18. stu 2014.

Series a Month Challenge

    Last month I saw great post on Book Munchies - Kim challenged herself to read at least one series a month. That got me thinking about all those series that I've started and haven't finished or I really want to read. Once upon a time, I refused to read anything other that series and then I got bored with waiting for sequels, so I decided to wait for at least three books to be published before picking it up. And now, I have so many sequels that I have no idea where to start.


   I should probably point out that this is not an "official challenge" - girl behind this idea is Danielle, blogger from Love at First Page. She has same problem a me - standalone books because you don't have to wait for sequels - and she decided to challenge herself to read more series. Rules are that it has to be 3+ books series with at least two books already published or a completed duology.

What I plan to read?

    I won't make definite list because I don't know for sure what would appeal to me the most from my TBR list, but I have few possible candidates. Like a series that everyone read except me. I've already finished one series this month - Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor (you can read my review later this week). Here is a list of series that I hope I'll be able to read.

Wish me luck! 

Broj komentara: 8:

  1. Good luck with your goals, sounds like a fun challenge.

  2. Good luck Glass there are some great books on that list. Enjoy!
    Sharon @ Sharon's Book Nook!

  3. Good luck!

    I've actually been trying to invest more reading time in my series these last couple of years, because I never got around to finishing them, and even though there are still a lot more I need to catch up or finish, I've made some progress. Also, I'm better now at not letting the ongoing series pile up, so I try to read them the year they're published. Actually, that's my goal before this year is over, to read most of those 2014 sequels I haven't gotten around to yet, so they don't pile up. If I let 2 or more in a series pile up, I'll start postponing them, and read them who-knows-when ;)

    Anyway, I hope you'll have fun, and whatever you'll decide to read, I hope you'll enjoy it! Happy reading!

  4. All I can say is that your list is amazing. I am reading Kate Daniels now, well listening. The Mara Dyer series is creeptastic and I just adored so many of these...good luck!

  5. I'm so bad with series too. It's mostly because I hate waiting. I saw Danielle's post and thought it was a great idea. I might need to start something like this soon too.
    Anyways, good luck on the challenge, Glass!

  6. This is a challenge I definitely need to take on Glass! I've started a number of series I haven't finished :( The Guild Hunter and the Kate Daniels series are two of my all time favorites, so I can't wait to see what you think!

  7. I just started reading Across the Universe last night!

    Terri M.
    Second Run Reviews

  8. I see you've been taking this challenge seriously and are doing a great job at it (thanks to my Instagram stalking). Keep going, Glass!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts



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