24. sij 2014.

ARC Review: And We Stay by Jenny Hubbard

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Book summary:
When high school senior Paul Wagoner walks into his school library with a stolen gun, he threatens his girlfriend Emily Beam, then takes his own life. In the wake of the tragedy, an angry and guilt-ridden Emily is shipped off to boarding school in Amherst, Massachusetts, where she encounters a ghostly presence who shares her name. The spirit of Emily Dickinson and two quirky girls offer helping hands, but it is up to Emily to heal her own damaged self.
This inventive story, told in verse and in prose, paints the aftermath of tragedy as a landscape where there is good behind the bad, hope inside the despair, and springtime under the snow.
        The first thing I learned about this book was it had some parts of it written in verse and as soon as I heard it also has some connections to Emily Dickinson and that it deals with emotional issues - basically it sounds like a perfect read for me. So I grabbed a chance to read it. Luckily I got approved for it, but sadly I expected too much.

         Firstly, I must say that I really enjoy books written in verse so I hoped I'd enjoy this one for that but things weren't that great. Our main character here Emily (Beam, not Dickinson) is a girl that's been though huge trauma. Her boyfriend killed himself in front of her. Emily is angry at him and also feels guilty for that so her parents decide it's best for her to change the school. They send her to Amherst, a place where Emily Dickinson is from. Soon enough our Emily finds inspiration and tries to deal with guilt and her songs and writings help her deal with everything in her life.

         The biggest problem for me in this book was point of view. I don't mind third person narrative in general but when a book is dealing with tough and emotional issues I don't think it's a right fit. For that reason it was hard for me to connect with Emily. I did understand her suffering and pain but sometimes it was hard to understand her actions and behavior.

         Don't get me wrong the writing was beautiful and the words are crafted nicely and each was on the right place but it wasn't meant for this type of story. Sadly, it was the reason that kept me away from this book and that made me struggle with it.

Rating: 3 stars.

Until the next time,
***NOTE: Copy of this book was kindly provided by the publisher, Random House Children's, via NetGalley. Thank you! 
I'm not paid for writing this review - I do it as a lover of written word. All opinions are personal.

Broj komentara: 37:

  1. Thanks for the review, this book does sound interesting, but I don't think I'll be reading this one any time soon! I do get why the main character is angry with the boyfriend that killed herself, but it's a little odd on the other hand as well.

    1. I get why she is angry but some other things were hard to understand. Thanks Sandra :)

  2. I've seen a lot of readers struggle with similar issues in this novel, so I think I'll likely just skip it altogether. I love the cover, but that's about where my interaction with the story ends. Wonderful review, Tanja!

    1. Yeah I would skip it if I knew. Thanks Keertana :)

  3. I've been hearing a lot about the issues people have had with the point of view the book is written in and I think I'm not going to like it either. I already struggle with 3rd person POV.
    Lovely review, Tanja.

  4. Sorry you didn't like this one more, I really like books written in verse as well. I am glad I didn't request this one now, I came so close to doing it too!

    Have a great weekend!

  5. I actually have never read a book that's in verse Tanja! I'm kind of curious, but I'm just not sure it would work as well for me. Maybe a book like this that's a mix of both would be a good place to start. It's a shame you couldn't fully connect with Emily, I hate it when that happens! Lovely review though:):)

    1. Really? Oh but you should. There are some amazing ones. Thanks Jenny :)

  6. Sorry this one didn't live up t your expectations. I hate it when I just can't connect with the characters. Thanks for the honest review.

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

    1. It's hard to enjoy the story when that happens. Thanks Teresa :)

  7. Agreed with 3rd person POV in cases like this (AND WTF ABOUT THAT BF KILLING. OMG.) and it suits better for fantasy books like Throne of Glass, The Raven Boys etc. In my opinion. The only book I've liked that was in verse (well, free verse at that) was Slammed (and Point of Retreat). Other than the emotional issues, I wouldn't exactly want to read this, but I'm glad that you didn't hate it. Better luck next time, hon :)

    1. You can put it that way too xD There are some amazing books in verse, trust me :) Thanks dear :)

  8. aww I am sorry this one came up short for you, I am reading it soon, so hopefully <3

  9. I've heard SUCH mixed things about this book. I agree with you completely about the narrative though. If a book basically requires an emotional attachment, first person narrative is the way to go, not third.

    1. The writing is beautiful but it doesn't fit the narration. Yeah I agree.

  10. This sounds very interesting, and I definitely enjoy verse. But I completely understand where you're coming from in regards to pov.
    Thanks for the review, Tanja!

  11. Another case of high expectations, too bad! It's great that they book was still pretty enjoyable though. Novels in verse usually aren't my favorite but if it works, it works!

  12. Yes it wasn't for the best. Thanks Heidi :)

  13. I am in complete agreement, Tanja! I do wish I could have connected with Emily better, she seemed like a girl who went through a lot and begged for sympathy.

    Brilliant review! <33

  14. I hope you'll decide to read a book in verse soon. Thanks Aman :)

  15. I remember seeing this book as your Waiting on Wednesday. When I read the first paragraph of your review, I knew I had to add this to my TBR instantly. Her boyfriend kills himself in front of her? So interesting! However, by the end of your review, I can see why you couldn't relate to Emily and you're right, books that deal so deeply with emotions are better off in the first person's point of view. I want to give this one a try but let's see how it goes. Beautiful review, Tanja!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. Yeah both Glass and I were excited for this one. Yup, it's pretty hard to deal with it. Thanks Sarika :)

  16. I have really enjoyed the verse novels I've picked up. They are so powerful with so few words. Chasing Brooklyn was lovely! I'm sorry this didn't quite work for you, Tanja.

    1. Oh that author is something different. I enjoyed all her books. Thanks Rachel :)

  17. I've never found that one verse book that stands out from the rest and it doesn't seem like this would be the one. I don't know if I would connect with this POV. I might. I'm planning to read it so I guess I will see. At least you felt the writing was beautiful (:

    1. I hope you'll connect with main character and then you'll enjoy the story for sure. :)

  18. This sounds interesting even though I'm not usually a big fan of books told in verse. The writing seems amazing, although the pov definitely sounds like it doesn't fit. I'm torn about whether or not to read this, lol. Great review Tanja! :)

    1. LOL Maybe you should try. I don't know ;) Thanks :)

  19. I have yet to read a book in verse. I'm not sure why they scare me off but I should break out of my comfort zone someday and try one. If the POV didn't work well in this one maybe I'll try a different book first. Great review!

  20. I can understand not being able to connect with Emily, 3rd person usually doesn't work for me either, and with such an emotional story it seems like it would leave me wanting more. Beautiful review, sorry this one didn't work better for you!

    1. Thanks Lauren. Yeah too bad that the POV wasn't right.



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