25. kol 2014.

I Want It That Way (2B Trilogy, #1) by Ann Aguirre

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Publication date: August 26th, 2014

My rating: 3.5 stars

Book summary:

"Nadia Conrad has big dreams, and she's determined to make them come true—for her parents' sake as well as her own. But between maintaining her college scholarship and working at the local day care to support herself, she barely has time to think, let alone date. Then she moves into a new apartment and meets the taciturn yet irresistible guy in 1B….

Daniel Tyler has grown up too fast. Becoming a single dad at twenty turned his life upside down—and brought him heartache he can't risk again. Now, as he raises his four-year-old son while balancing a full-time construction management job and night classes, a social life is out of the question. The last thing he wants is for four noisy students to move into the apartment upstairs. But one night, Nadia's and Ty's paths cross, and soon they can't stay away from each other.

The timing is all wrong—but love happens when it happens. And you can't know what you truly need until you stand to lose it."

      I know that most of you know Ann Aguirre because of her dystopian novels (which I haven't read yet, by the way) and that most of her readers are doubtful about Ann writing contemporary romance, new adult romance - but since I am in the mood for new adult and more realistic stories, this was a great choice for me.

    Let's talk about that title! I am guessing that younger generation doesn't know or has vague knowledge about very popular boy band from the end of the nineties, Backstreet Boys. Rest of you thought about their song as soon as you saw the title, admit it? I laughed like crazy, but Ann Aguirre gets extra points for being a fellow BSB fan. (Yes, I know - I am so old!)

     Story - interesting idea, but put on a paper... Girl moves in with her friends into the new apartment. Cute guy lives floor below her. They have connection. He has a kid. Oh, the complications and drama! This was truly brilliant idea for new adult story full of twists and turns and tension and feels. Unfortunately, it failed to deliver sometimes mostly because of writing and few plot holes.

      Characters. Nadia was constantly on that fine line between acceptable female character and the one that annoys the hell out of you. She could be so selfish and self-centered at times and then do something so awesome that you would scream girl crush to anyone who would listen. Ty is build from a swoon worthy material, but even he can't see further from his own nose at few occasions.

     Final judgement? Adorable story that will be a perfect fit for warm August evening, especially if you need something sweet and romantic.

Happy reading, 

***Copy of the book was provided by publisher, Harlequin HQN, in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!***

Broj komentara: 20:

  1. I love Ann's work and have thought about reading these. If they are perfect for August I better get reading soon
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  2. LOL! Younger generation. Darlin'! Who are you calling young here :D (eyes 28th of August in her calendar; I SHALL BE 22 IN 3 DAYS. WTF I AM GROWING UP TOO FAST. I DO NOT LIKE!!!) I love that song btw! Yeah? You felt like the plot wasn't all there? "Nadia was constantly on that fine line between acceptable female character and the one that annoys the hell out of you" Ohh, but that's a fine line to walk on! So easy to slip lol. I'm glad you enjoyed it as a whole and felt like it gave you the sweet and romance feels even though it wasn't a perfect story. Great review, hon!

  3. I'm so glad you enjoyed this! I thought it was really beautiful and realistic, which is far too rare for NA. The drama, while there, wasn't artificial. I felt that this could easily happen in anyone's neighborhood.
    Great review!

  4. I haven't read anything by Ann Aguirre yet so I have no idea about how effective she is as an author. It's impressive though that she can write from different genres. Oh yeaaah! I totally sing the title in my mind whenever I see it. XD I'm not sure I'm up for another Contemporary novel but I'd surely keep this in mind. :)

  5. LOL. HEY. WHO YOU CALLIN YOUNG? I am old. Verreh old. I am glad thought that you were as excited by the titles as I was. I won't claim to be a huge fan since I am not but... I've heard a few of their songs and I absolutely adore them! :D

    I am glad you enjoyed this, Glass! :D I actually loved Nadia since I felt like she was so realistic. She did have a few selfish moments but since she was so mature throughout the entire novel, I forgave her ;)

    AND TY. Ahh soo swoon worthy :')

    Lovely review, Glass!! :)

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

  6. everyone is reading this one but i haven't yet. I have many book by the author and I know I need to finish them before starting a new series.

  7. Hey, now! I'm 21 and I TOTALLY know BackStreet Boys :P I was more of a Westlife and A1 fan back in the days, though. And oh, BLUE!!! Duncan and Lee Ryan were my loves, seriously. I'm not too sure about picking this one up - Aguirre's recent dystopian works were pretty duds for me and I'm scared the lack of magic would continue in this one :( Rashika liked it though, so the "Will-Read" factor is certainly winning

    Faye at The Social Potato

  8. I definitely thought about the Backstreet Boys song too. Haha! I think a lot of people are when reading that title! :)
    I'm so confused about whether I want to read this book or not. Most of the reviews have shown that this is rather mediocre and not the kind of book to blow you away. It does sound like a sweet story though. I'll probably borrow from a library.
    Lovely review, Glass! :)

  9. Sorry this one wasn't a complete winner for you Glass, but I'm glad you enjoyed it for the most part! I absolutely adored it and the realism of the situations bother Ty and Nadia were in, I don't deal well with the over the top situations many NA characters find themselves in, so this was refreshing for me. Plus, BSB for the win ;-)

  10. So glad you liked this one. For some reason I have seen some great reviews for this and then some very negative ones. Glad so many people are liking it though.

  11. Yes BSB! I can't wait to read this one!!

    Eileen @ BookCatPin

  12. OH I have my eye on this one! i love the cute cover but the synopsis is to die for! Love that the male lead is a guy with a kid and can't wait to see how that plays into the story! This looks like a nice read to end the summer off with :)
    Great review :)

  13. Warm August evening? Speak for yourself! This month we've been setting all kinds of coldest summer day ever records. *cries* So, I have to live vicariously through books, and I think I Want It That Way might be just the thing! Well, except for Nadia that is... Wonderful review!

  14. I'll try and have some extra patience with Nadia. Nice to see you enjoyed it overall, Glass. I've seen this around and have it for review as well so I hope I like it. And if you're old, I must have one foot in the grave! Lol! Great review. :)

  15. I absolutely agree that this was an adorable story but nothing crazy memorable. Glad you still liked it, Glass!

  16. I am torn on this one... I'm not going to lie, the BSB reference has me intrigued.. deff keeping this one in mind for when I want something cute.

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  17. I don't know how other books xD But I do know the Backstreet Boys, I grew up listening to them among others! So as soon as I saw the title I came by and just wanted to check it out. Sounds like it's a decent book but it could go either way in terms of the main female character depending on the readers likes.

  18. I think I'll start reading her dystopian novels instead :)

  19. Somehow, when I saw the cover of this book, it screamed Glass and I'm glad my guess was right after I saw that you had reviewed it. Hahaha! The younger generation, Glass? Well, younger or not, who doesn't love band boys? This sounds like a nice read and I'm glad that you liked it. Also, it sounds very contemporary but seeing as it's a dystopian, this book should be interesting. Great review!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts



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