Hello. It's another Tuesday and that basically means another Top Ten Tuesday. It's a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish where every week we pick top ten picks for a certain topic. Today the topic is Top Ten Words/Topics that make me pick up a book. It'll be hard but I'll try.
1. Any fantasy world. Yeah I'm so good at this. But really fantasy will always be part of me. I really don't have set criteria for them. (especially the ones with dragons!)
2. Some topics that are unique to me - mostly paranormal or fantasy. For example I have never read a book by mermaids (A Little Mermaid doesn't count) so I can't wait to read one of them.
3. Books that deal with hard topics and heart-breaking stories. Ah it's always good to feel something strong.
4. Next book in series. (I'm quite sure that I'm cheating here) but really I mostly read sequels as everything has one these days.
5. Books set into Neverland but not retellings. Yes I love Neverland as it reminds me of my childhood and I'm always looking for a new one but not Peter Pan retellings as I'm not into retellings.
6. Dystopian books of any sorts. It was paranormal and contemporary once upon a time but now it's dystopia as it still has some new things to offer, hopefully.
7. Books about angels. I'll never learn from my mistakes it seems. Something within me is stronger.
8. Books with swoon-worthy guys. You can never have enough of these, right?
9. Sweet and lovely love stories without love-triangles for summer. I'm starting to collect books for this summer.
10. Books with kick-but female characters. Go girls!
As always I'd love to see your picks so link them up.
Until the next time,

I almost did angels! I've kinda been out of that recently though, so I didn't want to lie, lol. I totally agree with your 'next in series'. Great list! I didn't think of many of these *duh moment!*
Vixen's Top Ten!
I always hope to find some good book about angels! Thanks :)
IzbrišiHahah I love that swoon worthy guys is on your list! They are the best!
OdgovoriIzbrišiTeresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives
Yes what would we do without them ;)
IzbrišiOh yes Tanja, give me a swoon-worthy guy or a badass girl and I'm absolutely picking that book up! I'm obsessed with romance, so normally if there's not mention of a hot boy of any kind, I pass over that book. I can't help it. I crave romantic tension while I'm reading!
OdgovoriIzbrišiYou know what I mean then! :) Yes me too! Even though it can annoy me I don't give up :D
IzbrišiHeartbreaking stories have the opposite effect on me! I'm a wuss, so it always takes a little bit of persuasion before I can pick up something that is emotionally taxing. ;) I agree about fantasy settings though. The vast majority of my all-time favourites have been fantasy books. And swoon-worthy guys... well, it goes without saying. ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiAwesome list, Tanja!
Ahh Sam I cry my heart out mostly so it's good sometimes! :) Yes I always go for a fantasy especially if there is a new world! :) Yeah! Thanks :)
IzbrišiNice list :) I love kick-butt girls & boys ;) and you know me, I'm all about fantasy ;) and yay for the no-love-triangles summer books :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiMy TTT
Yes give up boys and kick ass girls in fantasy and we're happy! :) LOL no more of that :) Thanks :)
IzbrišiUnique topics are few and far between these days, so I guess that would work for me too, but angels tend to make me run the other way, I'm afraid. It's just that I've read so many bad ones and not nearly enough good ones.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for sharing.
Yes they're rare. I know I've read a really bad angel books but I won't give up! Thanks :)
IzbrišiI love reading about kick butt female characters! :) Thanks for stopping by my TTT list!
OdgovoriIzbrišiAlice @ Alice in Readerland
Yes me too! :) Thank you :)
IzbrišiYes to fantasy worlds and unique topics and next book in series (of course you cheater :p) and swett love stories without love triangles.
OdgovoriIzbrišiWe have kick-but heroines in common. ;)
Words or topics that instantly make me buy a book
Yes! ;) (cough I had to cough) :D That's great to hear! ;)
IzbrišiThe hard and heartbreaking gets me every time as well!
OdgovoriIzbrišiYes I can't resist them :)
IzbrišiDragons, swoon-worthy guys, and kick-ass heroines are all gives for me too. ESPECIALLY dragons! :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiYes you just have to say dragons in the blurb and I want that book! :D
IzbrišiNeverland? Interesting. I actually want to read Peter Pan sometime this year. I wonder what words not topics make me pick up a book...
OdgovoriIzbrišiRetellings are awesome by the way :P Dystopians always get to me and I love a strong heroine.
Great list!
Yes my favourite land! :) Oh Peter Pan is something special for me :) I can't believe you haven't read it. You must!!
IzbrišiLOL they ruin the original for me :P
Thanks :)
Fantasy, dystopian, kick ass girls :D I agree!
Great to hear! :D
IzbrišiI love anything Paranormal and Dystopian. Both of those are automatic purchases for me :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiJanina @ Synchonized Reading
I love all genres but lately dystopian is often on my list! :)
IzbrišiOkay, I love books with swoon-worthy guys, too Tanja! Dystopian hasn't lost is shine for me yet and yes to kick-ass heroines!! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiYeah they're the best! :) Great! :)
IzbrišiYes to fantasy and kick butt heroines! And double yes to swoon-worthy guys! :-) Great list!
OdgovoriIzbrišiYeah we all love them! :) Thanks Lauren :)
IzbrišiFantasy worlds are awesome! Have you read Game of Thrones??
OdgovoriIzbrišiYes I've. I liked it but series isn't bad. :)