3. velj 2014.

Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge

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Book summary: 
Based on the classic fairy tale Beauty and the Beast, Cruel Beauty is a dazzling love story about our deepest desires and their power to change our destiny.
Since birth, Nyx has been betrothed to the evil ruler of her kingdom-all because of a foolish bargain struck by her father. And since birth, she has been in training to kill him.
With no choice but to fulfill her duty, Nyx resents her family for never trying to save her and hates herself for wanting to escape her fate. Still, on her seventeenth birthday, Nyx abandons everything she's ever known to marry the all-powerful, immortal Ignifex. Her plan? Seduce him, destroy his enchanted castle, and break the nine-hundred-year-old curse he put on her people.
But Ignifex is not at all what Nyx expected. The strangely charming lord beguiles her, and his castle-a shifting maze of magical rooms-enthralls her.
As Nyx searches for a way to free her homeland by uncovering Ignifex's secrets, she finds herself unwillingly drawn to him. Even if she could bring herself to love her sworn enemy, how can she refuse her duty to kill him? With time running out, Nyx must decide what is more important: the future of her kingdom, or the man she was never supposed to love.
          I've been ask many times why do I stay away from retellings and while every time my answer is the same - I don't want to ruin my ideals from the childhood and they are part of what I've become, I think that the truth is a bit different. I think I've been reading the wrong ones this whole time.

          Creating something new. That's the key my friends. Not only when talking about retellings, but writing stories in general. You could say that this one will be unique just by reading the blurb, the clash of Beauty and the Beast and Greek mythology is not something you see every day. But it's not just that, at the same time this story has Nyx, a unique female protagonist who is at the same time brave girl who wants to save her people but she, too, is a living creature who wants to live. Then there is Ignifex, our beast. The Gentle Lord who is dark and powerful. And then there is Shade, who might be someone truly important. But most of all they're shades of gray. Not good not bad, but something we all are - imperfect.

          Like my girl Glass said in her review - this is not a story where beauty fights everything. Cruel Beauty is a dark story which shows dark shadows and the castle full of dark places at the same time full of magic and secrets. Where you never know what the next door might lead to. At the same time the characters are dark and full of mischief but also vulnerable. Nyx is girl you can easily relate to, in a story where fighting for her family and those she loves meaning destroying everything she discovers.

         While this was an amazing world to meet and live in for a while I'm glad that this story has got its ending, but at the same time I cannot wait to read Glided Ashes and hear Maia's story.

Rating: 5 stars. 

Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 35:

  1. I know how much you dislike retellings so I am thrilled you even gave this one a chance and to have it be a five star is so awesome because I loved this!!
    I am so excited you did too. :D

    1. Yes I'm really happy to say that I enjoyed this one. Thanks Ali :)

  2. you're right, this was very unique. I shy away from retellings because I personally have had bad experiences with them but this one was a hit! :D

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

    1. Same here. I'm so happy we share the same experience here :)

  3. I saw your updates for this one on Goodreads so when I saw you rated it five stars I was definitely glad-this one was AWESOME.

  4. Well said, Tanja! The characters here was clearly flawed and I really loved that!

    Fab review! <33

  5. "I think I've been reading the wrong ones this whole time." HAHAHA. LOL. Did you have any trouble with the ending? I heard that some were very confused about it O.o I got this on my kindle and I can't wait tp try it already! I'm so happy you were a fan as well, hon:)

    1. No, I love this sort of endings. I mean when interpretation can vary :) Thanks dear :)

  6. I'm so happy to hear that your first re-telling was a success. Since you loved this one so much, Tanja, I would most definitely suggest reading Of Beast and Beauty by Stacey Jay. I thought that one was a lot better than Cruel Beauty.
    Hopefully, you found your courage to read more retellings.
    Lovely review! :)

    1. I have seen that around but haven't read it. I'll give it a try. Thanks Nick :)

  7. Woot, I'm so glad you enjoyed this, Tanja! I adored the creativity of this one as well and the explosive relationship between Ignifex and Nyx was one I loved. Lovely review, my friend!

    1. Yes I loved that too, only you always use more sophisticated words xD My vocabulary sucks :) Thanks girl :)

  8. I am so glad you enjoyed this book! I absolutely loved Cruel Beauty as well and thought it was a wonderful retelling--- I loved Nyx and Ignifex. Great review!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  9. It was hard to connect everything at once but I managed somehow. I loved all the aspects of this story. Thanks Aman :)

  10. Thank you very much Heidi :) I'm glad that I'm not the only one :)

  11. Wonderful review, Tanja. Nice to see you loved this in spite of not being a huge fan or re-tellings. I do love the story of Beauty and the Beast and this version sounds compelling! Glad it worked out for you! :)

    1. I truly hope you'll give it a try Rachel. Thanks :)

  12. wonderful! I do like my retellings, think I have like one or 2 more to read in the next month so I am excited! I enjoyed this one. I enjoyed the beautiful writing and I enjoyed the dark elements that added to the story.

    1. I'm so glad to hear that Lily. Thank you. Hope you'll enjoy those too :)

  13. Can't wait to read this one I have read so many reviews on this and all are good! and the cover is just <3

  14. I'm so excited for Cruel Beauty! I really wanna read it too and I hope to soon. I'm glad that it turned out to be better than you thought cause its sad when a retelling goes horribly wrong. It kinda ruins it for you then. Great review Tanja! :)

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

  15. The audiobook is going to be free on SYNC this summer, so I'm going to download it then. I'm not really a fairy tale fan, but for free I'm willing to give this one a shot.

    1. Oh that's amazing. I truly hope you'll enjoy it :)

  16. I agree with you, I love retellings that do something new, and I'm so happy to hear that you enjoyed this one! I loved this book, and also can't wait for Gilded Ashes. Beautiful review!

    1. I'm sure you'll enjoy this one Lauren. Thank you :)

  17. Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorite Disney adaptations, so I've been shying away from this retellings, much as you've been trying to stay away from retellings in general.
    But if this story does go and twists and bends the story and utterly makes it it's own then I think I will be making an exception.
    Thank you for your review :D

    1. Mine too!! :) I'm sure that you will enjoy it. It's quite different than anything I have read. Thank you Lil :)

  18. I hope I love it as much as you do. So far. retellings did not dissappoint me.

  19. I agree, the more unique and different the stories are, the more I love them :) This book worked perfect for me. The blend of fairy tales and mythology was awesome and I adored the flawed characters.

  20. I love retellings. I just added this book on my wishlist. Hope I can read it immediately.



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