Hey. It's another Tuesday and that means Top Ten Tuesday. As you already know it's a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. The task for this week is - Top Ten Most Frustrating Characters Ever. So let's start.
1. Elena from The Vampire Diaries. She is the queen in this category and the main reason why I never got further the book three.
2. Evie from The Premonition series. Ugh...we just couldn't find the same language.
3. Cassie form Drake Academy. I guess too childish for my taste.
4. Maybe some will be surprised by this but Seth form Covenant series. Yes the same Seth some of my friends worship. I want to punch him most of the time. Still this series is one of my faves but this guy agrrr. On the bright side I love Aiden more because of him.
5. Luce from Fallen series. Yes I gave this series high rating but this girl was frustrating. I could enjoy the story while Daniel or Cam were around but in the third book I rolled my eyes most of the time.
6. Isobel from Nevermore series. As much as I love Varen this girl is pissing me off. The little annoying things. She is the main reason why I never liked Enshadowed.
7. Cami from The Wild Ones. One word (actually three, but hey why use the full forms?) ohmigod! *screams* You have no idea how this little word can make me scream - out loud!
8. Emma and Dexter from One Day. Well frustrating is not the right word - I'd use boring. But when something is boring I get frustrated so there is that.
9. Their-names-should-not-be-named from Fifty Shades series. Don't get me started here! Just don't..trust me. But I blame me! It's not my genre and what the hell was I trying to accomplish with this? No idea.
10. Bella from Twilight. I'm putting her last, on margins actually. Mostly because I've read Twilight when I was too young and at the time she was okay I guess. But in the movies which I've seen later...oh goodness!
So what's your TTT for this week? Link it up in comments.
Until the next time,

I've only read two of the books you mentioned, but I couldn't stand Luce from Fallen. I actually DNF Fallen, but from what I did read, I couldn't stand the main character. Also, I did like Twilight when I originally read it, but looking back, there are definitely some things that weren't smart of Bella to do. Great picks! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiYeah! Thanks :)
IzbrišiI only know Isobel and Bella from your list (and Luce, but I've blocked that painful memory), but there are so many frustrating characters I could list, it's not even funny. Thing is, since I always get attached to characters first, I usually just give up when it becomes too much.
OdgovoriIzbrišiI'll stay away from the other ones, just to be safe.
I somehow try to understand characters, but lately I really don't have nerves for that. Yeah...it's not even funny anymore.
IzbrišiI guess there is a lot of us :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiI think Kristen Stewart ruined Bella for everyone. :(
OdgovoriIzbrišiMy Top Ten
Oh now when you put it that way..you're right.
IzbrišiComplete same thing for me and Bella. I also read it young and thought the same about her and then the movie... I haven't read the VD series but I do love the show. I could see where Elena is frustrating to you. She is sometimes to me. The guys are more interesting and put together than she is.
OdgovoriIzbrišiYeah...but she is okay in the show, but books are another story altogether!
IzbrišiTanja I totally agree with having Elena on your list, I think I gave up on this series after book two, I haven't met any of your other characters yet, but I'll be interested to see what I think of them! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiYeah she is really annoying. I can't wait to see it :)
IzbrišiWhere is Kiera from Thoughtless?!
OdgovoriIzbrišiShe is my most annoying book character ever.
Oh how could I forget her????!!! Damn! She should be on this list too!
IzbrišiLOL @ Seth. I thought wanting to punch in the face more than 50% of the time meant true love?
OdgovoriIzbrišiHappy reading,
Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog
No...the worst thing is that everyone is drooling over him and I'm like burn you idiot, burn! xD
IzbrišiOH MY GOSH...I haven't read the Vampire Diaries books but I am watching the show and I COMPLETELY AGREE with Elena! She is annoying and so self-righteous! She honestly pisses me off....*deep breath* (honestly what does Damon see in her??)
OdgovoriIzbrišiLOL! XD 50 Shades...yeah..I need to hear that story from you. We'll talk, missy! (I haven't read it yet, but I'm looking forward to laughing at your reactions! :)
And also agree with Bella...books was amazing....after movies...Kristen just killed Bella's character....*sigh*
I LOVE LOVE LOOOVE your picks, Tanja! :D
~ Maida <3
Don't read them luv! Trust me, you don't know how Elena can be annoying! xD
IzbrišiFor the 50 Shades, no problem! You'll see massive eye-rolling xD
Thanks girl ;)