4. lip 2013.

Tanja's Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books Featuring Travel In Some Way

Hello. It's another Tuesday and it basically means it's time for another Top Ten Tuesday. It's a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish were we picks top ten picks on certain tasks. This week the task is to pick top ten books featuring travel in some way. This time I only picked from YA contemporary books.

I'd love to see your picks so feel free to link them up in comments.

Until the next time,

33 komentara:

  1. Just One Day and Saving June made it to my list too Tanja. I can't believe that I forgot about Anna! There are just so many many awesome travel books to choose from, I can't wait to get started on some more over the Summer! Great list! :)

    1. Yes I can't wait to start some of them too. I haven't read one in a while. Thanks :)

  2. Great list! I have 4 of these on my TTT, too :) I've also read Water for Elephants, and the rest are on my TBR :)

    1. That's great to hear! :) I'll have to check your list :) Thanks.

  3. I just noticed that most of my favorite books include travelling in them. I see some favorites on your list, actually- Saving June, TFiOS, Anna and the French Kiss, and Time Between Us!

    - Ellie at The Selkie Reads Stories

    1. I loved them too! :) Mine fave aren't really road-trip books and I haven't read many of them. Thanks Ellie :)

  4. Wanderlove, eh? New-to-me. Off to find out more.

    Here's my Top Ten post. Hope you'll stop by!

    1. It was quite popular when it came out. Maybe you'll get a chance to check it out. Thanks :) I'll for sure.

  5. Oh my god, Water for Elephants! As always, you have quite the amazing list! I sadly haven't read any others on this list. *sigh* but one day... :)

    1. Yes I really loved that book. It was different and nice. I really hope you'll get a chance to read them. Thanks Beth :)

  6. Oo Contemporary. I haven't read any of these but I did sort of quasi catch Robert Pattinson in Water for Elephants and it was sappy but good.

    1. Nah book is better than movie - as always. I hope you'll get a chance to read some of these. Thanks Kristin :)

  7. I really enjoyed some of these too, and know that I need to get to Saving June very soon

  8. Saving June is a brilliant book! Most of them look really interesting. Great list.

  9. I need to read The Fault in Our Stars and Statistical Probability.....

    1. Both are great! I hope you'll get a chance to read them :)

  10. I don't read many 'travel' or time travel books. I love the Statistical Probability though :) (the only one I've read on the list.

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

    1. I don't either! but these are my fave for some other reasons. I hope you'll get a chance to read them :)

  11. I'm glad that you've found some of your faves here :) Thanks.

  12. I've read all of these except Time Between Us and Two Way Street, but I just LOVE them - especially Wanderlove which is one of my favorites! :) Wonderful list, Tanja! :D

  13. Here I put a circus book and didn't even think about Water for Elephants! Clearly, I'm crazy. :D I have been wanting to read Two Way Street forever now, as well as Time Between Us and Statistical Probability! Great picks Tanja!

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

    1. LOL I haven't read that other one so who knows maybe I'd put that one too :) Thanks :)

  14. Erasing Time is a great time travel book that I just read (:
    I haven't read many more because of the first one scaring the hell out of me but I do still want to read Time Between Us. Saving June is such a pretty cover! I must go investigate what it's about. I almost didn't realize why you put The Fault in Our Stars there haha. Great list (:

    1. Haven't heard of that one! I must check it out :) LOL They still travel so it counts :) I hope you'll get a chance to read Saving June! Thanks Adriana :)

  15. Oh, I loved Saving June and Just One Day and The Time Between Us! I need to check out the others, too--I hadn't realized that travel was featured in some of them. Great picks!

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

    1. Yes they were my fave too! :) I hope you'll get to read others too Wendy :)

  16. Awesome list! I love a good travel contemporary :) I had no idea that there was travel in The Fault in Our Stars! I probably still won't read it because the cancer thing strikes too close to some hurtful memories, but it's good to know.
    I love Just One Day and Anna And the French Kiss :) Two Way Street has a great cover!
    Thanks for stopping by :)

  17. I skipped Top Ten Tuesday this week since I could not make a list of books with travel I have read. I heard about a lot of books but surprisingly somehow I skipped them all. I haven't read any from your list too, but I should really read Anna soon especially since I liked Lola.
    Great list as always. :)

  18. Oh my gosh, Just One Day, Wanderlove and Anna and the French Kiss might just be my favorite travel books ever! Great choices. I'll have to check out the rest of these too!

  19. I seriously need to read The Fault In Our Stars soon!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives



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