
15. stu 2013.

2013-TBR-Pile-Challenge Update: COMPLETED

Yup it's true folks! I've completed this challenge and I'm so damn proud of myself. Not only because I've accomplished my goal but because I have read some books that would stay on my shelf for years if it wasn't for this.
So here is my initial post with the list of the book. Now here is the list of the reviewed books in order.

1. Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins - reviewed on January 4th
2. Stolen: A Letter to my Captor by Lucy Christoper - reviewed on January 19th
3. Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta - reviewed on February 1st
4. Whenever You Go by Heather Davis - reviewed on February 14th
5. Piper's Son by Melina Marchetta reviewed on March 11th
6. The Shadow Reader by Sandy Williams - reviewed on May 3rd
7. The Dark Divine by Bree Despain - reviewed on July 15th
8. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee reviewed on July 20th
9. Finnikin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta - reviewed on July 26th
10. You Against Me by Jenny Downham - reviewed on September 23rd
11. The Taker by Alma Katsu - reviewed on October 14th
12. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin - reviewed on November 1st

Until the next time (or next challenge),

Broj komentara: 27:

  1. Great job, Tanja! I'm so glad you got to read Melina Marchetta's novels, Stolen, You Against Me and TKaM as they're some of my all-time favorites. Congratulations, dear!(:

    1. I'm so happy I've got to read all of these. Thanks dear :)

  2. That is awesome! I have so many books sitting around not read, maybe I should try something like this for 2014. There are a couple books on your list that I need to get to as well.

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

    1. I hope you'll. I have read so many book that have been on my shelf forever :)

  3. YEAH TANJA!!!! Congrats on completing the challenge! I've never once completed a challenge so I just stopped signing up for them. I fail. Well done you though!

  4. Well done Tanja on completing this challenge! I really need to get a move on with my books! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! :)

    1. Thanks Jasprit :) I hope you'll complete yours. Have a great weekend yourself :)

  5. Congrats on finishing your challenge! I've not set a challenge like this for myself in a long time :)

  6. Congrats! I finished it as well, though I am still moving my reviews to the blog :D
    Will you enter next year as well?

  7. It always feels so good to accomplish something that this, congratulations!!

  8. Congrats!! I'm trying to read more off of my TBR pile too.

  9. You are doing fantastic, I have not read a book from my tbr pile since I did the Take Control event in March...keep it up!!

  10. Congratulations Tanja! You rock for finishing this challenge. I hardly ever finish these. :-)

  11. Awesome job! It always feels so nice to accomplish your goals!

  12. Awesome! congrats on completing the challenge!

  13. You, girl, are doing a fabulous job! Congratulations!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  14. Awesome! I love completing challenges. It gives you such a sense of accomplishment. You read so many good books too! Congratulations on completing your goal (:
