29. tra 2013.

The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa

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Book summary: 

Allison Sekemoto has vowed to rescue her creator, Kanin, who is being held hostage and tortured by the psychotic vampire Sarren. The call of blood leads her back to the beginning—New Covington and the Fringe, and a vampire prince who wants her dead yet may become her wary ally.

Even as Allie faces shocking revelations and heartbreak like she’s never known, a new strain of the Red Lung virus that decimated humanity is rising to threaten human and vampire alike.
   After I've heard that Julie Kagawa was writing a dystopian series I was so in. I really liked The Iron Fey series and so I got The Immortal Rules for the review. I was thrilled. I had some issues with it though. Starting with pacing. I wanted to press forward few times in the book cause it was too slow. But at the end I liked the idea of the book so I couldn't wait to get this one too.

    Herlequin being as awesome as always gave me the arc of this book. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this book. Everything that I didn't like in the first book was great here. Starting with pacing. I had problem with it in The Immortal Rules but here it was just right. This book has around 400 pages and I think I've read it in one sitting. It was so captivating. Then with Allie. I liked her in the first book too but she became a really dear to me here. Also I've got to see Kanin more. His character in the first book was so mysterious and bad-ass and here I could meet him better. Honestly I'm one of rare persons who is not a big fan of Zeke but who asks me. Anyhow this book was much better than the first for me.

   Allie is a girl living in the new world After the Red Lung human population almost disappeared. It was a time for vampires to rise and rule. They needed food so they had to keep humans safe or what's left of them whatsoever. Allie has been turned into a vampire by Kanin but she still had a feelings for human life and in the first book she decided to help Zeke and his little tribe. After that she vowed to do another thing - help Kanin.  She could feel he was in danger and it was time to complete the task in this sequel. In the process she meets some other members of her family and realized that the connections between vampires is not so week. 

   Like I said this series is becoming better and better for me therefore I can't wait to read the next book in this series.

Rating: 5 stars.

Until the next time,

***NOTE: I received a copy of this book via NetGalley from Herlequin. Thank you.
I'm not paid for writing this review - I do it as a lover of written word. 

Broj komentara: 17:

  1. Yay for the 5 stars Tanja! I absolutely adored this book too, the beginning was a bit slow for me, but once the story got going I couldn't put it down. I don't know how I'm going to wait a year for the next book! Great review! :)

    1. Few people told me that the beginning was slow for them but I really enjoyed :) Thanks Jasprit :)

  2. I actually thought this was a little slower paced at times than the first, but like you I still devoured it

    1. I was obviously in the mood for this. I'l glad you enjoyed it :)

  3. YAY! I'm so happy you loved this one too Tanja! I just can't get enough of Julie Kagawa, and I loved the growth we see in Allie in this book. She's resigned to being a vampire but yet she still fights it, and after the things that happened at the end, I'm super curious to see if she keeps fighting in the next book. Wonderful review!

    1. Thanks! :) I've got a feeling that she'll never stop fighting. Dunno she looks like that kind of person to me :)

  4. Allie progressed with me in this book. She was okay in the first book to me, but I liked her in this :) I can't wait for the next one! Awesome review

    Janina @ Synchonized Reading

  5. I'm so glad you enjoyed this, Tanja! I wasn't a fan of The Immortal Rules, which is why I won't be continuing this series, but I am so thrilled that this book continues to please fans of Kagawa. Somehow, her books just never work for me!

    1. You should continue! I wasn't such a big fan of the first book either but this one was way much better :) Thanks :)

  6. I really liked The Immortal Rules, so I'm excited to read this! I'm so happy this book is even better. Great review :)

  7. Glad to hear you liked this one better than the first. I still need to find the time to start this series. :)

    ~Sara @ Forever 17 Books

  8. Reading 400 pages in one sitting is a task and it only shows how much you enjoyed this book. It's good that it was better than book #1. Damn! This is another series I need to get to soon. Anyways, lovely review, as always! :)

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. Exactly! :) I hope you'll get to read this series. Thanks Sarika :)

  9. I hope you'll read this series soon. I mean it gets better and better :)



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