7. kol 2014.

Blog Tour: A Slither of Hope by Lisa M. Basso

Hello darlings. Today A Slither of Hope blog tour stops by and I really hope you'll enjoy getting to know more about this book and don't forget to enter the giveaway. If you wish to continue the tour here are the stops.
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Book summary:
Rayna struggles to piece her life back together, but hiding in plain sight from the police, the SS Crazy, and the Fallen isn’t a foolproof plan—something Kade, the World’s Worst Roommate, reminds her of everyday. The late nights of failing to teach Ray how to protect herself against the Fallen are getting to Kade, changing him in ways he doesn’t like, and after a family emergency sends Ray back into Cam’s arms, Kade decides he’s had enough. News of Rayna’s resurfacing brings both angels and the Fallen to San Francisco by the dozens, all eyes scouring the city for the girl with the gray wings. Rayna will need both Kade and Cam’s help to ensure her family’s safety, navigate the new dangers and enemies springing up all over the city, and manage the surprises that arise with her new set of wings.
        A Shimmer of Angles (first book in this series) was a product of my wondering at NetGalley. It was really hard to resist that cover and when I saw it's about my favorite angles I knew I had to get it. I did and luckily it was an amazing start of a new series. If you wish to know more about the first book in this series, check out my review. Now I'll tell you a bit more about its sequel A Slither of Hope.

       I really hoped that this series will become one of my favorite as it was finally a good story about angels. It wasn't typical (it's actually everything but typical), but I had slight problems with this one. I was glad to see Rayna again and I was glad that the two of us continued from where we started. I still don't like some of her choices she made but she is still pretty likable. What I liked the most here are her willingness to grow as a character and how she decided not to whine in the corner but actually started learning and fighting. Another thing that really brought some new elements are new characters. They really make twists and turns interesting.

       What I had problems with here is Kade. He is not really a bad character as he is that bad boy some girls will fall for, but not me. Despite everything I'm still Cam's girl and I wish there was more of him more. Still the story progressed nicely and I cannot wait to see how it all ends.

      Especially now after that ending, as I really cannot wait to see what's behind that.

Rating: 4 stars.

About the Author
Lisa M. Basso was born and raised in San Francisco, California. She is a lover of books, video games, animals, and baking (not baking with animals though). As a child she would crawl into worlds of her own creation and get lost for hours. Her love for YA fiction started with a simple school reading assignment: S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders. When not reading or writing she can usually be found at home with The Best Boyfriend Fiancé that Ever Lived ™ and her two darling (and sometimes evil) cats, Kitties A and B.



a Rafflecopter giveaway

Until the next time,

34 komentara:

  1. I don't think I have heard of this series (or I forgot) but it sounds pretty good. Glad you enjoyed!

  2. I'm not a huge fan of angels, but you said it's a good one. :) So I just might check this one out. Great review!

    Cindy @ In This World of Books..

    1. I really hope you'll give it a try. Thanks, Cindy :)

  3. I have such a hard time with angel books but I admit, this one does sound really interesting!

  4. Eeeeep! I'm glad you enjoyed the sequel :) characters who don't fight character growth and are able to develop into something else, into someone better is always a plus in my book. So wait. Is this a love tirangle? Ehhh. If so, I hope your team wins ;)

    1. Renu asked me that as well and it's really hard to define. It is and it is not. Dunno :D Thanks, girl :)

  5. I have Shimmer of Angels as a review book but I haven't gotten around to reading it yet. *hides face* But I'm glad you like it as well as this book. Is the ending a cliffhanger? Because if it is, I really can't handle any more cliffhanger endings. :)

    1. *cough* *cough* It does, so yeah maybe you'll enjoy when all three are out. Thanks, Sarah :)

  6. It's great to know that the mc grows and is willing to fight. :)

    Aww, I like Cam to and am sad he is not in this book that much. :( I think I might wait for book 3 to come before deciding whether I want to read book 2/3 - I'm just really scared about a love triangle. I always though the idea of Kade and the mc together was really weird what with him having dated *spoiler*. Kinda gross.

    Thanks for the lovely review!

    1. She is good! :) Yeah I missed him. I mean he is there, but not that much. It is weird. Thanks, Renu :)

  7. Yay! I am glad to hear you enjoyed the sequel, Tanja! Even if you didn't love it as much as the first book. I have to say though, I completely understand your stance on Kade. He doesn't sound like a bad-boy that's done well and I am guessing he's more of a cliche than anything else which probably makes it harder for you to fall for him *sigh*

    Great review, Tanja!! :)

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

  8. It's nice to have a good series about angels and mainly with interesting ideas, it's not often the case. Great review!

  9. I am like you. I don't typically root for the bad guy. This sounds like it has an interesting twist to angels and is well-written. I need to check out the first book in the series.
    Lovely review, Tanja!

  10. I'm glad to know the story is not typical. I've read many angels books in my life and they all had so many similar aspects but this one sounds original. Thanks for sharing, Tanja and, yeah, beautiful cover. ^^

  11. So there is a triangle here? With a bad boy and good guy? Interesting.

  12. I'm glad you liked this overall, despite not loving Kade. Thanks for the review!

  13. I haven't read the first book so I won't enter the contest, but the premise of this series is pretty interesting! I'm glad you still enjoyed it despite a few quibbles.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  14. I actually really enjoy a good story with angels and a slightly paranormal touch, and the love triangle (Kade & Cam) doesn't bother me if done well. Thanks for bringing a new book with a unique sounding take on the angel theme to my attention, Tanja :)

    1. It's not really a love triangle. I mean in the first book you get to meet Cam and here Kade. I'm just more for Cam :D

  15. Ooohhh, this one looks really good, Tanja. Thanks for putting it on my radar, and for the giveaway!

  16. I love angel stories, and I'm so happy to hear you're enjoying the series. I'll have to get myself a copy of A Shimmer of Angels so I can catch up! Lovely review!

  17. I have not read the first book but this does sound interesting! Angel books are always something that intrigues me, so I will keep my eye out for this one :)



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