21. sij 2014.

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Things On My Reading Wishlist

Hello darlings. It's Tuesday and as always it's time for Top Ten Tuesday. So this week the task is pretty interesting and it's about things that are on my reading wishlist aka things I'd love to see in YA. I don't think I'll find ten, but let's try.

1. YA set in Victorian time or if you want me to paraphrase it - Pride and Prejudice in YA. But not retelling of P&P. I'm complicated as that. Basically I'd love too see teens in that period and their views. I guess there are books like this around but I have never got to read any.

2. Villains with well developed ideas. Basically if you have seen Thor or Avengers then it's Loki. I love his character and the deepness he has. It's so easy to believe him so I guess that's why he has an army (that and Tom Hiddleston - off topic)

3. Parents kicking-asses side by side with their kids. Now that would be amazing. Usually it's only teens, but why not include parents.

4. Sad and shocking stories about tough issues (depression, anxiety, etc) but with realistic and sad endings. I mean it's all nice and lovely but this kind shocks more than anything. I've read one or two of these but I'd love to see more (I'm kinda of cheating).

5. Strong characters who know how to let go off persons who hurt them. But without going back to them, but truly letting go.

6. Relationship is not everything in life. I do love nice romance and it's okay, but not to be center of your universe and universe itself.

7. YA book set on desert island. I have no idea why (I guess it's due to Lord of the Flies). Basically their transformation and adaptation.

8. Trafficking. I did read few books about this but characters are mostly older, when in reality teens disappear everyday.

9. Serial-killers. I can already picture a teen who is a serial-killer and being psychopath and crazy (I blame it on Criminal Minds).

10. I shall say something nice at the end, or you'll think I have twisted mind. So friendship or the bond between two characters which is bigger than any family tie.

Oh I made it to ten. I didn't know I'd do it. Anyhow I'd love to your ideas. Feel free to link them in comments below.

Until the next time,

52 komentara:

  1. OMG YES. P&P in the modern world with teens. YES YES YES. Your no. 10 also caught my eye!

    Great list, Tanja! <33

  2. Although we do not have one single thing in common on our reading wish list, I still found myself nodding to every item from your list. You definitely listed a lot of interesting topics that are neglected.
    Problem with YA set in Victorian time is that basically half of all those historical romance novels are about heroines that are 15 or 16 or 17 years old. But they got married earlier so they usually don't talk about typical ya problems of 21st century... :) But I would love to read one not centered on romance/marriage...
    Great list Tanja!

    1. I cannot wait to see what you have on yours :)
      I know it's kinda of complicated because different times different rules, but Elizabeth was kinda of ahead of her time so it can work :)
      Thanks :)

    2. Of course it can work. I remembered one ya historical I love: Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. It's a very nice classic so if you haven't read it yet, give it a try. I read translated version from library long time ago and it was very good.

    3. Oh yes Little Women was a great example of it :)

  3. What a fantastic list! I so agree with the friendship one. As much as I love a good romance, I'd love to see more strong friendships. Thor! <33 Yes, we def need more Loki-like characters. He's so complex and awesome! I want more YA books set in Victorian era as well. Have you read Fallen Grace by Mary Hooper? Quite enjoyed that one. A book set on a desert island sounds like a cool idea, too.

    1. I also adore amazing romance we need some strong friendships there :) True, he is maybe the best villain in my opinion. I haven't hear of that one so I'm off to check it. Thanks :)

  4. I love everything about Victorian era so I read steampunk a lot, but it would be really nice to read YA non-fantasy set in Victorian times. I love to read about intelligent and well-thought villains, and some serial killers, too! I also like survival stories set on a deserted island, and Nil by Lynne Matson seems like that type of story!

    1. Steampunk is rocking the show with Victorian era, but yeah I'd love something more realistic. I haven't heard of that one. I'll check it out :)

  5. I totally agree with more Victorian era themed YA books, I love this era and I love YA so it would be awesome to get more of both in one book!!

    1. Hopefully someone will listen to our wishes :) Thanks :)

  6. Interesting list!

    For #9 - I highly recommend Dan Wells' John Cleaver trilogy, it mostly fits your wish ;)

    1. Another one I haven't heard of. I'm going to check it out. Thanks Alex :)

  7. Yes Victorian would be awesome. Trafficking would probably be a difficult subject but since it's out there, I can see why you would pick it.

    1. It's out there and I think it could be great way to warn people about it. Thanks :)

  8. I approve ALL of these! P&P is my favorite classic I have re-read 7 times lol. "Parents kicking-asses side by side with their kids"-- MR. AND MRS. WEASLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Relationship is not everything in life." HAHAHAHA agreed. "Serial-killers."--you've already read I Hunt Killers? I don't remember. I know Giselle and Rachel have. LOVE this list, hon!

    1. DAMN! How could I forget about these two!!!!!! Now I haven't, so it's a must then ;) Thanks dear :)

  9. I agree completely on the villains Tanja! I LOVE to hate a good villain, and the villains who are smart and seductive and manipulative in the most intelligent of ways always hold me captivated. Loki is such a perfect example! You almost want to root for him:)

    1. I hope we get some boy like that in VA. Warren is close, but not there yet. Of course you must :)

  10. ooooh #3 parents with kids! WANT more of that! I just want parents to be more present also....

  11. I KNOW! There some things in it, even I don't want to know about xD I haven't read any book with those things in it. Yes that's what we need. Thanks Aman :)

  12. I knew I could count on you to add unhappy and realistic endings to the list. I was about to write Victorian period as well but I have no idea if there actually are any books with the same theme. Anyway, I'm glad to see we have lots in common on our lists, girl! We stalk and we rock!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. You know me girl ;) Oh that's amazing, and yeah we rock ;)

  13. I'd LVE to see parents kicking ass WITH their kids! How fun would that be? I always love deserted island stuff so yay to that one too. Human trafficking... did you ever read Sempre by J.M. Darhower? I'd definitely recommend that one and it deals with a character (16-18 range) who was brought up in that world. :)

  14. I'd love to see more historical fiction in YA, particularly set in the Victorian Era. Plus, I'd absolutely loooove more strong friendships in these books. Fantastic list, Tanja!

  15. LOL I think we've got plenty of these ;)

  16. These are some awesome ones! I'd love to see the desert island one and the parents and kids side by side kicking ass :) Great list!

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

  17. Great list. I completely agree with number 1. So many villains are comical instead of scary.
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yes I hope we'll get more of scary and amazing villains. Thanks :)

  18. I love some of these darker ones on your list and will line up to buy them with you..LOL

  19. Great list! I would love a book that has a Loki type bad guy, I would buy that and probably root for him ;) I would also love a book about a serial killer, that actually made my list too but because of how much I love Dexter. Great picks :)

    My TTT :)

  20. A YA set in Victorian time would be amazing. That's such a good idea! I like Loki, too, especially since he's shown to not be entirely evil <3 Great picks :)

    1. I hope we'll get that one! :) Yes true that :) Thanks.

  21. I'm so in for a desert island book. Like...Blue Lagoon. And yes, to relationships aren't everything! I'd love to read a book that just has a really, really good friendship storyline. And villains!! I love Loki. If there could be a YA equivalent to Loki I would bow down. Great List, Tanja!!

    1. I'm so glad we agree about these things. Thanks :)

  22. Serial killer in YA? Read I Hunt Killers and that will come very close! Very creepy and Jasper Dent is just barley holding himself back. I can't say I agree with the sad endings. I read for pleasure and I've had enough and seen enough real life sad endings, I don't want them in my fiction. I'll let you read those books, Tanja! :) Great list!

    1. I'll have to get to that one then :) LOL Just leave them to me ;) Thanks Rachel :)

  23. Ooh yes to parents and kids kicking butt side by side. I hardly ever see that, it's always the absentee parents. And I would SO read any book that has a Loki style villain. I guess I'm really an antihero/villain kind of gal, probably why I love the Darkling so much. :-) Awesome list!

    1. Yeah that's always the story. I need to meet that famous Darkling! Thanks :)

  24. I think there are a couple of recent or upcoming serial killer books, but I can't think of any titles right now.

    I'd love to see #3 and also a desert island book.

    1. Killer Instinct by SE Green/Shannon Greenland is a serial book I was thinking of.

    2. Haven't heard of it but I'll check it out! Thanks Jenna :)

  25. How about a Victorian serial killer then? I'd love to read that. Love all your suggestions and I can't wait to see more authors realising them:)



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