24. lip 2013.

Out Of This Place by Emma Cameron

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Book summary:

Luke spends his days hanging out at the beach, working shifts at the local supermarket, and trying to stay out of trouble at school. His mate Bongo gets wasted, blocking out memories of the little brother that social services took away from his addict mom and avoiding the stepdad who hits him. And Casey, the girl they both love, longs to get away from her strict, controlling father and start anew in a place where she can be free. But even after they each find a way to move on and lead very different lives, can they outrun their family stories — and will they ever be able to come together again? Set in Australia and narrated in alternating points of view, here is an affecting look at the evolving lives of three friends from talented new author Emma Cameron.
       Not so long ago I've heard of this book. It was Keertana's review and then I knew that this book was for me. First of it was written in verse and second it was by Aussie author (you may have heard of this book as Cinnamon Rain which is if you ask me one of the best titles ever). I can't even describe how happy I was once when I got approved at NetGalley.

        It sounded like a mix from heaven. Somehow poetry is not really my thing but then YA stories written in verse are one of the most beautiful things I've ever read. I admire when the author is capable of telling you a story in verse, how he/she makes it flow.

        This book wasn't an exception. It's a sort of typical story about growing up and trying to run away from the painful reality hoping of finding a better place under the stars for you. Or in other words:
I want out of this place.
With no reminders.
It stings -
sulphur tears
in cinnamon rain
That's in this case mostly in Casey's part of the book. I forgot to mention that this book is told from three point of views and divided into three parts. Every part is told by different character and their situation is explained. The story starts with Luke and then it goes to the girl he secretly loves Casey and then it switches to Bongo. It's magical how even when you go to the second or third narrator and it does confuse you for a moment but you get used to it. I must admit that I connected with Casey right away and even though I don't agree with some of her decisions I could forgive her easily and then there is Luke and he is a sweetheart - meaning I couldn't but fall for him.

       Emma Cameron's character sounded so real in this book and their problems were something you could easily relate to. Still I think I expected too much for a debut novel. I can't help but compare this book with other verse novels and unfortunately it won't make it to the top of the list. Still I'll gladly read anything Emma writes just because I believe that with every book her words will gain more emotions and then take me by surprise.

Rating: 4 stars.

Until the next time,

***NOTE: Copy of this book was kindly provided by the author, Candlewick Press , via NetGalley. Thank you.
I'm not paid for writing this review - I do it as a lover of written word. All opinions in this review are personal. 

Broj komentara: 14:

  1. This sounds like such a wonderful read Tanja! I love Aussie YA so will definitely try and get my hands on a copy! Lovely review! :)

  2. I've not heard of this story, but to right a book in verse has to be pretty challenging! Great review :)

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

  3. I'm not usually into books in verse but I like the sounds of this one! Great review! :)

  4. I hope you'll give it a try! :) Yeah we all love Aussie writers :)

  5. That was the reason for me but then my friends told me to try out one and well I fell in love :) Thanks :)

  6. Three parts from three different POVs sounds fantastic. I think I've heard of or seen Cinnamon Rain but I'd no idea you love the book so much. I'll have to check that and this one out more. Ah, I know that feeling of getting approved for a title you are dying to read on NG! Great, I'm glad you enjoyed this book and it sure sounds quite interesting. Awesome review, Tanja. :)

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. Yes it's really awesome when they approve you for the book you really want to read! :) Thanks Sarika ;)

  7. Oh, I'm so glad you enjoyed this! It really is written beautifully. Great review, Tanja! :D

  8. I've had pretty good luck with novels in verse lately, and somehow I had no idea this one was verse! I'll have to check it out, it sounds like my kind of read. Even if it didn't top your all time verse novel list, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it. Great review!

    1. Me too believe it or not! I haven't read any bad one :) Thanks Lauren :)



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