14. srp 2014.

Sinner (The Wolves of Mercy Falls, #3.5) by Maggie Stiefvater

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Publication date: July 1st, 2014

Rating: 3 stars

Book summary:

"Sinner follows Cole St. Clair, a pivotal character from the #1 New York Times bestselling Shiver Trilogy. Everybody thinks they know Cole's story. Stardom. Addiction. Downfall. Disappearance. But only a few people know Cole's darkest secret -- his ability to shift into a wolf. One of these people is Isabel. At one point, they may have even loved each other. But that feels like a lifetime ago. Now Cole is back. Back in the spotlight. Back in the danger zone. Back in Isabel's life. Can this sinner be saved?"

Tanja: You of all people know how much I love Maggie's writing and how I drive people crazy with it. So I can't help but wonder where did it go. I couldn't find it here, which makes me rather sad.
Glass: I was always raving about how amazing this woman writes, but I have to agree with you and say that I am rather disappointed with Cole's story. I expected epic conclusion, but left hanging dry. What happened?
Tanja: I have no idea where all the magic disappeared. But to organize our thoughts better I propose we list pros and cons here. So would you like to start?
Glass: Perfect! Let's see...

What we liked:

Glass: I was so happy with how Maggie Stiefvater managed to avoid all stereotypes of genre and gave us a story which is this amazing crossover between young adult and new adult. I didn't expect anything else from a woman who wrote Scorpio Races.
Tanja: I totally agree with that. I also liked how Maggie kept this story apart from The Wolves of Mercy Falls. Sinner is set in LA which put both characters away from everything that happened before. You can read this story on its own, but at the same time I suggest you read the first series.
Glass: That is true, most of the companion novels are about same events but usually told from a point of view of a supporting character. Speaking about characters, that is one more plus - both Cole and Isabel are different than in previous novels. At moments I even wondered if I had missed something important between Forever and Sinner.
Tanja: I felt the same. My favorite thing or better said moment in this story was when Cole came to pick Isabel up after that party. I could feel bits of old Cole and Isabel then. But even though they did behave like before it was brought to the limit where I didn't enjoy it.

What we didn't like: 

Tanja: Like I said at the start there is the writing which was nothing like that poetic sort we had in the previous books. I missed it and my heard ached for it. But still my biggest problem was to determine the point of this story. I didn't see it then and I still cannot see it now.
Glass: Also, it had this really weird atmosphere - like a mix of Reckless by S.C. Stephens and Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald. One second I love how she pulls me into Cole's head, it's like I am right there with him and everything he feels, I feel. But then comes this big eye-roll moment and it's like I'm reading completely different book.
Tanja: Yes, both characters were taken to their extreme and we could see that their relationship was too destructive. It wasn't balanced and that's why the ending itself felt a bit off for me. Everything happened so fast that at moment I though that was it, the next chapter things turned out of sudden. Drama, and hot and cold moments were too much and I didn't like it.
Glass: Well, I've read about more destructive relationships and you know that melodrama is my guilty pleasure, so I didn't have much issues with that. What did bother me is something I usually say for John Green's novels - pretentious writing and characters that try too hard to sound "witty" and "cool". And I can't believe that I am describing that way something Maggie Stiefvater wrote.

In the end...

We are not sorry for reading this book because it was wonderful to get back to our favorite series, but other than being enjoyable and quick read, Sinner was not what we expected. Fans of The Wolves of Mercy Falls might read it "just because", but in the end, we doubt that it will be a memorable read.

Happy reading, 

Broj komentara: 46:

  1. I started Shiver and couldn't get pass 50 pages and dropped it off. Recently reading more of glowing reviews for The Wolves of Mercy Falls series, I decided to give it a shot again. I hope to enjoy as much as most people do. Nevertheless, I enjoyed Scorpio Races. Wonderful post, ladies!! (:

    1. I really hope you'll go back to it. Thanks, Ini :)

  2. I loved this way of co-reviewing, super cool! I just received this for review and having been a big fan of the Wolves of Mercy Falls, I couldn't wait to read it. But it's been so long since then that I feel I might forget about Isabel's and Cole's previous relationship. Shame it was a disappointment.

    - Sunny @ A Sunny Spot Blog

  3. I'm sorry it wasn't what you were expected but it's true that it's always nice to go back to the worlds we like.

  4. Hmm! Sounds like her writing has changed this series, and so this was not like returning to the WoMF books. I'm still going to give it a go, and I enjoyed your joint review!

    Mands @ The Bookish Manicurist

    1. Sadly it was not. I hope you'll enjoy it. Thanks, Mands :)

  5. I wasn't a big fan of Shiver, unfortunately. :( I probably won't be picking this one up. I did just purchase a copy of The Raven Boys, though! :D

    1. I'm so sorry to hear that and I really hope you'll enjoy TRB. Thanks, Aimee :)

  6. I'm not sure if my first comment went through, so please excuse the double-post if it did...

    I can't wait to read this book! Sorry ladies, but I'm just going to ignore your 3 star review until I tackle this one. I LOVE Stiefvater's wolves, so I am kind of biased. Hehe :D

    1. LOL Just go ahead and read it. I really hope you'll love it :)

  7. this does not feel at all like Stiefvater's book! All valid point, i agree with everything you just written in here.
    What bothered me most was was not the hot and cold relationship (tho was a bit tiring) but that there was not resolution, no talking out their problems (which they clearly had) just one big PDA finale, and that's it...
    Boyanna @ The Bookmaidens

  8. Yay to hear that she avoided the stereotypes but I have been done with this series for a while

  9. Too bad on this one ladies! It's always so disappointing to love a series so much and then find one installment or companion novel that just doesn't quite have the same magic as the previous books. I've been reading a lot of mixed reviews for this one, so I'm not going to be in any real rush to pick it up. Loved the dual review!

  10. For some reason I never could get past book one in this series, it just didn't appeal to me for whatever reason. I am glad that for the most part, it doesn't look like I am missing out on much, which is too bad because I adore her other series so very much.

    1. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope that one day you'll enjoy this series too :)

  11. Maggie said in her tweet or interview or somewhere that this book is the lightest she has ever written and the easiest to read. Sort of. I'm sorry you girls had problems with consistency and felt like their relationship just wasn't all that :( I'm glad you girls liked the setting and felt like there weren't any stereotypes. Yay. Sorry it wasn't your cup of tea. I hope I'll have slightly better luck with it :) Great discussion, girls!

    1. It is, but it's not Maggie I'm used to. Thanks, Siiri :)

  12. Bummer, I know my daughter loved the series, I am not sure I will tell her to pick this one up

  13. Sorry you didn't like this one. I'm still pretty curious. I have yet to read Forever though.

  14. I've only read book one but I'm sorry this wasn't as good as you hoped it would be. Maybe the author should have just let the series be? Great review! I love when you do your double reviews :)

  15. I really hope you'll enjoy it. Thanks, Heidi :)

  16. What a great way to post your review, ladies. A refreshing take on a co-review. Good work!

    Terri M.
    Second Run Reviews

    1. Thank you Terri :) We love to do this from time to time :)

  17. I've seen some similar reactions to Sinner which is disappointing because I'm a huge fan of this series, and I've longed for a Cole and Isabel story. I'll still read this because, I still want their story, I'll just lower my expectations. Wonderful review, ladies! :)

    1. I really hope you'll enjoy it more than we did. Thanks Rachel :)

  18. Hmmr I got this one in the mail and because this series was like the second one I ever read from the YA genre, I am really keen about finishing it though weird atmosphere doesn't sound too good. I shall go into this one cautiously!

    1. This series was one of the first YA I had read too :) I hope you'll enjoy it :)

  19. I'm sorry this was a disappointment for you, ladies! I do have high expectations (how could I not? I love Stiefvater), but I'll try not to be too surprised if it doesn't measure up. Thanks for the warning!

    Jessica @ Rabid Reads

    1. It's really hard to keep your expectations at low when it comes to her. Thanks, Jess :)

  20. I skimmed your review because I plan to read this series at some point adn I risk running to spoilers. But I'm sad that it wasn't something you expected! I read somewhere that it's more of a spin off than a continuation, so I guess that bit may turn off some people~

    Faye at The Social Potato Reviews

    1. Yes it's basically a story on its own. Thanks, Faye :)

  21. I'm a huge Maggie Stiefvater fangirl, but I've been struggling with this one for over a week now. It's just not what I expected, not even close, and like you, I don't really see the point. Still, being who she is, Maggie is allowed one small slip.

  22. Oh no I'm so bummed to hear the Stiefvater writing magic is missing here! I've got this one on my TBR pile but now I'm a bit less enthused about getting to it. Thank you for your honest, thoughtful review ladies! I agree with Maja, I'll allow a slip from Maggie, she has earned enough goodwill by now. :)

    1. She did for sure and I really hope you'll enjoy this one more than we did. Thanks, Lauren :)

  23. I loved the Wolves of Mercy Falls series so I just have to read Sinner and see what happens with Cole and Isabel, I hope I like it. Sorry you didnt enjoy it so much

  24. I LOVE THIS REVIEW AND I COULDN'T AGREE MORE! When I first read this review in my mail, I was a few chapters into Sinner, but I trust you guys so I read the whole thing and as I moved ahead with my reading, I realised that you two (like always) are right. I missed Maggie's beautifully poetic writing as well, Glass and yes Tanja, the destructiveness in the relationship got too much for me sometimes. And the whole moving from one thing to another is a good point too. Awesome review!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  25. This is an amazing and beautiful story for the series. It proves that you really can find strength to become a new person and that love can truly change a person.
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