27. kol 2014.

Waiting on Wednesday (#110)

You know the story. This is a meme created by Breaking the Spine and every week we pick books we're waiting for. Here are our picks for this week.

Glass' pick

The "Superlatives Series" is about seniors at a Florida high school who are selected for their class Who's Who categories, and how the labels change the way they view themselves and alter the course of their lives.

Most Likely to Succeed will focus on characters Kaye and Sawyer.

Expected publication: August 4th, 2014

Tanja's pick

Politics and magic make dangerous bedfellows.

Deep within the Order, the seeds of corruption have taken root. While younger generations of the Gifted have embraced modern democratic values, a secret society of old-guard zealots seek a return to the past, when only European men of distinguished bloodlines held power.

Now, three venerable European families and a maverick American each plot to seize control of the Order and shape it to their will. A cutthroat game of political intrigue will decide the winner; and the stakes couldn't be higher, for ruling the Order carries with it the power to grant—or deny—an afterlife.

What begins as a battle of wills could turn into an all-out war. And magic could prove deadlier than any missile.

Expected publication: September 2014

We'd love to see your picks so feel free to link them up.

Until the next time,

21 komentar:

  1. so cool so see a person of color on a book cover and tanya's book is on my wish list. gimme all the fictional life-threatening danger ^^

    my WoW

  2. JENNA BLACK HAS A NEW BOOK COMING OUT? I definitely need to go check it out and soon!

    Also is that the second book in the series?? I am so confused about all of Jennifer Echols' books :P

    Thanks for sharing, guys!

    Happy reading! :D

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

  3. I"m curious about the Black book but this time I didn't know about the first one.

  4. Two awesome picks! Glass, I like the concept of the book you picked very much, but I'm not too into NA contemporary to read them, too. I'd absolutely read Tanja's pick, though. Sounds all kinds of awesome, much like a Harry Potter thrill ride without the 5-6 years of foreplay.
    My WoW

  5. Glass--OMG, OMG, OMG. Words cannot begin to describe how excited I am for Most Likely to Succeed! <33 Kaye & Sawyer were some of my favorite characters from Biggest Flirts! I ship them so hard!

    Tanja--Oooh, that one looks interesting. I actually do enjoy books with politics... as long as there's some action mixed in. I really hope this book does not disappoint. :)

    Awesome picks this week, girls!

  6. I am so excited to read Most Likely to Succeed! Yay for diversity! I have to read Perfect Couple first though! These books are super cute! :)

    I'm beyond excited for Gifted Dead. It looks like it's going to be a rough and entertaining ride! :D

    Great picks! :)

  7. Both are new to me but sounds good and hope that you get a chance to read it soon.

  8. These both sound good. Excellent picks!

  9. The gifted dead sounds really cool and bonus, it is new to me!

  10. Great choices ladies! The Echols book is definitely on my list!

  11. I love that cover for The Gifted Dead! It's so simple but so effective :D *drools* Most Likely to Succeed looks super cute, haha.

    Great picks, ladies!

  12. Fab choices, ladies! I've yet to read from Jennifer Echols but Most Likely To Succeed sounds good, Glass. And Tanja, The Gifted Dead looks awesome. Look at that cover plus political intrigue? I'm so in. (:

  13. I recall Jenny from Supernatural Snark designing that second book (if my memory is correct.) Can't wait to read it as well. :D I'm not sure if I understand the superelatives concept but it sure sounds fun! And I saw the cover of book 1 so I can say they're pretteeeey. xx

  14. I just LOVE the cover for Black's book. Seriously, Jenny is just too good. I'm so excited to read that one so I hope the content is as phenomenal as Jenny's art on the front! ;)

  15. I didn't know the cover for Most Likely to Succeed was revealed, it looks so cute! I still have to read the second one, but there's still time until it comes out.

  16. The gifted dead looks so good and I really need to add it to my tbr! Great picks!

  17. Most Likely to Succeed looks like one I would like. Thanks for sharing!

  18. I can't wait to read Most Likely to Succeed! I read anything and everyting that Jennifer Echols writes. I haven't heard of The Gifted Dead before, but it sounds interesting. I hope you both enjoy your picks this week.
    My WoW

  19. Nice choices, ladies! I am about to begin the first book in the Superlatives series, Biggest Flirts, and I have an e-ARC of the sequel, so I won't have to wait long! The Gifted Dead sounds so so good, and I'm adding it to my TBR list now! Thanks for sharing!

  20. Oh I want The Gifted Dead..an order..yep. need. That cover is fantastic too!

  21. Jenny did the cover on Jenna Black's newest?! It looks amazing!

    I didn't know Jennifer Echols had a new one coming out.

    Great picks, ladies! :)



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