10. lis 2013.

Cover Reveal: What Remains by Nicole R. Taylor

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Book summary: 
I’d never known true darkness until the lights went out.
I had never known what it was to be hungry.
Everyone I ever knew was dead. If they weren’t, then they wished they were.
I know I did.
Prue Ashford has been surviving alone in the Australian bush for the last three years. After an unknown virus wiped out most of the human population, she escaped the chaos and hid. Every town and city was locked down into quarantine, but that only led to the inevitable. Death.
Living off the land, avoiding other survivors turned bad, she’s led a lonely life, surviving on the edge of a very narrow cliff. The moment she begins to lose hope is when she meets the handsome and enigmatic, Shaw.
He’s the first human being she’s seen in three years that hasn’t tried to kill her and she doesn’t dare to hope. She’d given up finding anyone alive that still had goodness inside of them.
Her only option if she wants to live is to trust Shaw and he takes her to the isolated community he calls home. Being among people again is it’s own challenge and Prue finds herself tested on every front. Making friends was never easy for her and making them after an apocalypse is even harder.
Hannah, the town’s apprentice doctor, becomes the closest thing Prue has to a best friend and Nan fast becomes her surrogate mother. Shaw brings feelings to the surface that she would rather forget and Eva, the mayor’s daughter, seems hell bent on making her life a living hell.
In the end, Prue must make a decision. Stay in the town at the end of the world and learn how to love again, or go back into the wasteland of human civilisation and go it alone.

What Remains is a gritty story of human survival. When society crumbles and chaos reigns, people become desperate. They turn to violence and resort to extreme measures to go on living. Parts of this story may be confronting for some people. It contains violent situations staged by desperate people, the extremes that people go to to show their love and a dose of bad language. It’s recommended for readers 18 and up.

About the author

Nicole R. Taylor is a Paranormal, Urban Fantasy and Contemporary Romance author from country Victoria, Australia.

Previously, she has written for various small street press music and entertainment publications as a gig and album reviewer before publishing her first Urban Fantasy novel in early 2013.

When she isn't writing, Nicole likes to spend time curled up with a good book and her 3-year-old rescue cat, Burger. She gets itchy feet more often than not and has lived in three countries and travelled to three times as many.


Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 35:

  1. Prettiest cover I've seen in ages!

    Thanks for putting this under my radar! <33

  2. I'd not heard of this until but it sounds great and the fact that it's by an Aussie meant I bought it right away!

    1. Lucky you :) I hope you'll get it and enjoy the story. :)

  3. Ooh, I love that font and the cover looks great! I'm really loving the tattoo on her thigh as well. Thanks for sharing, Tanja!(:

  4. I love the tattoo on the girl's thigh. It sounds like an intriguing read!
    Thanks for sharing, Tanja!

  5. Oh this sounds great and I love the colors on the cover Thanks for sharing

  6. Oooo this is so pretty Tanja! I really love the distressed effect and the fact that we can't see her face. It adds a little darkness and mystery and it's definitely something I would pick up off the shelf in a store! Thanks for sharing:)

    1. Exactly and it's point of the covers :)) Glad to hear that Jenny :)

  7. Great synopsis and I really like how old fashioned yet modern the cover looks!

  8. It's such a beautiful cover! I'd probably pick up this book based on the cover alone, I'm such a sucker when it comes to pretty covers! Thanks for sharing, Tanja!

    1. And the fact that author is Aussie :) It's always a win combination. Thanks Evie :)

  9. Usually tattoos aren't done well on book covers, especially on girls for some reason, but I love that tattoo so much. This is very pretty!

  10. That is a very, very nice cover. Thanks for sharing, Tanja!

  11. This has me curious, and I love the soft muted colors. Thanks for sharing this :)

  12. I love survival stories and the fact it's set in Australia intrigues me even more. Thanks for sharing, ladies! :)

  13. Oh I really like the cover to this book Tanja, I love how blurry the cover is and how it gives off a dark sort of vibe! Thanks for sharing this cover with us Tanja! :)

    1. Yes I usually don't like this type of a cover but this one is done right :) Thanks Jasprit :)

  14. I posted this as well!
    Super gorgeous cover! I really loved it :D

  15. Oh this sounds intense and scary! But it sounds fantastic as well!

  16. I really like that cover, and the story sound really cool! Very intense. I'll have to check this one out for sure. Thanks for sharing!

  17. Oh, that's such a mysterious and intriguing cover- very pretty!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts



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