1. ožu 2014.

ARC Review: Til Death by Kate Evangelista

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Book summary:
Sixteen-year old Selena Fallon is a dreamer. Not a day-dreamer, but an I-see-the-future kind of dreamer. Normally this is not a problem as she has gotten pretty good at keeping her weird card hidden from everyone in her small town. Except from her best friend Kyle and her grandparents, of course. But when Selena dreams of her own rather bloody death, things get a little too freaky even for her.
Enter Dillan Sloan. Selena has seen the new guy in a different dream, and he is even more droolworthy in person. Beyond the piercing blue eyes and tousled dark hair, there is something else that draws her to him. Something…electric. Unfortunately, Dillan makes it more than clear that he does not feel the same. They just met, so why would he act like he hates her?
When Dillan and Selena are forced together one weekend to work on a school project, Selena prepares to be ignored as usual. But when she stumbles across a few undead in the backyard, Dillan comes to her rescue and reveals a whole lot more. Not only is he part of a society that hunts otherworldly creatures…she is too. And she is being targeted by a force bigger and darker than anything she ever imagined. Despite her death dream, Selena is not going to give up easy, especially when she discovers that Dillan might not actually hate her after all.
         There is this phenomena I'm experiencing with paranormal books lately. Mostly I get to see some really amazing ideas. They're usually new and unique, but the characters end up being totally different story. It's really hard to rate books as that.

          Till Death is story about teens, actually sixteen year old Selena, who has been having visions for some time now. Even though it terrifies her at the same time she is used to keeping her secret and only her best friends know it. It was easy to control it until certain events, which started after Dillan's arrival, started to happen. He on the other hand knows what he is and he's raised to control it and rule the power within. When he sees that some powerful creatures are threatening and attacking girl who's been an unsolved mystery to him. Let's just say, he never leaves things unsolved.

        Now we come to pros and cons of this story.
Pros: The whole idea of paranormal creatures and their hierarchy presented here was the most appealing aspect of the story to me. It was great to see how that all functioned not only in their city but on a higher level. The other thing is the whole storyline which was nicely planed and built.
Cons: The characters themselves. They were so stereotypical that it bored me till death. The whole Dillan being bad, perfectly-looking, arrogant boy got on my nerves from the start. Selena was totally neutral for me as for her feelings. She was meh, most of the time. Generally I couldn't care less for either of them. Which was the biggest obstacle for me.

        At the end of the day I think that younger readers who enjoy typical bad-boys could enjoy this book much more than I did.

Rating: 2.5 stars.

Until the next time,
***NOTE: Copy of this book was kindly provided by the publisher, Entangled Teen. Thank you! 
I'm not paid for writing this review - I do it as a lover of written word. All opinions are personal.

Broj komentara: 37:

  1. Oh no, boring, stereotypical characters? What a bummer. I've noticed the same issue with a lot of paranormal romances too, Tanja--it's too bad when our attention is already caught and we're willing to be invested in the story, but you just feel disconnected from the people in it.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

    1. Yes it happens more often than I'd like. True. Thanks Wendy :)

  2. It's too bad this one isn't so great :( I have a copy I'm planning to read, but the characters sound frustrating. I'm happy that the storyline is at least well done. Thanks for the honest review!

    1. I truly hope you'll enjoy it more than I did. Thanks Montana :)

  3. Odgovori
    1. Eek. Stereotypical characters are a hard one to look over. It always sucks when a great premise is ruined by annoying stereotypical characters.

      I am sorry you didn't enjoy it more Tanja! :(

      Rashika @ The Social Potato

    2. Yeah it's a shame. Thanks Rashika :)

  4. Gahhh... I'm skipping this than - you know I don't like stories like that. But that's bad, after Savor I really expected this to be great read too.

    1. I expected so much after Savor which was amazing. Now we wait for the Savor's sequel :)

  5. The book sounds so good :( It's a shame you didn't enjoy it! Paulina @ Tangled In Pages

  6. Even though I am sad you struggled with this as well, I am glad that I wasn't the only one. I so wanted to love this I just couldn't. I just didn't like either character enough to care.

    1. I saw your review for it and I totally agree. Thanks Ali :)

  7. I definitely understand why you wouldn't have enjoyed this that much. I've been having a lot of issues with characters lately, but hopefully I start finding some amazing books. Great review :)

    1. I hope we'll find some appealing characters soon. Thanks Janina :)

  8. Sounds like a good concept that failed ;/ sorry to hear that second unfavorable review of this in the past month. But I can see why.

  9. Crap. I'm reading this book this week. Hopefully I can get over the characters being not as good as the story *sigh*...

  10. That's too bad. I think I remember you liking the first book in the series, but yeah, the characters have to work for me to love a story too.

    1. I loved the other series by this author. This one sadly wasn't as good. Thanks Andrea :)

  11. Ugh, the characters here seem absolutely terrible! Will pass on this one.

    Brilliant review! <33

  12. It's very frustrating when a good concept is accompanied by poor characters. Characters are usually the most important part of a book for me, and if I can't enjoy them or invest in them, it's pretty unlikely that I'll be able to like the rest of it. Thanks for the helpful review though, Tanja! I hope you enjoy your next read more. :)

    1. Yes because you connect with them more than with story. Thanks Sam :)

  13. Oh man the concept sounds wonderful it is such a shame the characters weren't. Great review Tanja!

  14. That cover is so beautiful! I agree, it's hard to rate a book when the plot is very original, but the characters are not impressive. I'm more into characterization so I have a feeling this would not be my type of read at all. Sorry this didn't quite work for you, Tanja. I know you've enjoyed this author before. Great review! :)

    1. I guess one without the other is newer enough. Thanks Rachel :)

  15. I hate cliches, especially when the characters are practically molded from them. Too bad, because the plot seems like it had potential. Great cover, though haha

  16. Yeah sadly that happened. Thanks Heidi :)

  17. Aww i'm so sorry to hear you didn't enjoy this one. It is always tough when the characters are just stereotypical. Thanks for the honest review!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  18. I hate when characters are stereotypical, it makes them instantly forgettable and hard to care about. It does seem to happen in paranormal (especially YA) lately, and I always have the same thought you did - that if I were younger I might be impressed but I'm just not. Wonderful honest review!

  19. Hahaha! I agree with your ending recommendation. I've been finding so many books and characters so shallow these days. I hope you'd liked this better but oh well, maybe someone will enjoy it. Nice review!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  20. I don`t usually read this genre, but I just might read this one :)



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