29. srp 2014.

Bookish Problems (#8): No awkwardness found

Hi guys. I really hope you're having a great summer, or well autumn in the middle of summer like I do. Also I hope that books are keeping you good company. I know they do, but still just wanted you to hug a book you have near. 
But let's get to today's topic. Well this title is a bit misleading as it's actually not a problem, but really a solution to one. I wanted to discuss about meeting new people. I'm sure you've all been through that so let's see how it works in real and how in our bookish world.

Err...*long pause*? (*drenched in sweat*) 

You know when you're meeting someone new in real life it's usually a bit terrifying. (Okay, maybe A LOT). You are not sure what to ask or how much you should talk and when you need to stop talking. You never know if that person is shy and quiet type or just annoyed for being in that situation.
It's usually full of awkwardness and long pauses and well not a nice experience. But let's see how this works in our little bookish world.

Hey. I just met you, and this is crazy, but here is this book I really want to read, so read-a-long, maybe?

So here is this one blogger you have seen around and suddenly they comment on your blog and you go and comment back and well it goes like that for a few days and guess what - suddenly you are chit-chatting on twitter about this amazing book so why not reading it together, or on Goodread about this utterly annoying main character who you wanna slap so bad. Then you start about your day and well there you are sharing pictures of your trip with them. (hint hint) Then you go and start about movies and guess what you have agreed to an amazing Disney marathon this summer (HINT HINT).
These conversations are smooth and suddenly you wish you could just live in a bookishville with all amazing bookish people and have an amazing bookish community.
Reasons for this behavior may vary, but in fact it's easier to talk and connect with someone on Internet and especially with people that have the same interests as you do.

So next time you go through this overrated everyday life and you are to meet someone new, ask them what's their favorite book (If they don't read, just turn around and leave. I'm serious - JUST LEAVE) or who's their favorite book boyfriend. (If they say Draco - RUN and don't look back)

I've meet a lot of of you and trust me you ALL are amazing and I'm really proud to be part of this world. This is my way of thanking you for always being there.

Stay safe and chit chat everywhere and everyday.

Broj komentara: 59:

  1. Haha! I <3 this post so much. :D ("Ask them who their favorite book boyfriend is. (If they say Draco - RUN and don't look back)") xD So full of win! ;) But I agree! Meeting new friends in the blogging community is so, so important, and frankly, it's a lot of fun! I think these tips are really helpful.

    Thanks for sharing Tanja, and, as always, BRILLIANT post! <3

    ~ Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf

    1. I'm so glad to hear that! I really don't like that little brat xDD Thank you, Zoe!! :)

  2. What's wrong with Draco!? I think if they say Edward or Jacob then you should run, if they say Draco you should just stare at them like they're crazy. Awesome post. =)
    Nobody @ The Story Goes...

    1. Well I always hated that little brat. These two aren't much better, but still. Thanks :)

  3. I Love this! I have found it easier to talk to people with common interest. Especially book interest. All books are my best friends! :-)

  4. Love this post! And it's perfect timing since I'm doing an in-person author interview with an author I've never met in person. She seems really outspoken and easy to talk to so hopefully I don't get too awkward. I usually do okay, but I do get really nervous ahead of time.
    Meeting people online and chatting is so much easier!

    1. I'm sure you'll do great. ;) I cannot wait to see that interview, though. Thanks, Candace :)

  5. It's definitely easier to speak to people online. I feel like you have the time, first of all, to determine what you're going to say and the awkward--but normal--blunders of face-to-face conversation are diminished. Love this post, Tanja--thanks for sharing!

  6. I so agree I love the people that blogging has really brought into my life! And books are such a great sag-way to get to know people!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  7. I completely agree with you! It's so much easier to meet new people whom you have common interests with on the internet, especially in the book blogging community. Although I find that it's a little awkward when I meet them in person for the first time. It fades away each time we meet up or see each other again, of course. Awesome post!

    1. Yes that awkwardness disappears quickly. Thanks, Dea :)

  8. I always love it when I meet someone new and find out they are an avid reader, really makes talking to them so much easier that is for sure!

  9. What Disney marathon are you talking about? I don't know any. Should I have gotten the HINT HINT? LOL!!!!!! Turn around and leave. I'm totally doing this next time hahaha. And there are worse guys than Draco O_______O *cough* not going to say anybody's name since shipping is a free magical world basically. But yea, worse guys. I LOVE THIS POST!!!! C U TOMORROW ON SKYPE!

    1. Sorry, but do I know you? Since we're having amnesia! :P They are, but I really really dislike him :) See ya ;)

  10. OOoooo I used to find it a little awkward as well but now I'm like what the hell, let's just have a readathon together.

  11. Haha this is a great topic! I like the idea of asking them what their favourite book is. I did use that quite a bit when I went to summer camp because well, I am a shy person and I was very far from home surrounded by strangers, I just had to make friends! Great post :D

    Check out my book review of Missing Me: http://olivia-savannah.blogspot.nl/2014/07/girl-missing-book-review.html

  12. It's easier to interact on the net but I'm glad I met a lot of "net people" in real life (including my boyfriend lol !)

  13. OYE

    You know, it's weird... I am actually taking part in a disney marathon too! You should have joined us Tanja! We could have gotten to know each other better! You sound like a person, I'd LOVE to get to know <333

    All my silliness aside, I feel so LOVED right now :P It is super weird isn't it? For me, meeting people online is almost as difficult as meeting people in real life but as I become more and more comfortable online, I get to meet these amazing people I was too scared to talk to before (HINT HINT). I think that applies in real life too. I figure I'll be tested soon enough :D

    Fabulous post, Hon <3

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

    1. GO HAVE HIM! I'm having Kai for myself then :P

      Really?? Why didn't you invite me *cries in corner* Aww I'd love to get to know you too. I'm so happy to hear that and you should feel loved. There is only one owl I know and love ;)) Thanks, hon <3

  14. Oh you have definitely described the best thing I have found out of blogging, meeting new bookish people and friends! Thanks for this great post about talking about books online. You never know who you might become friends with!

  15. I believe the best thing that has happened to me when I started blogging is meeting awesome bookish people. I don't have much friends in "real" life that love books so I'm thankful that I have an online community to turn to and share bookish passions with. Lovely post, Tanja! :)

  16. I do think I've grown a lot because of the blogging community and online community in general. I'm more relaxed with who I am. Though meeting new people in person is still nerve-wracking. haha

  17. It's amazing how easy it is to meet new book friends if you're willing to reach out. Having been to a few book conferences, I also think that meeting book people in real life is really fun and not that stressful. Meeting non-book people in real life is a whole other story.
    Thanks so much for stopping by! Jen @ YA Romantics

  18. Haha! This was such a cute post, Tanja! Meeting new people was definitely one of the best thing about book blogging and is still actually is one of my favorite aspects. I think what makes it so easy to become friends with book bloggers or GR members is because it's easy to strike up a conversation and then maintain that conversation because of books. I can't tell you how many people I've met in real life who have bored me to death within a minute into the conversation because they didn't know how to maintain a conversation. Readers are the best! :)

  19. YES TANJA! Love this post:):) Meeting people online is way easier than it is in person, especially in this community because we all love the same thing: books. It's easy to start a conversation without fear of awkward pauses because you can't really have an awkward pause leaving a comment or writing an email. And then if you're lucky enough to meet the people you've been talking to in person, you already have this great foundation to build from and it just makes me happy. *massive hugs*

    1. That's also amazing because there are so many books that there is no way you'd run out of conversation topics :) * massive hugs back*

  20. I'm like, extremely socially awkward, although I hide it well. Being shy sucks when you're a professor, but I manage somehow. :) That said, it's far easier when it's online, and I love all the people I've met through my blog and GoodReads. I've made a few friends for life, I can tell you that.

    1. I really hope I'll learn how to hide it. I'm sure you have :)

  21. Its a lot easier for me online as well.

  22. I'm pretty shy, but it's easier to connect through a computer. I've also been to a few blogger meetups and they were quiet at first, but once we started talking about books, it got crazy, with everybody talking all over each other and getting super excited (mainly me).

    1. I wish I could meet some bloggers too. Thanks, Megan :)

  23. LOL!! But Draco is not that bad...is he? I do like his hair. ^^ I love that about the community and Goodreads especially. Since I'm new at interacting with bloggers--it's been a month maybe?--I'm still way more addicted and active on Goodreads. :P But the blogosphere is really great and I think it does make you know more about people and their interest. Anyway, great topic, Tanja. :)

    1. I really don't like him. Yeah i have noticed you prefer GR but still it's amazing there too :) Thanks, Lola :)

  24. What a great post! I am so much more open and honest with people online. I never talk to real life people about books, and when I'm forced to, I feel incredibly awkward. Weird, isn't it?

    Thanks for the words to think on!

  25. Great post Tanja.and so true! I have made some of the best friends online through blogging..some of them know more about my daily life than my family!

    1. I'm so happy to hear that as I made best friends here too :)

  26. Lol I dont think I've met anyone yet who has Draco as a book bf! Great post Tanja!

  27. Love this post Tanja! I couldn't agree more - I've come to this place where the conversations I have with all my bookish friends that I've never even met in person (or even spoken to on the phone in some instances) are more significant to me than the people I see in real life. I just get y'all and y'all get me in a way a lot of my "real life" friends don't. It's so great to have found this community :)

    1. I feel the same :) We all share something big and it's amazing to interact here. :)

  28. It should help I guess. Thanks, Heidi :)

  29. My biggest fear? That I'm imagining their fondness for my posts. And that I'm being a fangirl on their blog and commenting too much!

    Terri M.
    Second Run Reviews

    1. I'm sure that you have nothing to be afraid of! Fangirling is in our blood :)

  30. It is easier to talk to people online but sometimes tah is not easy either if you are a shy person or you dont know how to talk to people. That is my problem, I am not good with new people so that has been an obstacle but I am getting better, at least I think so. But that post was great, books are the best conversation starter for me :)

    1. I'm actually quite good with others and I'm talkative so yeah, but it's easier when you know you have something in common :)



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