20. kol 2013.

Breaking Point by Kristen Simmons

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Book summary: 
After faking their deaths to escape from prison, Ember Miller and Chase Jennings have only one goal: to lay low until the Federal Bureau of Reformation forgets they ever existed.
Near-celebrities now for the increasingly sensationalized tales of their struggles with the government, Ember and Chase are recognized and taken in by the Resistance—an underground organization working to systematically take down the government. At headquarters, all eyes are on the sniper, an anonymous assassin taking out FBR soldiers one by one. Rumors are flying about the sniper’s true identity, and Ember and Chase welcome the diversion….
Until the government posts its most-wanted list, and their number one suspect is Ember herself.
Orders are shoot to kill, and soldiers are cleared to fire on suspicion alone. Suddenly Ember can’t even step onto the street without fear of being recognized, and “laying low” is a joke. Even members of the Resistance are starting to look at her sideways.
With Chase urging her to run, Ember must decide: Go into hiding…or fight back?
        I have no idea why it took me so much to write this review. I have read this book a while ago and it really was a great read I just needed some time to put my words together so here we go.

        Article 5 was one of the books that I really enjoyed. Last year was time of dystopia explosion and with all new concepts and stories I was in heaven but now with sequels I can divide those that were really amazing and those that were forgettable. This one goes into the first category.

         But it didn't seem like that at the start. When I started reading this I was really afraid as the story was slow and while things happened nothing happened in general. But soon enough I realized that it was only building it up until everything exploded because after that I started reading as fast as I could. We got to see the awful picture of society and the way the people were treated and sometimes it was hard to go on. Ember and Chase tried to work as hard as they could and with everything going on the things between them were sometimes hard, not to mention the past and burden they carried on their backs. We saw Ember grow here and while I might not agree with some of here moments still in the situation she was in I can't but admire her and her strong will. Chase at the other hand was still the boy I fell for and after this I fell even more. Being so strong was admirable considering the circumstances.

       That made this book real as it wasn't all pink and fluffy at the end of the day, every day was a struggle they had to endure and some days were bad but some were good. But they had each other at the end of the day. I really loved how this story developed and the relationship itself. Now I can't wait to see how this all will end.

Rating: 4 stars.

Until the next time,

43 komentara:

  1. I can't wait to start this :) My review of Article 5 went up today, so I'm really excited to check out the sequel! I hope I can get past the slow paced beginning. Great review :)

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

    1. I just saw :) What a coincidence :) I can't wait to see what you think of this one. Thanks :)

  2. It has definitely been the year for sequels! I am so glad this one did not disappoint!

  3. I find that sometimes even excellent books can be so hard to review. I usually don't force it, I just let it go and try again later. I'm glad it worked for you. :)
    I haven't read Article 5 just yet, but it's been on my list since forever. I even have a physical copy right here. I'll get to it soon.
    Great review!

    1. You must read it Maja :) It's really a great book. Yeah sometimes it takes time to sit down and write a review :) Thanks :)

  4. It's so good when a sequel is just as enjoyable as the first book! Great review :)

  5. I'm so glad you loved this one as much as I did. I enjoyed the first book, but this one completely blew me away. The tense atmosphere throughout the book was so thick that it made nervous.
    I can't wait to get to book 3 as well. I'm sure it'll be a blast.
    Lovely review, Tanja!
    P.S What did you think of Tucker? Do you trust his intentions?

    1. Yes it was really good! I have no doubts. Yes I'm not sure what's that makes me think like that about him, but I'm really curious :)

  6. I wasn't a fan of Article 5, so I won't be reading this installment, but I'm glad to see you enjoyed it. I always love when a middle novel is just as strong. Great review, Tanja!(:

    1. Too bad you didn't enjoy the first book but who knows maybe one day you'll :) Thanks Keertana :)

  7. I have wanted to read Kristin Simmons because Article 5 sounded really interesting, but it just slipped by me. Breaking Point looks good and hopefully I'll get to read the whole trilogy. Glad you enjoyed this one Tanja :)

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

    1. Hopefully you'll get to read the whole series after it comes out that way you won't have to wait :) Thanks :)

  8. I really liked the first book, but, for some reason or another, I haven't really been too interested in continuing with the series. I think I probably should now. Great review, Tanja! :)

    1. You really should! :) I hope you'll get to read it soon Sam. Thanks :)

  9. "That made this book real as it wasn't all pink and fluffy at the end of the day, every day was a struggle they had to endure and some days were bad but some were good. But they had each other at the end of the day."

    YES! Exactly Tanja! That's what I so loved about this one too - things were dark and terrifying, but Ember and Chase were such a source of light and I loved them. After that ending I'm dying for book 3, and while I know things will only get darker before the end, I have faith that Kristen won't utterly destroy us in the next book!

    1. Exactly. It was so real that I couldn't help but t love it.I also cant wait to read the next book! I believe so too! :)

  10. I haven't read the first but I def want to. So glad that you enjoyed

  11. Yay, I loved this one too! It was definitely not a disappointing sequel. And I agree the mc is strong and Chase is just *swoon*. Lovely review. :)

    1. Oh Chase is ahh! I want that guy :D Thanks Renu :)

  12. I loved this and you are right this was a stand out! Wonderful review :)

  13. I really hope you'll get to read this book soon :) I hope you'll enjoy it :)

  14. I've been avoiding dystopians as much as possible just because I have gotten burnt out. So I have been keeping up with sequels and only reading a few new ones here and there. Before this wasn't one that I felt super strong urge to read, but now I'm thinking that maybe once the next book comes out it might be a good one to read and then I can read them back to back.

    1. Yes I felt burnt out too but some, like this one are really worth reading :) I hope you'll get to it :)

  15. I've heard many good things about Article 5, and Breaking Point. You are absolutely right about the second book defining the series, I've been let down many times.
    Great review!

    1. Yes but this one isn't in that category :) Thanks :)

  16. I couldn't finish the first book in the series because I thought it was a little too negative and I guess I wasn't I'm the mood for it then but I feel like giving this series another shot now . Nice review ;)

    1. It was negative but real at the same time. I hope you'll give it a try again. Thanks :)

  17. Sounds great! I haven't read the first book yet but it's nice to hear that the sequel did not disappoint and that this is a series worth following.

  18. So glad you enjoyed! It's so hard with dystopians since as you said, they're taking over the YA market and it's rare if a book grabs you from the start just as Divergent, THG or The Maze Runner. I'm glad that you pushed through to the breaking point and when it finally got going, you enjoyed it:) I hope it ends just as well for you in general!

    1. Exactly, everything started to seem the same. I hope you'll get to read this series :) Thanks :)

  19. I've heard so many great things about this series and would love to give it a try sometime. i'm glad you enjoyed it, Tanja. Awesome review!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. I really hope you'll give it a try girl :) You must meet Chase :) Thanks :)

  20. I'm glad to read that Ember got a bit of backbone. I hope the decisions she made doesn't make me think otherwise when I read this book. That was really the only problem with Article 5 for me but it seems the author may have worked out the issues I had problems with. Thanks for the review (:

    1. I can't wait to see what will you think of it. Maybe some of her decisions were wrong but considering the circumstances I could understand it :)

  21. I completely agree with you Tanja! I thought this was slow in the beginning too, but after a while, the build up to all the action and the horror of the society was worth the wait. I love Chase and Ember, and their relationship continues to intrigue me. I too am looking forward to seeing how this series wraps up! Great review, Tanja! :D

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

    1. I know you love this one! ;) I can't wait to see how this all will wrap up either ;) Thanks :D

  22. So glad to hear you're enjoying where the series is going and that this falls into the first category of dystopian sequels. I've read too many that just aren't up to par, but this one is definitely a strong continuation. So excited for the next one! Awesome review Tanja! :-)

    1. I really hope you'll get to read this one. thanks Lauren :)



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