28. svi 2013.

Tanja's Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Annoying Things in YA Books

Hello. It's another Tuesday and that basically means another Top Ten Tuesday. It's a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish where every week we pick top ten picks for a certain topic. Today the topic is

1. Annoying main character. Mostly female. I've met plenty of these and now I'm running away from them as far as I can.

2. Love-triangles. This can rarely be done properly and in that case I wouldn't mind so much. But that's really rare.

3. Predictability. Like the previous the book has to be written nicely and really touch my heart so I can turn my blind eye.

4. Stereotypes. Ah yes every american girl is blonde and clueless but really smart and every boy plays football and is extremely hot.

5. Cliches. You know that girl who things that the most ugliest girl in the world catches the eye of extremely hot boy and he tells her that she is the most beautiful thing in the world.

6. Different books with different POVs. These are extremely popular these days. But I really can't read the same old story from fifteen POVs.

7. The Catcher in the freaking Rye. Seriously people! Every time I read a book the only thing that students read is The Catcher in the freaking Rye! I don't mind the book but there are plenty of other classics. Just use something else.

8. Instant love. Gah!

9. Slow-pacing. I really have to be interested in the book to go on but I hate slow starts.

10. Yes and no endings. You know when book is not finished but still is. It's mostly cause there should be left some space for sequel as everything has a sequel these days.

As always I'd love to see your picks so link them up.

Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 30:

  1. Oh I agree with all of them too! Hate insta love and love triangles. Annoying, whiny main characters who act without thinking irritate me. Though I somehow like reading cliched romances. I find it soothing ;p Great list Tanja!

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

    1. LOL Yes it seems like we are all sick of them xD I sometimes don't mind it but sometimes it kills me.

  2. Great list! Yes to everyone of them for me, too, except different PoVs & and yes & no endings. I don't mind different PoVs, I usually enjoy them, it depends on the characters & the writing style. As for the yes & no endings, I definitely prefer these than cliffhanger endings, so I don't mind them, too :) Now to decide what to do for my TTT ;)

    1. Oh I didn't defined that about POVs well. I don't mind multiple POVs in one book I just hate when there is the same story written in five books just with different narrators. I can't wait to see your list :)

    2. Oh, you mean something like Beautiful Disaster & Walking Disaster books. The same story, but from another PoV. I guess that would be boring ;)

      Here's my TTT, I decided for fav trilogies that I've read :)

    3. Exactly but I didn't want to point finger at some book/author :)

    4. ^_^ Well, it's only an example ;) To be honest, I haven't even read those books, just heard that's the case, and it's the first ones that crossed my mind ;)

    5. I know :) I've read them and they were more or less waste of time. :)

  3. Love triangles would be right at the top of my list--and in bold capitals. ;) I do agree about open endings too! If I know there is a sequel, it doesn't always bother me, but standalones or final installments? Can't stand it. In some cases, vague endings can work quite well, but I usually need definite answers for a sense of closure. Great list, Tanja!

    1. Yeah I got sick of them too ;) Yes but I don't get it why they do that. I mean is standalone so bad. Thanks Sam :)

  4. This sums up exactely what I hate when reading shojo manga! (Except for the Catcher in the Rye thing - but you know what I mean.) It's even more annoying when the book/manga is directed at girls. The mindset clearly being "Just make it about a plain girl torn between two hot guys and they'll be happy." Hate it!

    1. I have read only one manga and it wasn't with whiny girl. But yeah it's mostly like that in some YA novels. Thanks.

  5. Totally feel ya on the instalove. Great topic

  6. I feel the same way about Wuthering Heights! Man, I feel like a character is always reading it! Also, sometimes I am bothered with so many characters who read the classics. A lot of teens read modern YA books too, so I'd like to see more of that. :)

    1. Really? I haven't seen Wuthering Heights in YA books. I totally agree! I'd love to see some :)

  7. I completely agree with all these! Great list and choices :) And thanks for stopping by

    My TTT!

  8. This is a great list! I couldn't agree more with your choices. Especially love triangles and predictability. I've had enough of both for a reading lifetime. :-) Thanks for sharing!

  9. It's always the female who's annoying! Why do authors have to make whiny girls!?

    I understand what you mean by love triangles but I kind of don't mind them... on the other hand I rather there just be one clear love interest.

    Haha! You and me have the same reaction to instalove (;

    I wish that more books didn't have sequels. Sometimes you don't need to drag on a story but other times it would be nice to visit the characters again.

    1. I've asked my self the same plenty of times! LOL instalove is annoying as hell. I agree sometimes it just needs to stop. Thanks :)

  10. Hah love this weeks top ten Tanja! I think predictability and cliches would definitely make it to the top of my list too! Thanks for sharing a great list with us! :)

  11. Ugh, yes, love triangles just bore me to death and make me want to pull my eyeballs out. I. Cannot. Stand. Them. Gosh, they annoy me so much - it's amazing how many books I've refused to read solely because of a love triangle. *shakes head sadly* Cliches, stereotypes, and predictability also get to me, along with annoying protagonists, though I can deal with insta-love in some cases (Scarlet by Melissa Meyer) and slow pacing at times. I just LOVE ambiguous endings, though, since I'd enjoy a sequel, but I don't need one. I'm strange like that a little. ;) Wonderful list, Tanja! :D

    1. LOL I love your reaction! :) I haven't read Scarlet but maybe I could get over it if the book was fascinating. Thanks Keertana :)

  12. I agree with you these are all the things that irritate me too. The only good love triangle who was realistic (at least to me) was in Thoughtless by S.C. Stephens.
    Here's my TTT

    1. Yes that one wasn't that bad! I could understand it. But really it happens like once in a lifetime! :)

  13. oh man, agree with the insta love, slow pacing, annoying protagonists, yes and no ending, predictability (contemporaries SUFFER from this!) Cliche (that too!), and stereotypes. Sigh. I don't mind love triangles IF they are done well (The Host, Shatter Me, Hemlock), but right now 90% of love triangles make my eyes bleed!

    great list!
    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

    1. Indeed they to! :) Yes triangles are sometimes but only sometimes done right. But I really must like the whole idea and believe in it. Thanks :)



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