9. sij 2014.

The Rising by Terra Harmony

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Book summary: 
Fifteen-year-old Serena is the youngest member of a dying race. The increasing acidity of the ocean is destroying her home, slowly eating away at the once thriving underwater landscape. But since the night of Serena’s birth, it is an outside force that most threatens their dwindling population. Werewolves, who once served as protectors for mermaids in the Kingdom of the Undine, now seek to eliminate all who dwell in the ocean — and Serena is about to find herself right in the middle of the deadly conflict.
Given the title of Werewolf Liaison, Serena is determined to make things right for her people. When she ventures to The Dry, she meets Liam, the werewolf with hazel eyes, and her whole world gets turned upside down. As Serena discovers the real history between werewolves and mermaids, she is left wondering who her true enemies are.
         It's no secret that I'm a huge fan on Akasha series by this author, and once she announced that she was writing a book about mermaids I was thrilled. Honestly for some unknown reason I have read maybe a couple of books with mermaids in them. Why? I have no idea. At the end I only wish this book was more enjoyable for me so I'd gladly pick another mermaid book, but sadly that's not what happened.

         We shall start from beginning here. This is a story about Serena, the youngest member of a dying race. Fifteen years ago a massacre happened where many of her race were killed and the hate between her race and their enemies werewolves went deeper and deeper. The history between these two races goes way in the past and once they were protectors of one another, but then everything changed that night. Now mermaids are close to their elimination and without being able to go on the surface they're not able to create more of their race. When Serena is given a task to go on the surface she is determined to make things right. Things are getting harder to cope with and soon enough the conflict reached its peak.

         When I started reading this story I though I would give up. The beginning is really slow and with so many descriptions it was hard to read more than a page or two a day. But I pushed myself to go on and honestly I'm happy for that. Because later this series gets more interesting.

          Not only slow pace at the start was an issue to me, also the Serena's character was hard to connect to. But that's my fault as the is too young for my liking. At some points here actions were a bit frustrating to me, but honestly I'd probably support her all the way if I had read this few years ago.

          All in all, it was a really interesting story, but slow pace and main character weren't something I enjoyed that much.

Rating: 3 stars. 

Until the next time,

***NOTE: Copy of this book was kindly provided by the author, Terra Harmony. Thank you. 
I'm not paid for writing this review - I do it as a lover of written word. All opinions are personal.

Broj komentara: 29:

  1. I rarely like mermaid books either, I have no idea why but they usually are never what I was expecting or hoping for. I am sorry this one wasn't better, especially since you have loved the author's previous work.

    1. Yeah but the worst thing is that I have no idea what to expect. Thanks Ali :)

  2. Sorry this didn't work for you. I guess some authors have books that are hit or miss. Hopefully you'll enjoy their future work more.

    I do like the summary though - never heard of a mermaid and werewolf novel. hah

    1. I guess how things work :) It sounded truly appealing to me too :) Thanks Mag :)

  3. I really struggle with mermaid books Tanja, I've yet to find one that has really blown me away. I don't know what it is about them that usually fails to grab me, but it happens almost every time. Glad that despite the slow start this one picked up eventually and made you glad you pushed on, even if you never fully connected to Serena:)

    1. Me too, somehow they always lack something. Thanks Jenny :)

  4. Great honest review, Tanja. I find my patience for younger characters is very short nowadays, so I understand what you mean about having a hard time with Serena. Mermaids and werewolves in the same story? That sounds a little odd to me and I probably wouldn't have picked this story up even without your review. :)

    1. I cannot believe I loved characters like her not so long ago. Yeah it's truly and odd combination. :)

  5. Sorry the slower pace kept from loving, but glad you still enjoyed. Mermaids are something i dont read much of either for whatever reason

  6. Sorry you didn't love this one. I don't like books with a slow pace either. I haven't read many mermaid books either. The few I've read were okay, but not great. I think I would read more if I could find a really good one. The idea of mermaids and werewolves in the same story is kind of intriguing.

    1. I wish I found some that would surprise me, but somehow I always fail. Yes it's truly odd, and it's kinda hard to imagine :)

  7. I have not yet read a mermaid book that has impressed me yet either, the last one I read was so poorly written it kind of put me off it for a while. I think the characters age would be an issue for me too, especially if her actions would make me scowl.

  8. It's a shame you weren't able to connect more with Serena and that the story was slow, but I'm glad you enjoyed it enough for 3 stars. I'm not sure this one would work for me, but I do quite like the cover. Thanks for your thoughtful honest review!

  9. I had this problem once--I didn't know that the characters were 14 and 15 and they fell in love etc when I thought they'd be 16-18. Idk, thinking about love and 14 year olds... Not my cup of tea and not so believable for me. Plus, they were sooooo young, naive and innocent in their minds. Though, wth :D Werewolves and mermaids? NEVER in my life have I met a weirder combination of paranormal creatures lol. While it sounds interesting, I'm not a huge fan of either and descriptive writing is sooooo not my thing--that's the reason I struggled with The Iron King even though the rest of the series became one of my favorites. I hope that if you change your mind about continuing, you'll enjoy the story much, much more:)

    1. I totally agree! They were too mature for their age! :) It's odd I know girl, especially when you see the whole story behind it :) Thanks girl :)

  10. I hope you'll find the one Heidi :)

  11. I haven't read many mermaid books either... I don't know why. As a child, I was fascinated by these mythological creatures. The cover of this book is lovely! I'm sorry you didn't like it that much and you were disappointed. Usually, when the action is too slow and there are too many unnecessary descriptions, I just give up and never finish it.

    Oana @All Fantasy Worlds

    1. I'm still fascinated by them, but not in YA lit :) I always try to finish a book, for some reason. Thanks Oana :)

  12. I'm not the biggest fan of mermaid books, very few have worked for me. I hadn't heard of this one, but it sounds like one I probably wouldn't pick up anyway. Sorry it was kind of disappointing though.

    1. Yeah I think I'll stay away from mermaid books for a while. Thanks Candace :)

  13. Awww too bad about this one, girl! I actually (now that I think about it) haven't read any mermaid books! O__O But at least I wont start with this one! lol ;p I understand where your frustrations are coming from though. I also hate slow beginnings and in some cases where the main character is relatable a slow beginning can be overlooked, but you didn't have luck in either department for this one. I don't think I'm going to give this one a try. D: Maybe some other mermaid story will be better for me!

    Great honest review, Tanja love! :D

    ~ Maida xoxo
    Literary Love Affair 

    1. Yeah but at the same time I believe that younger readers will love this one same as I loved Twilight once upon a time. Thanks girl :)

  14. I often don't connect with books/characters I used to a few years ago. Sorry you didn't quite connect, but glad you liked The Rising.

  15. I've read a novella or two by the author and I've seen your reviews for the Akasha series which has me interested. Ah, I wish you'd loved this book more but I get how slow paces can be a major turn-off. Anyway, if this is a series, I hope it gets better. Awesome review, Tanja!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. Yeah it always ruins the feeling. Thanks Sarika :)



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