23. svi 2014.

ARC Review - The Lost by Sarah Beth Durst

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Publication date: May 27th, 2014.

Book summary:
"Lost your way? 
Your dreams?  
Welcome to Lost.

It was supposed to be a small escape. A few hours driving before turning around and heading home. But once you arrive in Lost...well, it's a place you really can't leave. Not until you're Found. Only the Missing Man can send you home. And he took one look at Lauren Chase and disappeared.

So Lauren is now trapped in the town where all lost things go-luggage, keys, dreams, lives-where nothing is permanent, where the locals go feral and where the only people who don't want to kill her are a handsome wild man called the Finder and a knife-wielding six-year-old girl. The only road out of town is engulfed by an impassable dust storm, and escape is impossible....

Until Lauren decides nothing-and no one-is going to keep her here anymore."
         There are books that dance on tightrope between reality and imagination and all I can say for this one is - it's quite a dancer. I have no idea which genre to put it in. For me this book was everything I needed without knowing so. It captured me and took me to another world I did not expect to see. 

         Welcome to Lost! One sign, one city which changes everything. Without giving away too much it's a city of lost - dreams, hopes, lives and rebuilding and recreating them. It's a city where Missing Man residence and he is the only one who can send you back. Only Lauren doesn't seem to be in his good graces. She is not alone, though. It's a city full of Lost people, who are expecting to be Found. The trick is that they don't know what they are looking for. Then there is also Claire, a girl who was older than her years gave away and of course Peter aka the Finder who helps people to be found.

         Questions, questions! Well now you all might ask me for a place, or significance of this city and I wouldn't be able to tell you more than you assume. The Lost is all you want it to be, it can be a dream, metaphor, another world or reality you are well aware of. You can see it as a place you want to escape to and find yourself again.

         Final thoughts. To say that The Lost surprised me would be an underestimation. Everything about it was new, unexpected and original -  characters with different lives and ideas, to the world building which took my breath away. But at the same time this book is not for everybody. Those who need to be familiar and grasp the story might be a bit let down, as many things here are left unanswered and there is a veil of mystery still covering it.

         If you like that kind of book and looking for something different and new, then you should go for this story and I'm sure losing yourself for a few hours will be worth it.

My rating: 5 stars.

Happy reading, 

Copy of this book was provided to us by publisher, Mira INK, via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

43 komentara:

  1. I am reading this in a couple of days so you cannot imagine how glad I am to see your 5 star review Tanja!! :D

    I am so so glad you enjoyed this and I hope I enjoy this just as much!!

    Lovely review, Tanja!!

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

    1. Oh that means, I'll be stalking you (well yeah). :D Thanks, Rashika :)

  2. Yay! I was so worried you weren't going to like this one because it is very different and unique and probably not for everyone but I couldn't help loving it and am so glad you did too.

    1. I loved it and I'm so happy you did too. Thanks, Ali :)

  3. This story does sound very unusual. Nice to see you loved this story so much, Tanja! Great review! :)

    1. I really hope you'll give it a try. Thanks, Rachel :)

  4. I think this sounds great. I was fascinated by the summary when I first read it; glad you enjoyed the book.

  5. I didn't know this one but I'm so curious about the city, it sounds pefect to discover! I'm glad you had a good time with this one and I think I'll keep an eye on this one now.

    1. I really hope you'll give it a try. Thanks, Melliane :)

  6. Yay, I'm glad you liked this one as well. This was a great book that needs to be discovered by more readers for sure.

  7. This is on my TBR list, can't wait to read it!

  8. i was wondering about this book, it sounds surreal. im so curious now to read this!
    Boyanna @The Bookmaidens

  9. I haven't read anything by this author since Drink, Slay, Love, so I think I'm due. Plus, all of the reviews I've seen for this book have been amazing (including yours). Adding The Lost to my wishlist is a no brainer. Happy Friday! :)

    1. I really hope you'll enjoy it. Thanks Carmel :) Happy Friday to you too :)

  10. This book sounds crazy (in a good way) I love books that make you question things and keep you on your toes. Great review!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  11. wow the setting and the world building in this one sound really great!

  12. I have this on my shelves and just haven't gotten to it yet -- I'll have to check it out now for sure!

  13. I have a copy of this for review and I am so excited to get to it now—it sounds so creative and surprising! I love Sarah Beth Durst's writing so I'm sure I'm going to love this if it's a 5 star read for you. Lovely review!

    1. I cannot wait to see what you think of it. Thanks, Lauren :)

  14. This makes me so terribly excited. I have Lost now but haven't gotten around to reading it yet, but I hope I get to it soon. It sounds so good and unique, and you giving it praises like this somehow sends shivers up my spine (in a good way, don't worry!) Once I finish it, I'll certainly come to you for obligatory fangirling!

    Faye at The Social Potato Reviews

    1. Aww thanks!! I cannot wait to fangirl with you ;))) Thanks, Faye :)

  15. Happy to hear you enjoyed this one so much Tanja! :) It sounds like no other book I've ever heard of. Sad to see they changed the cover from yellow to blue though =(

    1. Yeah I liked the blue one more. Still I really hope you'll read this one :)

  16. Oh Tanja, this wasn't even on my radar and it sounds wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing an I love your review! Have a lovely weekend :)

  17. This does sound unique and very intriguing! I kind of like the openness of the premise.
    Thanks for the review!

    1. I really hope you'll give it a try. Thanks, Andrea :)

  18. I really hope you'll enjoy it. Thanks, Heidi :)

  19. I wasn't sure about this one, but sometimes the weird books work for me. This sounds twisty and unusual and that's something I'm always willing to try out!

  20. I've keep meaning to check out this author--every book of her's that I'm come across looks fantastic, but I haven't actually managed it yet. THIS ONE though . . . I have a good feeling about this one ;) Lovely review, Tanja!

    1. I really hope you'll give this one a try. I've got a feeling that you might enjoy this one ;) Thanks, Jessica :)

  21. I've don't think I've read any reviews for this book yet, so I'm excited that you loved it so much! The Lost sounds crazy and the world itself sounds really interesting. Great review :)

    1. It is crazy but great kind of crazy! :) Thanks Montana :)

  22. This sounds like a fascinating story and one that I haven't seen before. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I definitely going to give it a try!



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