17. lip 2013.

CTP Week: Introduction

Hello. Like I told you yesterday this week on our blog will be dedicated to Clean Teen Publishing. Today you'll find out more about them and every day you'll see another of their publishing and find out more about them. Don't forget to enter the giveaway!

Clean Teen Publishing
We are excited to be able to tell your amazing readers about our new publishing company: Clean Teen Publishing. CTP is a new Indie publishing company that publishes Young Adult and New Adult fiction. We opened our doors in late February of 2013. Since then we have signed 5 authors and we have published 9 books and we have another book release scheduled for next week:
Concealed inthe Shadows  by Gabrielle Arrowsmith (Available Now)
WonderstruckAnthology by multiple authors (Available Now)
Double Star by Cindy Saunders (Available Now)
NightMarchers, RedemptionProject ELE, Finding ELE, Exposing ELE and Surviving ELE by Rebecca Gober and Courtney Nuckels (Available Now)
Wind Warrior by Jon Messenger (6/14/13)

What Makes Clean Teen Publishing Different For Readers?
One of the things that makes CTP stand out from the crowd is our trademark rating system. All Young Adult genre books that are newly published through Clean Teen Publishing will have a rating attached to their book. This content rating is based on the following: Romance, Language, Violence and Drug/Alcohol Abuse. At Clean Teen Publishing, we believe that our readers deserve to know ahead of time what they are reading. We do not believe in censorship; we believe in the right to know. Every reader, no matter what their age is, has certain boundaries they don't want to cross. Currently there is no consistent rating system in place for books like there are for movies, music and video games. We believe by offering a wider range of disclosure about the content of our books, we will give readers of all ages and parents, a stronger sense of comfort according to what lies between the pages. 
With that said, we will not deem whether a book is appropriate or inappropriate for any particular age range. *Our disclosure is simply for you to know what is in the book and we leave it up to you to decide what you are comfortable with reading. 
Below you will find an image of our current rating system. Please note that we only rate YA books. We currently have not determined the need to rate New Adult books. For more information on our ratings please checkout this link.
Did you know that Clean Teen Publishing offers the ability to order a rating for your self-published book? 
We also offer this content rating for other Indie publishing companies who want their YA books rated. For more information on how to order your rating, please check out this link.

What Makes Clean Teen Publishing Different For Authors? 
At Clean Teen Publishing, we believe our authors, who create new and amazing literary worlds, deserve to receive a large share of the profits that their art creates. We also believe that our authors deserve the support of quality editing, breathtaking covers and the power of a strong marketing presence behind them. As authors ourselves, we know that your writing comes from your heart and, in a sense, is a part of you. We will carefully protect that part of you and work hard to keep your creative vision alive.

Clean Teen Publishing is currently accepting submissions for Young Adult and New Adult novels. We are looking for well written YA (young adult) or NA (new adult) novels that are between 50,000 and 100,000 words. We are interested in stand alone books and we will accept submissions for previously self-published work (however, this may change in the future.) Our ideal submission would be the first two books in a series or a novel and a novella that is a prequel to the novel. We are looking for something unique and breathtaking. For more information on our submission guidelines, click here.

Find out more about Clean Teen Publishing at 

~The CTP Crew: Rebecca, Courtney, Marya and Dyan
Until the next time, 

Broj komentara: 14:

  1. Thanks for telling us about this, Tanja - I'll have to keep my eyes opened for these titles and this new publisher!(:

  2. Oh, I haven't heard of this publisher before! I like their take on content rating, and i'll definitely be on the look out for their titles :)

    - Ellie at The Selkie Reads Stories

  3. This sounds like a great company! Thanks for sharing more about them. :)

  4. Awesome! Love seeing new publishers emerge, I'll definitely be checking out the links above:):)

    1. Hope you'll find something for you Jenny :) Thanks :)

  5. Ooh interesting, love finding new YA imprints to check out. I'll be on the lookout for these books. Thanks for sharing! :-)

    1. I hope you'll get to read some of them :) Thanks Lauren :)

  6. I also hope! I have got their books so I'll try to read them soon. I'm really curious about some of them :)

  7. Thank you for being part of this, Tanja! I can't wait to see all the posts (which I'm about to go see now) you have planned. Oh and all the best for you exams! :D

    Sarika @ The Readdicts



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