10. lip 2014.

ARC Review - Fan Art by Sarah Tregay

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Publication date: June 17th, 2014

My rating:  5 stars

Book summary:

"Senior year is almost over, and Jamie Peterson has a big problem. Not college—that’s all set. Not prom—he’ll find a date somehow. No, it’s the worst problem of all: he’s fallen for his best friend.

As much as Jamie tries to keep it under wraps, everyone seems to know where his affections lie, and the giggling girls in art class are determined to help Jamie get together with Mason. But Jamie isn’t sure if that’s what he wants—because as much as Jamie would like to come clean to Mason, what if the truth ruins everything? What if there are no more road trips, taco dinners, or movie nights? Does he dare risk a childhood friendship for romance?

This book is about what happens when a picture reveals what we can’t say, when art is truer than life, and how falling in love is easy, except when it’s not. Fan Art explores the joys and pains of friendship, of pressing boundaries, and how facing our worst fears can sometimes lead us to what we want most."


      It's so fluffy, I'm gonna die. Little Agnes from Despicable Me told the best words ever and they can be used to describe the cuteness of new book by Sarah Tregay. I think I melted several times while I had been reading Fan Art.

Why is this book awesome? 

  • Because of the topic. Being in high school is tough as it is, but being a gay in high school can be even worse, especially when your classmates don't approve (to say it nicely) who and what you are.
  • Because it is sweet love story and not another social study packed in YA book trying to sound oh-so-serious. LGBT teens need something cute and fluffy and romantic too. They know all about how hard it is to be them in everyday life. The want to read romantic and fairy taleish love story too. The one that will make them believe that there is nothing wrong with being different and that he or she can get a guy or a girl too. 
  • Family interaction. Jamie has the best parents ever. 
  • It made me laugh and cry happy tears.
  • Because this is how the real life should look like. How LGBT kids should be treated. How parents should act. How your friends should react when they see you kissing your best friend.

Who should read this book?

      Absolutely everyone!

 Happy reading,
***Copy of this book was provided by publisher, Katherine Tegen Books, via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.***

22 komentara:

  1. I love Agnes. ;)

    So glad you loved this one!

  2. YES, YES, YES!!! I absolutely ADORED this book! I pretty much felt the same way as you. I appreciated an LGBT book that wasn't an 'issue' book. It really was amazing.

  3. Aw yes! I have read the LGBT type book where they make such a fuss about it having LGBT characters but not making it as fun as entertaining as it can be by focusing on that one aspect of the book. (Well that was a mouthful) I'm kind of in love with how it made you feel. I want to cry happy tears. It sounds really good and yay for awesome parents. Lovely review (:

  4. I'm glad you loved Fan Art. (: LGBT with cute romance, then I'm in. I need to get my hands on this book soon. I can't wait to see Jamie and his cute romance. Lovely review, Glass (:

  5. You had me at "It's so fluffy, I'm gonna die"

    Fan Art looks like a fun, cute read and so glad to hear that it is! It'll be my first book relating to LGBT and not going to lie, I'm scared of the unknown as much as I'm excited ahh!!

    Alicia @ Summer Next Top Story

  6. I'm sure it must be really difficult in high school. I didn't know this one but the topic is really interesting and I love the cover. great review!

  7. This sounds really cute, I'm glad it is a LGBT romance that turns out well :)

  8. ok fine, i'll read it, you convinced me! :) (great review!)
    Boyanna @The Bookmaidens

  9. Happy tears? *grabby hands* I don't read a lot of LGBT and I really want to, so maybe I'll read this next. :)

  10. I like that the author didn't through the parents under the bus, and that the author focuses on the love story instead of the social perspective. Great review!

  11. You quoted Despicable Me in a review. BEST THING EVER!!! I can't just see that little peanut talking about the fluffiness of her stuffed animal, and that comparison makes me want to read this book immediately. I love a good fluff read!

  12. This book sounds great. I'd like to read more LGTB books, but they all seem so dramatic! I like a fluffy romance once in a while.

  13. Cute cover! And even better that the story is incredible too. Thanks for the great review, Glass!

  14. I can say that I've never read a YA novel on the topic of a gay relationship. But even from the synopsis, the writing and plotline seems perfect for me. From experience of being an art student I know that art has a truer meaning of life and love that words can't describe. Lovely review, Glass! :)

  15. I ADORE AGNES!!! She really did say the best words! LOL ;p This book sounds very interesting. I like reading real-life stories, so I know I'll (hopefully) enjoy this. Glad you enjoyed this, Glass! Fabulous review! :D

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

  16. Loved the parents too as well as the sweetness

  17. I had NO idea this book falls under LGBT category but that itself is enough for me to hunt for it and read it ASAP. What's more is that there is family interation. That always makes me happy. And it made you laugh and cry. Well, this book sounds perfect to me. Thank you for the great review, Glass!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  18. GLASS. This sounds awesome. Even without the Agnes reference (which is also awesome). Great review! I've already added it to my wishlist ;)

    Jessica @ Rabid Reads

  19. Awe Glass awesome review, you make me want to read this!

  20. I don't know how this book slipped under my radar because it sounds positively amazing! I'll have to buy a copy asap. Thank you for your lovely review!

  21. didn't realize this is what the book was about, wonderful review. Sounds like a touching story, I agree - everyone should read it.

  22. I so agree Glass - LGBT really deserve their fairy tale books too! It's not fair that all their books seem to be about how hard it is! How about how happy they can be? I'm adding this one for sure :)



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