2. ruj 2014.

ARC Review: The Perilous Sea by Sherry Thomas

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Expected publication: 16 September, 2014

Book summary:
After spending the summer away from each other, Titus and Iolanthe (still disguised as Archer Fairfax) are eager to return to Eton College to resume their training to fight the Bane. Although no longer bound to Titus by a blood oath, Iolanthe is more committed than ever to fulfilling her destiny—especially with the agents of Atlantis quickly closing in.
Soon after arriving at school, though, Titus makes a shocking discovery, one that makes him question everything he previously believed about their mission. Faced with this devastating realization, Iolanthe is forced to come to terms with her new role, while Titus must choose between following his mother's prophecies—and forging a divergent path to an unknowable future.
          Before I start with my review take a moment and look at that cover. Even if I wasn't persuaded that I should read The Burning Sky after seeing this cover I knew it must be done. So when the ARC landed on my Kindle I couldn't but return to this world immediately.

         With the slight disappointment that The Burning Sky was for me I really hoped that this one would fix all those world-building problems and that I'd fully enjoy this story. It did that and then some more. When this story started I was lost and as the story started to reveal in front of my eyes I couldn't but urge myself to read faster, until the last 30% of the book that blew me away. The best part of this story, aside from finally getting the full picture of this world, is actually how it's divided into two storylines. One that follows Titus and Fairfax in Eton and other on their biggest quest. You could see the future of the story and discover it detail by detail and easily connecting it with the other storyline.

        With all great discoveries and twist and turns it was so good to see that the chemistry between Fairfax and Titus didn't change and that their slow-burning romance was there. It was also great to see how they acted when everything seemed hopeless.

         But for me, the highlight of this book lays in its unpredictability. I really couldn't even imagine that the Bane would do such things. He was really a villain here. Awful and heartless one, but one whom I'd love to see and understand better. Hopefully I'll get to see that in the last book in this series, which cannot be here soon enough.

Rating: 5 stars.

Until the next time,
*Note: ARC of this book was kindly provided by the publisher, HarperCollins for review. Thank you!

22 komentara:

  1. Okay I have officially been convinced to finally read the first book in this series. I've heard so many mixed things about The Burning Sky, but it sounds like the sequel fixes most of it's problems! Plus I'm a sucker for a slow burning romance in fantasy so I think I need this in my life! =)
    Great review.

  2. Both cover for the books really are beautiful. I am so glad you loved the sequel so much, that is awesome and doesn't always happen with second books.

  3. I love that it is unpredictable! I cannot wait to get my hands on this one!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  4. I haven't read The Burning Sky yet, although I've heard some great things about it! The two storylines seems really cool and I love when a slow-burning romance is done well. Awesome review :)

  5. i gotta be hones, im willing to read this only because of the gorgeous covers.
    also, so rare loving a sequel more then the first book. it mast be good!
    Boyanna @The Bookmaidens

  6. It's nice to have a world like that and many surprised all along the story. And you're rightn, the cover is so great!

  7. Love these covers and the sound of the unpredictability

  8. Such a gorgeous cover! I'm glad this series improved for you!

  9. 5 stars? Wow, that is a high rating! I am glad this book was even better than the previous one and raising the game a bit. I think books like that show the author is only developing and getting better as they write more books ^.^ Awesome review, as always. Can't wait to hear more from you!

  10. I'm serouisly in love with this cover. I may just buy this book because of the cover. LOL...no seoruisly! I haven't given The Burning Sky a chance but hearing so much praise about this one makes me want to pick it up and then read both books back to back! Glad to hear you enjoyed this one :)

  11. Well it's nice that the story wasn't predictable. That's always welcome for me.
    Thanks for the review!

  12. I absolutely loved this book too, Tanja! It completely surprised me with the plot twists and the amping of the plot line but I loooved it. Plus, THE SWOON. ;) Lovely review, dear--I can't wait for the final book now!

  13. Wow, first that cover is amazing and now you have me thinking I need to add this series for sure Tanja.

  14. Unpredictable books are always fun to read. I'm glad that you enjoyed this and that it didn't disappoint! Great review!

  15. What a shame that book 1 wasn't that great. I hate when buying a series and having different opinion on each book, but I will only borrow this one coz I'm really curious and very eager to get to book 2 since...hey 5 star!! Great review, Tanja!! xx

  16. I haven't read these, but that's great you gave the second book a shot since you didn't love the first. It looks like it more than paid off.

  17. This sounds absolutely wonderful, Tanja! The first book was on sale just days ago and I bought it, which means I'll probably be reading both very soon. Unpredictability is a huge plus in my book as well.

  18. I've been wanting to read The Burning Sky for ages because the concept just sounds totally up my alley, and I love everything in it with elements! I'm glad the sequel lived up to the first book :)

  19. That cover is simply stunning, I'd love to read the series :)

  20. Ooh now I'm even MORE excited to start this! I really enjoyed the first book and am really looking forward to being back in this world. Ooh and unpredictabilty and twists - so excited! Lovely review!

  21. The Burning Sky was just a 3-star read for me, but I hope I end up loving this one as much as you did, Tanja! Definitely excited to return to this world, and to get a look at what these awful things the Bane did! :O

    Awesome review!

  22. It was only after I read the first paragraph where you asked to see the cover, that I actually looked at it, and it is so cool. I have not read the first book, but this sounds like a good series. I'm liking the sound of a slow burning romance and you're just like me- even I love to understand the villains. I hope you get all answers in the books to come. Great review, Tanja!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts



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