellie and Flynn’s worlds crashing down. 
But then Flynn and Ellie grew up. And moved on. Until years later when their paths unexpectedly cross again and the bully and the freak are face to face once more. When labels come to define you, finding yourself feels impossible. Particularly for two people disconnected from the world who inexplicably find a connection in each other. And out of the wreckage of their tragic beginnings, an unlikely love story unfolds. But a painful past doesn’t always want to let go. And old wounds are never truly healed…and sometimes the further you try to run from yourself the closer you come to who you really are."


       After finishing Lead Me Not (you can read my review here), I couldn't resist and not pick up one more novel by A. Meredith Walters. I am happy that I did, because what I read was equally good as her latest novel and completely different when it comes to the story. 

       I did not expect that. One of the biggest cliches of new adult genre is alpha male/bad boy who falls in love with the good girl. A lot of drama and angst. Reclaiming the Sand is a novel that might not appeal to the fans of genre. Why? For starters, forget about bad boys and melodramatic make out sessions. There is nothing easy here and you could find yourself in situation where you wouldn't know if you hate main character or you forgive her. Ellie is usually that girl we find somewhere on sidelines in new adult books - unlikeable character who at some point choose to do a good thing and in the end we start to believe that there might still be hope for her redemption. It was hard to "accept" her  and even harder to empathize with her because a lot of things that she had done were cruel and mean. Ellie is a bully. Nothing cannot undo her past, but I kind of understood some of her actions and in the end I didn't resent her that much. 

      Flynn. One thing I can promise you is that you have never met main male character like this in any new adult novel you have read so far. Flynn is complete opposite to Kellan Kyle and Travis Maddox type of boys. Struggling his whole life with Asperger's, Flynn had a hard time growing up, adjusting to change and interacting with other people. Ellie didn't make things any easier for him. My heart broke every time when he would smile and say that she is his friend now because she smiles at him and talks with him. Or when he would let her hold his hand. And I was so proud when he stood up for himself. I melted when he told her this:
"I’m upset, Ellie! Because you won’t talk to me! Because you always hurt me! You make it so hard to love you!"

     Please, read this! Reclaiming the Sand is a book worth reading, especially for all of you who have doubts about genre or no love for alpha males.

      Song that fits the book --- Dustin Tebbutt "The Breach"

 Happy reading,

23 komentara:

  1. I definitely fall into the camp of despising alpha-male. Most NA books sound the same, and I had given up. Your review for Reclaiming the sand convinced me to try this one. Flynn sounds interesting character. I would check this book out. Great review, Glass (:

  2. I am adding this one to my TBR now, I love the cover and your review sealed the deal!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  3. Okay I want to read this one drama or no drama, it just sounds good and that cover is so soft looking, I love it!

  4. I really like the sound of Flynn, he sounds so unusual for an NA book! Thanks for bringing this one to my attention!

  5. Hellllo, sweets. *hugs just because* Seems like this author is totally a winner for you, Glass ;) Ohhhh, this dilemma of rooting and forgiveness reminds me of The Opportunist. And Sins & Needles seeing as I read it last week and Ellie reminds me of THAT Ellie from S&N. Oh god! He has Asperger's? That's 100% different indeed. Oh, that quote, loves! It breaks me in half already. I'm so glad that this was such an amazing read for you. J'adore your review, hon.

  6. This is one of my weird things, but I read my first A Meredith Walters book the same time I read my first Chelsea Cameron book, and I really liked the Walters, but not the Cameron . . . problem is, I get them confused constantly, LOL. So thanks for reminding me that Walters is the good one. I'll be sure to check this out ;)

  7. Flynn sounds so SWOONWORTHY. Ellie on the other had is already making me sad because it would be hard to think of her as even likeable when she is constantly putting Flynn down or has done so in the past (I am not completely clear on that). Buttt if you say she redeems herself a little, I may just give it a shot. Either way, I am going to go stalk this author's backlist now.

    Lovely review, Glass!!! :)

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

  8. I have tons of love for alpha males, but not so much for NA, however this book sounds good. I like that Flynn is such a unique character while still being smokin' hot. You forgot to add the link to your Lead Me Not review, so please excuse me while I dig around your blog a bit. Hehe

    Carmel @ Rabid Reads

  9. I really should try more NA books, I haven't read a lot for now. Ididn't know this one I confess but I'll keep it in mind.

  10. I really, really love the sound of this Glass! It's so nice to find a NA novel that takes a different path from the standard bad-boy-with-a-dark-past-finds-a-girl who-loves-him-regardless. Ellie sounds like a challenging character, and I can't wait to meet her and see if I can forgive her for being a bully. Thanks for putting this on my wishlist!

  11. Oh wow, this sounds good and I love that he has Aspergers. It is nice to get a change up, although I still love my bad boys too.

  12. This sounds so good Glass! I love that Flynn has Aspergers, it adds a neat/fresh dimension to the book. I'm a little anxious about her being a bully, since he has Aspergers - that makes me think there's going to be some seriously heartbreaking moments. Which, of course, makes me want to read it! LOL Great review Glass :)

  13. Oh I like that Flynn is such a good character and isn't the typical NA male character. I also like that Aspergers is tackled in the book. I'm curious about Ellie's character. I think I'm going to have a love hate relationship with her.
    Great review, Glass!

  14. I think I might actually have this book. I'm so intrigued by Flynn! Thanks for the review!

  15. I'm not a big fan of a lot of NA books, but this one I would definitely give a try!

  16. I've not heard of this one before but it awesome to see authors step outside of the usual. Great review!

  17. I love that this is different from the cookie cutter NA's out there. I worry that I wouldn't like Ellie because of her bullying but the story still captures my interest. Wonderful review, Glass! :)

  18. At long last, an NA without an alpha male! That makes the genre so much better in my eyes as I really don't have any patience for the alpha males anymore *cringe*. Flynn sounds like a darling, and I feel like if I ever read this book, I'll be feeling for him the most.

    Faye at The Social Potato

  19. Yay for a New Adult novel that doesn't try to fit the mold of many NA novels out there. Flynn already managed to pinch my heart and I haven't read or even met him yet. I would surely look forward to reading this. Lovely review, Glass! :)

  20. I'm glad to see that the male protagonist in this isn't a cookie-cutter version of yet another alpha male. I'm always on the lookout for original New Adult so I'll definitely be giving this a shot. Thanks for putting it on my radar, Glass!(:

  21. I think I've received an eARC of this one. I can't believe I've forgotten about it since I really found the book blurb intriguing with all the reversed characterizations and all that. :)

  22. Opposite of Travis Maddox? That both excites me and dampens my mood. I love that this goes against all clichés. One thing is for sure, this book sounds really good and different from the regular and predictable reads. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Awesome review, Glass!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts



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