2. velj 2015.

(ARC Review) The Ruby Airship (The Diamond Thief #2) by Sharon Gosling

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Book summary:

Trapeze-artist Rémy has left the circus and her life as a thief, but she doubts that detective Thaddeus Rec will ever truly trust her. Feeling torn between her new life and her old, Rémy decides to return to France and her old circus with Yannick, an old friend who unexpectedly appears.
Meanwhile, Thaddeus is sure that Yannick is up to no good. He's determined to find them and win Rémy back, even if he must risk a journey by airship to do so.

       How you ever felt a bit biased for some book even though you are not the one who wrote it? To some extend I feel that way towards this series. Ever since the first book I somehow felt connection to this series as it has all I want it to have. I will tell you what later on.

       First I need to say that being back in Remy's skin is what I craved for some time. This girl is what I like in YA, she is brave, smart and very funny, but still with flaws and wrong decisions. That's life, my friends. I again felt this pretty magic of Victorian London, but traveling to France was what made me like it even more. In The Diamond Thief I have seen all the magic of circus which made me go back to my childhood, but this time I was all for new adventures and I adventures I got!

       I could find the source of Remy's insecurity in her age, and same goes for Thaddeus, and even though they had to grow up fast still it made them really vulnerable which shows in this book. It led to the undesirable circumstances which both of them had to fight against in order to find each others. Another great thing in this book is that we do get a third party here in Yannick, but not for a second it felt like a love triangle to me.

      So if you need a dose of magic, mystery and sweet and loving romance and all that with humor and witty comebacks from our main characters and some really interesting side characters then you should dive into this book. Don't blame me if you feel like you're a bit old for this kind of story, because let's not discuss my mental age. You just need to feel young at heart.

Rating: 5 stars.

Until the next time,

3 komentara:

  1. Glad you loved this! I didn't love the first one because of the ending but I am glad the second book seems to be a hit!

  2. I'm happy that this series is going so strong for you, Tanja! I didn't read the first one but I have it on my TBR. Mystery, magic and romance is the perfect combo for me! :)
    Lovely review!

  3. Right you are! Who cares about age anyway? You gotta be young at heart. Well said, girl! I've never heard of this book before, but it does sound interesting. I may just give it a try. The protagonist being real makes it more believable. Nice review, Tanja!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts



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