17. lip 2014.

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

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Book summary:
"A beautiful and distinguished family.
A private island.
A brilliant, damaged girl; a passionate, political boy.
A group of four friends—the Liars—whose friendship turns destructive.
A revolution. An accident. A secret.
Lies upon lies.
True love.
The truth."

         Once upon a time there was a family and in that family were four Liars. They grew up in a kingdom of private island surrounded by tormented seas. During the year they spent some time away, taking care of boring things, like school, life and etc, but every summer they went back to their kingdom where life was everything but boring. 

         But once upon a time there was an evil force, strong and powerful which occupied this world. That force ruined families and their bonds. It's a force little kids knew nothing about and it terrified them. It was ruining their childhood and everything they thought was unbreakable. They needed to fight and they needed to find a way. That's what they did. 

        Once upon a time there was a story, a story that was wonderfully written and that captured you from the start. That same story will make you laugh, cry and invite you to its world. But be careful, that story will give you much and you must give it something in return. Piece of your heart, perhaps. But worry not, that same story will keep it and take care of it. That story will also take a day of your time which you'll have to give to it, but in return it'll stay with you forever. It'll give you its eternity. 

        That same story is this story and it's a story you should read. Without thinking much about it and without excuses. Go on, chase it down and thank me later. 

My rating: 5 shining stars!

In case you want to see other opinion and maybe even more logical one, then check out Glass' review for this book

Until the next time, 

43 komentara:

  1. Yay! I'm so glad that you enjoyed this one: E. Lockhart is amazing at writing anything. Now, it's my turn to go and read it! I'm not afraid to see the outcome at all! Great review! ^-^

    1. I really hope you'll enjoy it. I'm actually sure you will. Thank you :)

  2. I like how you wrote your review like one of the fairy tales in the book :) Everyone I know who's read this has loved it, but I honestly don't see why. It was only an okay read for me.

    1. It's because of the book I did it that way ;) Thanks :)

  3. I have seen some pretty mixed reviews on this one so I am super happy to see your 5 star rating because I really do want to read this one.

    Fabulous review!

  4. Beautiful review! I really loved this too. :)


  5. I have been seeing mixed reviews about this book, Glad to see you loved it. I have been meaning to read it for so long, but I've been slacking over couple weeks. Now I'm sure to read it soon. Gorgeous review, Tanja (:

    1. I really hope you'll give it a try. Thanks, Ini :)

  6. I wanted this before but now I'm dying to read it! I love how you did your review!

  7. !That same story will make you laugh, cry and invite you to its world. But be careful, that story will give you much and you must give it something in return. Piece of your heart, perhaps." Can you not write such perfect words to get me even more excited about this? HUH? CAN YOU NOT? Because I want to drop everything and run to this baby. Such a great way to write a review, Tanja :D

  8. I feel like this is just a perfect review for this book and so true! =)

  9. I'm so so glad to see a 5 star rating of this book from you Tanja, I've heard really mixed things about this book, so it really put a dampener on me picking this book up. But I'm hoping to give this book a go in the next few days! Lovely review!

    1. I really cannot wait to see what you think of it. Thanks, Jasprit :)

  10. YAY! I am so glad to see you enjoyed this one Tanja! :) There is a lot of hype surrounding it so I am a little worried about how I'll feel but I am going to remain positive.

    LOVE the review ;)

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

    1. I really hope you'll give it a try. Thanks, Rashika :)

  11. We Were Liars sounds amazing! I definitely have it on my tbr pile and after reading your review I should get to it sooner. Thanks for your lovely review Tanja!

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

  12. Wow. 5 stars?! I've been hearing nothing but amazing things about this one Tanja! It wasn't really on my list at all, but after reading your amazing review and a couple others, I really don't want to miss out. So glad you loved this!

  13. I've heard so many good things about this one. I can't wait to read it!

  14. I'm such a black sheep when it comes to this book. I didn't enjoy the choppy writing style of the author although I reckon it was done on purpose. I tried really hard to enjoy it, but the hype surrounding the book might have been too much and my expectations were too high.
    I'm glad you loved this one, Tanja! :)

  15. So far I've been seeing a lot of mixed reviews for this one, so I'm not quite sure what to think anymore! I'm glad that you enjoyed it, though. The premise definitely sounds different in a good way, and I'm intrigued about what these people are lying about, and gahh, your review is just so beautiful I can't even! Love how you started your first paragraph. It makes the book sound almost paranormal-ish, though I know it's not, and that just makes me all the more intrigued.

    I love that you were able to connect with the book on such a deep emotional level -- those are the books that leave the most lasting impact, and the ones you don't forget that easily. Most of the time, I just find contemporaries so easy to forget because even though they may have little quirks here and there, their story is mostly the same.

    Again, not sure if I'll give this a try, but I'm super happy that you enjoyed this, Tanja! And as always, brilliant review!

    1. I'm really glad that you're intrigued and I really hope you'll go for it. Yes it's amazing. Thanks, Meg :)

  16. Everyone seems to be giving this book such high praise. I have to say, I'm becoming interested. Thanks for the review!

  17. This sounds soooo good! You totally have me convinced to give this one a try! Plus, I LOVE the way you described this book, "That story will also take a day of your time which you'll have to give to it, but in return it'll stay with you forever. It'll give you its eternity." --> PERFECT! I can't wait to see what this is all about, and I definitely can't wait to see why it invokes so many emotions in readers. So glad you enjoyed this, Tanja! Fabulous review! :D

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair

    1. Thank you dear ;) I really hope you'll give it a chance. :)

  18. Love the way you wrote this review! Definitely convinced me! I've been seeing nothing but good things about this book and now I'm really excited.

  19. Wonderful review, Tanja. I'm really curious about this one and I've been told to know as little as possible going in. :)

  20. Ooh this sounds awesome! I liked how you used all the once upon a time's in this review, almost like you were weaving us into our own little fairytale! I have heard only positive things about this book and I can't wait to have it in my own hands to read! <3 The concept of the four Liars is so intriguing!


    1. It's because of the story. I mean there are reasons for that ;) Thanks, Olivia :)

  21. I feel so bad and sorry that I didn't end up loving this book as much as you did, Tanja. But on the plus side, I thoroughly enjoyed the reading process and the writing as it kept me on the edge throughout. Also, this girl, is the most beautiful review I've ever read from you and I love it so much! Also, I get the style of reviewing now that I've read the book. Amazing stuff here, Tanja!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. Thank you love! I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it as much but I'm so happy that you read it ;)

  22. I really hope you'll enjoy it. Thanks, Heidi :)



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