22. svi 2014.

ARC Review - Played (Hooked, #2) by Liz Fichera

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Publication date: May 27th, 2014

My rating:  4 stars

Book summary:

"This Game Is Getting All Too Real

He said: I like to keep under the radar and mostly hang out with my friends from the rez. But when I saved Riley Berenger from falling off a mountain, that rich suburban princess decided to try to save me.

She said: If I can help Sam Tracy win the heart of the girl he can't get over, I'll pay him back for helping me. I promised him I would, no matter what it takes."


      I am so happy that I decided to read this. Last year I read Hooked, story about girl named Fred who plays golf and popular boy Ryan who took his sweet time to finally make his own decisions. I was not the biggest fan, so you can understand my hesitance to pick up a sequel.  But now I am really glad that I did because otherwise I'd miss something worth reading. (Aman won't agree with me about that one, so you can read why she didn't finish it on Enticed by Books - just in case you need "second opinion").

      Girls, meet your next book crush! All of you who read first book, you do remember Sam Tracy? Big guy who only looks scary, but actually is a real sweetheart? Well, this is his story. Played can be described as romantic comedy, a lot like those written by Jeniffer Echols. Thinking about it now, I believe that fans of The Boys Next Door will adore this novel. A boy and a girl who normally wouldn't hang out are forced to spend time together, one of them suggest "evil-mastermind-plan", they do a lot of other things, they bond - we swoon and cheer. Perfect and summery and heart-melting and  adorable.

      With just enough drama. Liz Fichera made a perfect mix of emotions, angst, unexpected twists, misunderstandings, revelations and "goose bumps" moments. With only couple of things that bothered me, but didn't mess up with how much I enjoyed reading this book, Played is a perfect choice for upcoming warm days.

Happy reading,
***Copy of the book was provided by publisher, Harlequin Teen, via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.***

Broj komentara: 14:

  1. This cover reminds me so much of the Hundred Oak series, I thought it was one of them. I'm glad you enjoyed the sequel more than book one. It's always nice when a series improves with each book.

  2. I liked the first book but was hesitant about the second so it's almost the opposite :) But I'm glad you liked it, and I'm definitely more apt to pick it up now, it sounds cute and fun!

  3. I haven't heard of this series before, but you've definitely got me curious enough to want to give this a try. I don't enjoy too much drama, but if it's a solid balance then I'm definitely in. Lovely review, Glass!

  4. It's sometimes tricly with this kind of books to have a great sequel so I'm glad it's the case here. Now I'll have to read book 1 I think lol. thanks for the review.

  5. I thought Hooked was ok, so your review ha sme interested in the sequel, it sounds really good!

    Mands @ The Bookish Manicurist

  6. Sounds like a light contemporary, isn't it the best thing when you decide to pick up a book and it turns out well? Great review Glass!

  7. Glad to hear that this sequel surpassed its predecessor, and even though I don't think this one is for me, I can appreciate your thoughts on the book. Thanks for sharing your review!

  8. Oh I'm glad you enjoyed this one because I have been reading quite a few bad reviews about Played. I do remember liking Hooked when I read it but now I seem to have lost interest in the series. Thanks for sharing your review Glass! :)

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

  9. So glad to see this review because like you, I liked the first book but wasn't in love with it. So glad this one was actually better than it's predecessor.

  10. Sometimes it's good to give a second book (especially a companion type sequel) a shot! You never know. Glad you liked it.

  11. ah a fun and light read for the summer, I never read the first one will have to find that one too.

  12. I never read Hooked but this sounds like a wonderfully fun romance! I think I'm going to love Sam. I'll be bringing this one to the beach with me this summer! :-) Great review!

  13. Happy to see you liked this one, Glass! I haven't met a good book crush in a while, so I'm looking forward to meeting the one here!

    Faye at The Social Potato Reviews

  14. I have the first for review and just never got to it. It seemed like a longish book and then I started seeing the lackluster reviews come in.It's a good thing you didn't let that stop you from picking up the sequel as you enjoyed this one more. I 'll have to check it out. Great review, Glass! :)



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