9. ruj 2013.

Anatomy of a Boyfriend by Daria Snadowsky

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My rating: 4 stars

Book summary:

Before this all happened, the closest I'd ever come to getting physical with a guy was playing the board game Operation. Okay, so maybe that sounds pathetic, but it's not like there were any guys at my high school who I cared to share more than three words with, let alone my body.

Then I met Wes, a track star senior from across town. Maybe it was his soulful blue eyes, or maybe my hormones just started raging. Either way, I was hooked. And after a while, he was too. I couldn't believe how intense my feelings became, or the fact that I was seeing—and touching—parts of the body I'd only read about in my Gray's Anatomy textbook. You could say Wes and I experienced a lot of firsts together that spring. It was scary. It was fun. It was love.

And then came the fall.

     I have to say a big thank you to Daria Snadowsky for sending me her Anatomy novels. Second, I owe the biggest apology to Daria Snadowsky for not reading her books three years ago when I saw Anatomy of a Boyfriend on my Goodreads "wall".

     First thing that got my attention was the cover. That plastic Kan doll that most of us used to play with. Along with Barbie, of course. And then there are all those pointers like "clueless", "ready to run" or "terra incognita". Title Anatomy of a Boyfriend? My two younger cousins came to visit few weeks ago and when they saw books on my table, they thought that they were some kind of "sex manuals" (their words, not mine). What would you think?

     Well, it is kind of sex 101. This is the story about teenage girl who discovers her body and sexuality. A realistic version, not something like tons of young adult romance novels involving sex - recently labeled as new adult. I was curious to see what other people thought about it, so I checked reviews on Goodreads. As I assumed, fans of books like Beautiful Disaster, My Favorite Mistake and similar titles talking about first time experience, weren't impressed with Anatomy of a Boyfriend - they didn't like all real life moments, lack of alpha male character and ending. Others found all those things refreshing and they liked this book because of all those things. Smaller third group is somewhere in the middle, they like it, but it's too realistic for them and they would be happier if it ended differently.  So, where do I go? I really liked this novel. This would be one of books I will get my daughter to read. When she gets to that point of her life. (Just to make one thing clear, I don't have kids jet, but I like to think about the things I'd like to teach them.)

     I will be honest with you and admit that main character, Dominique, annoyed me. A lot. But after I finished reading and I started to think about it, I got to the conclusion that she is more like teenage girl than most of the fictional girls I've read about. Weird, awkward, clingy... And Wes acts pretty much like every boy I used to know I high school.

     Should you read this book? If you want to read something different, if you are sick of pathetic love stories and instant deep connections, Anatomy of a Boyfriend is right choice for you.

Until next time,
***Note! Copy of this book was provided in exchange for honest review by author, Daria Snadowsky. We review books for free, as lovers of written word.***

34 komentara:

  1. I'm glad you liked the book for the most part, despite one character irritating you a little bit. And I love these covers. Definitely reminds me of a ken doll as well. They're very original ;D

    1. Sometimes they can annoy you because they remind you too much of yourself and, too be honest, non of us reads because we want that much of a "real life" in our books - we want to read about someone we dream to be.

  2. I'm so glad you enjoyed this one, Glass! I've been hearing a LOT about this author and her duology recently, so they're definitely on my list of books to tackle. I can't wait to finally get to them! Wonderful review! :)

    1. Thank you, Keertana.:) I hope you will like it as much as I have.

  3. I might give this book a go. I have heard quite a lot of good things about it. The cover actually really turns me off the book though. It just looks so...amateurish.

    1. I was intrigued by it. It makes you think about children's games, but then you have all this notes around and they are so not a game. At least not children's.

  4. I've started noticing too that most of the heroines that annoy me are the ones that act like actual teenagers. Teenagers can be annoying, its part of the process. This sounds like a good read. Great review!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

    1. Hahaha...As I said - readers mostly want fantasy and not too much real life in their books.

  5. This does sound like an interesting read. I am not sure if I would like them or not but I would be willing to give them a try.

    Nice review!

  6. Great review Glass, and I think your cousins weren't too far off the mark, as far as the cover goes. Glad to hear despite being annoyed by the MC, that she was realistic.

  7. I pretty much felt the same way about the MC. But I did like how the author kept things realistic :) Ha! My review of this went up today as well. Great review.

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

  8. I've heard so much about this book. I have to admit that I didn't think it would be for me from that cover, but after reading your review and Maja's, I'm convinced that I should just get over my dislike for the cover.
    It sounds like something I would enjoy and I'm glad that it was realistic. If I go into the book expecting the MC to be annoying, I might like her a bit more than you did maybe.
    Lovely review, Tanja!

    1. We all have different expectations and something that one person might find lacking in the book, for other might be big plus. Let me know if you read it. I'd love to see what you thought about it.

  9. Hmm, I had enough of the awkward real life sex, and would probably be on the end who yearns for more NA type stuff

  10. This book sounds like it could be funny and cute. Thanks for sharing, I've never seen it!

    Sarah @ Kitties Like Books Too

  11. What a great review for this! My friend Jenni really liked it too, and I want to read the series myself. I love stories that I know I can recommend to my daughter in the future.

    1. I think that my job and my age started seriously affecting the way I think about everything.

  12. Glad to hear this is a more realistic look at sex and romance. I think I'd enjoy it too as I'm kind of burned out on the whole instant deep connection NA thing. Wonderful review, thanks for recommending this! :-)

    1. I felt like that for a while, I just couldn't find a book that will keep my attention longer than five minutes.
      Thank you.

  13. Lovely review! I've only ever read Anatomy of a Single Girl but I did like it, and I think the fact that it's realistic in all aspects of the book is a plus!


  14. I believe to her recs, she knows what she's talking about.:) Hopefully, I'll get to have one.:D

  15. Well, there is only one way to find out:) Read!
    Thank you, Aman.

  16. Huh. I don't think I would have wanted or liked this book after your review. I would have thought the MC was obnoxious and not have thought that she's very realistic of what a teenager is like. I could see my 15 year old self in her. It's true that there's a loss sense of reality in a lot of YA books. It's nice to know this one is keeping it real.
    P.S. I think about books that I could read or give to my future kids too!

    1. Fortunately, there are lot of books out there so everyone can pick something they think is a perfect choice for them.
      I think it's more evident in new adult books - they are selling you a fantasy about perfect first real boyfriends and new family you find on university.

  17. I think we all need a dose of reality in our reads from time to time. I'm assuming this romance doesn't end well and that's the cause for a lot of the disappointment with this story. Especially if Wes acts like most high school boys, which is always on to the next great thing! I hope Dominique gets a happy ending in the next one! Lovely review, Glass! :)

    1. I will just keep my mouth shut.;) Thank you.

  18. So that was the awkward moment when your little cousins thought you're reading a sex manual, huh? Hahaha! The cover definitely reminds me of Ken. I'm always up for something different and I must say that you've made this one sound super nice, Glass. Awesome review!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. Oh, you think that was funny, don't you?*glares* :D Thank you.



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