5. kol 2014.

Mini reviews: City of Ashes and City of Glass by Cassandra Clare

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Book summary:
Clary Fray just wishes that her life would go back to normal. But what's normal when you're a demon-slaying Shadowhunter, your mother is in a magically induced coma, and you can suddenly see Downworlders like werewolves, vampires, and faeries? If Clary left the world of the Shadowhunters behind, it would mean more time with her best friend, Simon, who's becoming more than a friend. But the Shadowhunting world isn't ready to let her go — especially her handsome, infuriating, newfound brother, Jace. And Clary's only chance to help her mother is to track down rogue Shadowhunter Valentine, who is probably insane, certainly evil — and also her father.
To complicate matters, someone in New York City is murdering Downworlder children. Is Valentine behind the killings — and if he is, what is he trying to do? When the second of the Mortal Instruments, the Soul-Sword, is stolen, the terrifying Inquisitor arrives to investigate and zooms right in on Jace. How can Clary stop Valentine if Jace is willing to betray everything he believes in to help their father?
         Now before I start with my thoughts on these book I should say that I've read The Infernal Devices series before starting with The Mortal Instruments, so it really influenced my opinion about this one. I believe I'd probably enjoy it if I have read it years ago and before TID. But well, I'm going to finish this series anyway.

          As I have read City of Bones over a year ago it took me good 100 pages to get back into this story and connect all the dots. While I did connect all the dots related to the story and events, but connection with Clary as main character failed. Not only with her, but with most of the characters here. I did like the story and the whole prospect of Valentine, who did seem like an interesting villain.

         I shall also add that I believe my time for this series has passed. Maybe in the past I'd enjoy this whole complication and unnecessary drama, but not today. Still this world is something interesting and I'm glad that I've got to see it in this light.

Rating: 3 stars. 

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Book summary:
To save her mother's life, Clary must travel to the City of Glass, the ancestral home of the Shadowhunters - never mind that entering the city without permission is against the Law, and breaking the Law could mean death. To make things worse, she learns that Jace does not want her there, and Simon has been thrown in prison by the Shadowhunters, who are deeply suspicious of a vampire who can withstand sunlight.
As Clary uncovers more about her family's past, she finds an ally in mysterious Shadowhunter Sebastian. With Valentine mustering the full force of his power to destroy all Shadowhunters forever, their only chance to defeat him is to fight alongside their eternal enemies. But can Downworlders and Shadowhunters put aside their hatred to work together? While Jace realizes exactly how much he's willing to risk for Clary, can she harness her newfound powers to help save the Glass City - whatever the cost?
        Now, we're getting to for me the best book in this series till now. I've got to finally see some really amazing moments and what's more surprising is that I was actually surprised a couple of time. I didn't expect some thing to happen and it was nice to really flip pages just to see what happens next.

        In this book my connection with characters was slightly better. I got to connect more with them and I actually enjoyed some of the Clary-Jace interactions, but Simon is still the back sheep and someone who annoys me the most here.

        But the highlight of this book was for sure trip to City of Glass and discovering that realm. It was worth all the wait I tell ya. Also here I have got to cheer for one couple but more about in in my review for City of Fallen Angels. I live to tease.

Rating: 4 stars. 

Until the next time,

54 komentara:

  1. Sorry you are having a harder time with this series than you did the spin off. I have yet to finish these. I finished when I thought they were a trilogy and then never bothered to read the last three because I was happy with the way it ended when it was suppose to be a trilogy.

    I do want to read TID though, I have heard too many great things about it not to.

    1. People say it gets better so let's hope. Oh but you must read TID though! :)

  2. I thought these first three books were all equally fantastic and I loved both the arc and the tid-bits Clare dropped to hint at the ultimate showdown in CoG. I never read past these books since I was so satisfied with the ending of CoG but I can certainly see how reading The Infernal Devices first would alter your opinion of these books. Wonderful, honest reviews, Tanja!

    1. Yes it really did. I couldn't admire this series as I knew what perfection TID was. Thanks, Keertana :)

  3. Soo great you shared your thoughts on the series in mini reviews! City of Bones is one of my favourite series and I recently finished the last book but I never wrote the reviews. The city of glass really is magical, isn't it? :)

  4. I didn't love the first three but I read them SO long ago that my taste has probably changed a bit. I did love the fourth book when I read it more recently. I'm glad you're enjoying them for the most part!

    1. That's interesting. I though that people who have read this long ago enjoyed it more. Thanks, Candace :)

  5. I have read the first book in this series like ages ago and loved it to bits. The 2nd book was the one I absolutely detested and made me drop the series right then and there. I might read the last book just so I know how it will all ends so I'm glad you liked it. It's also good to know that you can read Infernal Devices without reading TMI first. Maybe I'll try that series too someday. Lovely reviews, Tanja!

    1. The third one wasn't half bad really, but skip the forth though :D I'll let you know about the rest. You must read TID. It's so much better :) Thanks, Sarah :)

  6. I quit after the third book and I agree, I think the time for this series and my enjoyment of it has past. Plus, I don't want any drama with Clary and Jace. The third book ended in a good place for me. Great reviews, Tanja! :)

    1. It did really. Let's hope that the last one will too. Thanks, Rachel :)

  7. Heh TID series is sooooo much better than TMI. I'm glad you finally got into Ashes though :) And lol! Agreed. Thre's too much unnecessary drama and the complication just makes you want to roll your eyes lol. AS for Glass, it's still the best book of the series! I haven't read the final one yet, but Fallen Angels CoLS didn't excite me that much. Simon annoys you? HAAAAAA. He's my fav character! I hated him in book 1 and 2, but in this one? He grew on me and has grown with every book :) Can't wait to see your thoughts on the rest of the books :)

    1. It is! :D LOL I mean Simon is you know a nice nerd guy but so annoying. He was like a third wheel most of the time xD Thanks, Siiri :)

  8. I naturally preferred The Infernal Devices and there was a time, during the course of this series, when I cursed Clare for dragging it on, but the finale really blew me away. The fourth book was awful, but it really got better after that.
    I hope you'll think so too. :)
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  9. It's been a while since I've read this series but I am pretty sure I felt similarly about City of Ashes. When I was reading the series, I never minded Clary as a character until books 4/5.. after that it was kind of a downward spiral with my tastes changing and me realizing I would probably really not like this series if I re-read it :P

    But I am glad to see you had a lot more fun with City of Glass and I am assuming you liked City of Fallen Angels as well! :)

    Great minis, Tanja!! :)

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

    1. Yeah we're now on the same page :P LOL You'll see about that :) Thanks :)

  10. We have the same sentiments here. If I read this way later than I did and was introduced to the Shadowhunter world by TID (which is a better series IMO), I would have enjoyed it a lot less. I wish Cassie Clare ended it in CoG because the spark I had for TMI series ended because of CoHF. Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed these! I'm looking forward to see what you thought of the rest of the series.

    1. It's better series in everyone's opinion if you ask me :D Thanks, Dea :)

    2. Oops I meant CoFA and not CoHF. haha! And yes, I noticed that as well.

  11. I'm glad that the next one is better than the previous one. I haven't tried the series yet, only saw the movie but I'm curious. thanks for the 2 reviews.

  12. I can't actually remember much of what happened in either of these books, but I found this entire series completely addictive. The Infernal Devices was better written for me, but I liked the humour and character here too, so it wasn't hard to keep reading. I look forward to seeing what you think of the final books. :)

    1. I think I'll forget about this too, while TID will always stay in my memory. We shall see.

  13. I have read the first three books of this series. Then I just lost interest because everything seemed dragged. But I have heard a few good things about the Infernal Devices series so that's a maybe read series for me. Thanks for sharing your reviews Tanja! :)

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

    1. Maybe that was a really good decision. Thanks, Janhvi :)

  14. I have to read the spinoff! I have all 3 books, but I have yet to read them, but I will soon. I abandoned this series after the third book and quite honestly, I can't even remember what happened in those three books.
    I'm glad City of Glass was better for you than the previous installment!
    Lovely reviews, Tanja!

    1. YES Nick YOU HAVE TO! Lol I feel ya there as I'll forget this soon enough. Thanks, Nick :)

  15. I really wish this series had ended with City of Glass. I read the next one and was disappointed, so I've been pretending it was a trilogy ever since.

  16. I agree completely Tanja! My time for this series has passed as well. I loved it when I first picked it up years and years ago before I started the blog, but I have not been able to get into the later books in this series and I think all the drama is the reason. I'm tired of unnecessary drama:)

  17. Did you enjoy the Internal Devices series? I wasn't in love with The Mortal Instruments.
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  18. I read this series several years ah go, before TID. I loved it so, so much, especially City of Glass. I really wish the series had ended there, or that I quit there. I haven't even kept enough interest to finish. Nice reviews!

    1. I wish it did, as TID would be a nice companion to it, without all the mess from the later books :/

  19. Oh, I'm sorry you couldn't connect with the characters and found that there was so much drama. Glad you enjoyed book 3 though. It's actually one of my favorites series and I love every book but I can understand that it's not for everyone. :P

    1. I'm so happy you loved it. I really am, but I don't think I'll ever love this series xD

  20. Wow, reading this post just made me realise I haven't actually read City of Glass, I totally thought I had! I got creeped out by the Clary-Jace brother/sister thing in Book 2 and never continued. Well, I suppose I should continue!

    1. It was really creepy yes! I knew they aren't brother and sister from the start. It was obvious.

  21. I struggled with these but my oldest adores them as well as the Mortal Devices. Great reviews:)

  22. I haven't read these or the Infernal Devices yet. I feel like I want to read them just to know what the big deal has been, but I have a feeling I'll come away feeling similar to you - that I'm past the complication and drama. Great reviews :)

    1. I think you should as that series is really amazing. Thanks, Berls :)

  23. Yeah, I can see why you'd want to read the Infernal Devices after reading this one. The latter is more recent, is it not? I know many who loved TID but the TMI, not so much. In any case, I can see both were a decent read for you! I'm not sure if I'll ever read Clare's books because of her plagiarising history, but perhaps one day! HAha. Great reviews! :)

    Faye at The Social Potato

    1. It is and it's much better :) That's the case with me too. Thanks, Faye :)

  24. I've been really tempted by this series, I'll read it one day :)

  25. City of Glass is my favorite TMI book - I had a bit of trouble getting into the first one, but it got better and better for me. I'm so curious to see what you think of how she handles the rest of the series (when her publisher basically said, write more books for the $ and she had to create a new villain). :D Awesome minis!

    1. It seems it'll be mine as well. (Yes it was a really bad decision). Thanks :)

  26. I really love this series! If I had to choose a favourite I just know I wouldn't be able to - but it definitely would not be the last one. I read the TMI but I haven't ever read the Infernal Devices, I will make sure I do. I think I am glad I read them in this order :3

    1. I'm so happy you loved it. I hope you'll read TID as it's much better :)

  27. I totally agree with you, Heidi :)



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